The huge ice block looked very hard, but unfortunately, under the rotation of Chen Xuan's spiritual energy, it barely had the slightest resistance and was completely exploded.

Boom! Crash...horrifying ice fragments suddenly exploded across the land in front of them.

The astonishing blow and impact of the cold wave reached hundreds of meters away, causing the extremely cold frozen land in front of us to be instantly exploded into nothingness by the impact!

Chen Xuan jumped out of the ice, and it could be seen that there was a deep sense of energy in the depths of his eyes.

"It's not easy to finally control this Cold Spirit Flower." Chen Xuan said with emotion.

The spiritual energy as thick as water waves completely wrapped it, so that the cold air inside did not leak out at all. Chen Xuan placed it in an extremely warm jade box and sealed it completely.

It can be seen that the jade box has a cold breath and taste at this time. If you can touch it, I believe it will be frozen to death in a short period of time.

"It seems that Bi Lang is really lucky. If he can be found, the water poison in his body should be completely removed." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

But it was also at this time that Chen Xuan was about to leave. The cold fluctuations that had been completely subdued before rose rapidly and violently under the urging of the mysterious power.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that under such an astonishing touch, people seem to be completely destroyed very easily.

The cold and cold breath gathered into a sharp blade-like shape, tearing the air apart at once, and with a murderous intent that could not be easily resisted, it stabbed directly in front of his eyes.

Chen Xuan shot out instantly! His body moved very quickly, so even though the attack behind him was really powerful, Chen Xuan could still easily dodge it.

In the cold and cold environment, Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line.

Looking at the young man in front of him coldly and proudly, Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with cold bloodshot eyes. He clenched his fists and said calmly: "Do you want to die?"

"I think it's you who is looking for death." The young man sneered.

He moved his muscles and bones, and bursts of death began to fill the air. The astonishing killing intent contained within it makes people feel somewhat unable to resist easily.

This death-like state makes it difficult to contend with and accept it easily. The young man had no intention of talking to Chen Xuan, and almost instantly turned into a lightning-like wave to kill him.

The lightning speed made it difficult for people to see clearly. Chen Xuan just felt the air around him stir, and then his eyes suddenly shrank.

"What a rapid fluctuation!" Chen Xuan was really surprised at this time. He had no intention of waiting at all, and swung away, narrowly avoiding this attack.


An unexpected sound came from the mouth of the young man in front of him. Apparently, this guy didn't expect that Chen Xuan would be able to dodge his blow.

But at this time, the young man quickly returned to normal from the state of surprise, and a deep sarcastic emotion emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"So what if you dodge my attack? Today - do you still want to slip away in my hands? Haha, what a joke!"

The young man taunted cruelly, without any intention of giving Chen Xuan a chance, and the cold wind-like fluctuations burst into his eyes very quickly.

Dark spiritual energy burst out from his hands, and the viscous fluctuations made people feel a little irresistible. The death-like smell in the space in front of them began to become rich and obvious.

With extremely powerful piercing and striking power, it can cause cruel blows and injuries to people almost instantly...

The extremely dark palms now turned into spikes. The cold, dark and devouring taste became extremely obvious and powerful in his palm, and astonishing piercing waves erupted very quickly.

The indescribable and terrifying piercing waves came before my eyes with extreme ferocity. The piercing with astonishing strength caused the air around Chen Xuan to explode.

The whistling cold air burst around Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's whole body was now shrouded in such death-like power, which made him become embarrassed and under great pressure.

However, although Chen Xuan was under considerable threat of blow at this time, he did not show any concern at this time.

The astonishingly powerful spiritual energy in his hands was gathering at an extremely rapid pace, making him powerful and dazzling. The spiritual energy in his fist became very terrifying. The moment the threat and blow from his opponent reached his eyes, Chen Xuan fought back with a sneer.

This time, the attacks from both sides collided!

Boom...the spikes exploded in an instant.

Chen Xuan took seven or eight steps back and there was hot blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. It could be seen that his face looked a little pale now.

"Half-step integration of the late thirty-year powerhouse."

"This guy looks like he's pretending to be cool."

"Who is here?!" Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line at this time. To be able to reach the late stage of half-step integration, the guy in front of Ming Ming is not mediocre, and on the battlefield in front of him, a warrior who can reach this level must have a high status in the region.

Chen Xuan can conclude that this guy is not from Jiugong Pavilion. Could it be that this guy in front of him is a strong man from Blood Evil Palace? ! Thinking of the cold camp, Chen Xuan's eyes looked a little cold.

If what he said is true, then today's battle must be fought with all his strength! Otherwise, if you want to compete with it, it is simply impossible!

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and his mind was spinning rapidly, as if he was thinking about how to deal with the guy in front of him.

"Haozi, you are really good." The young man looked at the young man in front of him indifferently. At this time, his murderous intention began to become abundant and powerful. This kind of death-like power was terrifying.

He clenched his fists fiercely, and this death-like power and suppression made people irresistible.

"You have withstood my blows twice in a row, so you are not weak. But I hope you can understand what the gap between you and me is."

The young man stretched his muscles. He stepped forward as if he were a moving mountain, suppressing him very quickly. He stared at Chen Xuan fiercely, flexed his muscles and said, "It seems that I need it now." Let you know what cruelty is!"

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