Countless discussions stopped as the aura on the battlefield disappeared. Now many people are curiously watching this battle.

Who will win in the end?

"Haha, I give up!" Bilang shrugged. He looked at Chen Xuan in front of him and smiled faintly. Then, in the astonished eyes of countless people, he turned and jumped into the crowd and disappeared quickly.

Many people looked at the young man in front of them in confusion. Now they are really stunned! What happened? Why did this guy who clearly has a considerable advantage suddenly choose to give up the fight?

This move actually made many elders present at the scene have doubts in their eyes. Obviously, they couldn't tell why this guy suddenly made such a choice.

Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, but unlike most people, there was not much surprise in his eyes.

"This guy knows the current situation." Chen Xuan smiled.

After all, the library has a lot of benefits for Chen Xuan. It feels completely different to get these merit points by yourself than to be given by others!

Although Bilang still has the opportunity and qualifications to fight now, it is a pity that he chose to give up in order to get his elixir.

Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. Although his withdrawal was meant to show goodwill, it did not mean much in Chen Xuan's eyes.

After thinking for a while, he said in his heart: "If we continue to fight, it will be a tie at most. If we consider the power of elixir, this guy will fail... It's a bit too bad to use elixir to fight in the game."

He shook his head helplessly. No matter what, this guy chose to give up the game now, which is still a good result.

He smiled when he looked around. It seemed that this game ended so peacefully again...

One day later.

Chen Xuan was reading a book in the library in front of him. Although there were countless treasures and materials inside, it was a pity that he had no intention of taking action at this time.

He just took out those books that had been sealed for countless years, and then used his best efforts to look up the countless fragments of information in the classics.

If someone saw that he had finally entered the library with the merit points he had earned from the competition, but spent his limited time looking at books that had no martial arts value, I believe they would be shocked in regret!

After all, in the fiercely competitive Jiugong Pavilion, it seems that no one is willing to do such a thankless task!

Chen Xuan spent a full half day in this state. When it was the evening of the last day, Chen Xuan finally gave up the search in an exhausted state.

"It seems that it is really not easy to find those two pills," he stretched and said helplessly.

However, although he looked extremely tired at this time, he turned around and eliminated those bad expressions and attitudes. He smiled faintly, and there was a deep and sharp light in the depths of his eyes.

"Haha, but there are still gains! It seems that it is not so easy to go to this place.

An ancient map appeared in Chen Xuan's hand. That map is quite different from the current map, and many vague place names and terrains have been eliminated in the current map.

Obviously, in the eyes of contemporary cartographers, those places are wastelands of no value, so there is naturally no need to mark them and make records.

Holding the ancient map in his hand, Chen Xuan's eyes were full of sharpness. His finger fell on a vague position on the map in front of him, and then he pursed his lips and a deep smile appeared.

"Hanling Ancient Cave. "It seems that it is time to go and have a look... On the cold grassland in front of us, everything is white, and the whistling cold wind is flowing in the air. The extremely cold current seems to be able to freeze the body in an instant as long as it touches people. This kind of freezing cold is terrifying. It is not easy to resist this kind of freezing. Even though Chen Xuan has tried very hard at this time, it is a pity that when facing this kind of cold current in front of him, he still feels a little overwhelmed. "It's really cold. "After being hit by numerous terrifying cold currents around him, Chen Xuan felt his whole body was extremely cold.

This kind of death-like attack force can be said to be extremely terrifying. There is not much difference between this and those real battles on the battlefield.

Although these extremely powerful attacks and piercing forces around him are very fierce and terrifying, Chen Xuan was not affected and hit too much at this time. It can be seen that he is forging ahead in the ice and snow world in front of him, shuttling very quickly.

He has been walking in this place for three full days. Unfortunately, although Chen Xuan has made all the preparations, unfortunately, at the last moment, he still fainted because of exhaustion!

This unexpected event brought a huge psychological shock and influence to Chen Xuan. The moment before his consciousness completely disappeared, he vaguely realized that there seemed to be a powerful life approaching rapidly around him.

Whether this extremely powerful life would pose any real threat to him, Chen Xuan had no way to determine these things at this time.

There is only one thing he can do now, and that is to mobilize all his strength to restore his frozen and paralyzed body to its normal condition and state as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, in such a special state, if they were killed by those weirder and more powerful beasts, there would be no place to cry.

On the battlefield in front of him, he could clearly feel that the extremely powerful life was finally approaching him!

Although his body has completely fallen into a coma state, Chen Xuan's mental power still has a slight fluctuation.

This allowed him to clearly feel the changes near his body and in the space at this time! Feeling the frightening death energy approaching, Chen Xuan's spirit began to weaken.

"What the hell is this! It's really scary!" Chen Xuan was extremely surprised at this moment, but he couldn't resist at all. Now he could only hope that the powerful being would not have any plans against him!

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