Chen Xuan's finger hit Zheng Tu's palm hard, poof! The sharp fingers pierced Zheng Tu's palm, and the blood mixed with the shattered flesh and blood spread into the air.

The scarlet aura turned into a dense blood mist, which gave the large space a ferocious atmosphere.

Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest intention to stop. Amidst Zheng Tu's screams like a slaughtered pig, he shot out his fingers with great ferocity.

Poof! Jingrao's fingers pierced near his heart, and then extremely powerful shuttle and tearing forces began to spread out.

It took almost only a short time to see that Zhou Tu, who was still in a powerful state before, had his body completely torn apart by Chen Xuan's more powerful and terrifying power.


Zhou Tu's body exploded in the air. Countless pieces of meat and bones were flying randomly in the air, but in this ferocious and bloody environment, a huge ring emerged.

Chen Xuan caught it in his hand, and his body turned into a series of afterimages. He quickly shot towards a more distant place, disappearing almost at an incredible speed...

Chen Xuan needs to rest now!

Although with the help of Hanhai Dan, Chen Xuan gained huge and sufficient strength, and even relied on this extremely powerful power to defeat his opponent.

It's a pity that the benefits brought to him by the elixir are only temporary, and to completely absorb these powers, the physical strength he needs to possess is even more terrifying.

Even though Chen Xuan's physique was pretty good, he still felt extremely weak under the bombardment of the Vast Sea Pill, and he felt that his body was seriously overdrawn.

Near the big river in front of him, he could see the whirring spiritual energy flowing around him. Incomparably pure power continued to gather in his body, wrapping his body around him.

Gradually, Chen Xuan's body began to be protected by a layer of crystal-like aura. After being absorbed to the extreme level, the crystals wrapped around the body began to gradually explode.

Boom! The extremely thick crystal began to explode at this time, and layers of ripples spread out into the air, turning into extremely powerful air waves.

This death-like aura is absolutely terrifying.

On the battlefield in front of you, the indescribable terrifying fluctuations made people feel extremely powerful.

Chen Xuan stood up proudly, as if an extremely majestic mountain was standing up.

"Haha, I have gained huge benefits from swallowing the elixir this time. The strength of my body has increased. I believe that it will not take too much time. The strength of the body will be improved to a higher level. By then, it will be able to withstand more powerful elixirs. The impact is of irreplaceable benefit and value for leapfrogging battles.”

"It seems like this matter should be studied carefully."

"There are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the vast sea. Not only are there countless good materials and treasures, but many strong men from the Blood Demon Palace are also searching for them. It seems that we need to be more cautious in our actions in the future."

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then he pursed his lips and smiled. He waved his hand and took out a ring from Zheng Tu's hand, and he pursed his lips with a smile.

This guy's status and status are not low, look what he has in store!

Half an hour later.

"Zhan Kuangrui!"

After Chen Xuan figured out the most valuable thing in the ring, his eyes began to become sharp and bright!

With his fists clenched tightly, his voice seemed to be slightly trembling and vibrating. After he meditated for a while, he could clearly see the faint light of spiritual energy moving in his palm.

After reaching the extreme level, plants flowing with forest white aura began to emerge.

The violent airflow made people feel uncomfortable all over. If these powers are used in battle, I believe it will bring huge benefits and increases in combat power.

It's just that it's not that simple to control such shocking power into your own body! Chen Xuan looked at it and said calmly: "It seems that we still need to find the blood of the emperor dragon to neutralize it, so that we can mobilize all the potential power inside it."

"It's just that it's not that easy to find the Emperor Dragon's blood! It seems like this matter will have to wait."

A faint spiritual energy spread from the hand, and then fell on the plant. It could be seen that the plant in the hand began to become extremely warm.

After pondering for a while, Chen Xuan finally pursed his lips and smiled.

With a gentle wave of his hand, the plant was put away again, and his eyes fell on a distant place. There was a deep wave of sharp energy in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.


"This is really a powerful martial skill. Haha, if you don't master it with powerful means, there will be a huge vacuum in combat effectiveness. Haha, that won't be good."

"It seems like we can work hard now and try to fully grasp the content."

Chen Xuan pursed his lips and smiled. During the previous battle, he had become very interested in Zhou Tu's powerful martial arts. After killing him, he found this powerful martial arts in his storage ring.

Previously, because I had to recover from my own injuries and consumption, I never had time to practice and master it. Now it seems that I should put this matter into my schedule! …

On the river in front of you, you can clearly see the extremely agile figure speeding across the river in front of you.

Waves of azure aura emerged from under his feet. Although it seemed a bit illusory, the overall intensity inside was still terrifying.

I believe that as long as a small amount of Qingqiong's aura ripples out and touches living beings, it will instantly bring disaster to those weak beings.

The terrifying murderous intent quickly became extremely powerful. These powerful and violent forces quickly gathered in Chen Xuan's hands.

It can be seen that he has become extremely terrifying at this time. It's just that while Chen Xuan is gathering, these extremely powerful Qingqiong auras will not stay for long.

After only three or five breaths, they would gradually disappear. This made Chen Xuan unable to truly mobilize his powerful combat power even though he had already come into contact with it.

Chen Xuan was really helpless about this matter! After pondering for a while, Chen Xuan's eyes became slightly serious at this time: "It seems that powerful martial arts will not be mastered so easily! But if you can learn more during the battle, I believe it is still possible to master it. Master it quickly...don’t rush this matter!”

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