Chen Xuan pursed his lips and revealed a sneer. Looking at the old man who looked like a ghost at the top of the big tree, he curled his lips and taunted.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

The old man, as dry as a ghost, sneered. A shrill sneer erupted, and at this moment, he ejaculated extremely quickly before his eyes.

A flash of dark light burst into view. Chen Xuan looked at him calmly without any sign of nervousness, and the spiritual energy whirled in his palms.

He counterattacked extremely fiercely, and the frightening power suddenly hit the air in front of him, and tearing waves burst out.

Chen Xuan's counterattack was really impressive. Although the black-robed old man in front of him had very powerful attacks, it was a pity that under Chen Xuan's counterattack, he was still knocked away instantly by the blow.

Um? ! But at the moment when the figure in front of him was blown away, Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that the old man in front of him had skin as white as the heroine!

The most puzzling thing is that the guy in front of me actually has a string of bells on his wrist!

All signs indicate that the guy in front of me is probably a woman! But his voice and appearance were clearly that of an old man. What on earth is going on?

Chen Xuan was really curious at this time. Could it be that there is such a weird skill or martial skill in this world that can change the identities of men and women?

This is really weird... The random thoughts in Chen Xuan's mind immediately disappeared, but at this time he still quickly became serious.

After all, the strange warrior in front of him is very powerful and powerful in combat. I believe that as long as a few mistakes are made during the battle, a considerable price will be paid!

Chen Xuan was not willing to pay this price at all! You can clearly see it on the battlefield in front of you. Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly, and a majestic aura as majestic as mountains and rivers burst out from his body.

This astonishing and powerful wave power is truly terrifying! As long as you hit someone, I believe you will pay a heavy price in a very short period of time!

In the space and battlefield in front of us, we can clearly see that the death-like shock wave makes us unable to easily resist and bear it!

call out!

The old man in black robe is here again! …

The piercing power of pitch-black lightning came to the eyes extremely quickly. Chen Xuan counterattacked on the spot, although Chen Xuan was continuously bombarded and retreated during the collision.

But the warrior in front of him seemed to have a huge advantage, but he gradually exhausted his own power during the battle.

After the battle has reached this stage, the strength of the warrior has begun to decline. I believe that it will not be able to sustain it for too long, and it will completely fail in the battle.

Chen Xuan seized this fleeting opportunity and seized a rare opportunity to shoot forward. The whirring spiritual energy turned into pure fluctuations and gathered in the palm of his hand.

The terrifying combat power exploded with great speed. call out! The extremely powerful punch immediately tore the air apart. The punch was too heavy and terrifying, and it was almost irresistible, so he hit Zheng with ruthlessness.

The powerful combat power, like a moving meteorite, struck his abdomen fiercely. Boom! The extremely heavy attack made the warrior in front of him unable to resist.

He clearly made a soft sound when he retreated! Then, crimson blood spurted out from its mouth. She flew backwards for thousands of meters in embarrassment, and her body hit the depths of the mountain so hard that the towering mountain was shattered.

"It is indeed a woman."

Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him curiously. The depths of his eyes were filled with deep curiosity. Now he really couldn't figure out why the girl in front of him was disguising her identity here?

With a faint smile, Chen Xuan stepped up to De De. But just when the girl was about to resist, Chen Xuan's thick palms had already pressed down on her shoulders.

The heavy power like a mountain slowly spread out. I believe that as long as it can be unleashed, it can cause extremely cruel harm to this person in a short period of time.

The faint aura light on the girl's face began to fade. It can be seen that the disguised old figure has now completely disappeared.

All I could see was that the girl in front of me had fair skin and picturesque eyebrows. Her skin was so fair that it could drip water, and she exuded a faint fragrance. She had to be called perfect.

As long as they are relatively normal men, when they see the girl in front of them, I believe they will be tempted.

But at this time, the girl obviously didn't realize that the old face she pretended to have disappeared, and she still said in an extremely old voice: "Your fighting power is really strong, I admire you very much! I promise not to come again in the future. I’m causing trouble for you, please don’t make things difficult for me!”

"Humph, you want to take away my medicinal materials. Do you think you can get away with such a big thing with just a few words? How can such a frivolous thing happen in this world?" Chen Xuan remained calm and looked at him with a faint smile. The girl in front of her had meaningful suppression deep in her eyes.

The girl was slightly stunned. She seemed curious, why did the guy in front of her look at her like this? But at this time, after she pondered for a while, she didn't show any excessive expression.

With a flick of his finger, a faint wave of glow shot out. The moment she saw it, she pursed her lips and showed a smile: "Haha... Since Ru Ci said it, I will give you this storage ring. This is my biggest reserve. If you still want another Then there is no way to obey..."

"Then become my maid!" Chen Xuan said jokingly.


The girl was immediately surprised! But only then did she know that in the previous battle, she was not very skilled in the manipulation of spiritual energy.

So the carefully disguised face disappeared! Her cheeks quietly turned rosy, and the extremely rich spiritual energy fluctuations quickly gathered in her extremely white hands without any hesitation.

After unleashing this powerful force, she suddenly struck Chen Xuan with a powerful blow. Chen Xuan looked at her indifferently. During the previous battle, he discovered that the girl in front of him was really powerful.

Especially in terms of level, she is even much higher than him, just because there seems to be something terrifying in her body that completely suppresses her power, which makes the power she can really exert completely inconsistent with her level!

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