Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1232 Killing the Fire Cultivator Young Man

Chen Xuan walked out and absorbed the entire barrier at once, which immediately shocked the young fire cultivators waiting outside.

"Have you reached the middle stage of the Half-Step Fusion?!" He clenched his fists tightly, and all kinds of unhappy emotions were now spread across his face.

He stared at Chen Xuan lifelessly. It was obvious that at this moment he wanted to use powerful means to shoot directly in front of his eyes and tear Chen Xuan apart.

On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan looked at him calmly and said, "Yes, you can fight with me now."

"Beast, you are not qualified to say such words!" The young fire cultivator suddenly became cold and arrogant.

Deep shock and salivation appeared in the depths of his eyes. He licked his lips and smiled: "Now that the protective barrier has disappeared, I want to see what other methods you can use to compete with me."

"Everything you have on you will become my trophies. I really feel that it's not worth it for you to be such a treasure-delivery boy." The fire cultivator young man said with a faint smile.

At this time, he added: "But I am still very happy. Son, just accept the result of death."

The fire cultivator young man sneered and saw that Chen Xuan seemed to be looking at the moving treasure. As soon as he reached Chen Xuan's side, the roaring flames began to become strong and powerful in his body.

When he saw the moment before him, he almost slapped him down! Chen Xuan was finally caught, and now of course he couldn't give him the slightest chance to escape.

The light of flames with astonishing intensity rotated in his hands, which made the flame fluctuations in the young man's hands become extremely powerful.

"Exploding Kongyuan Palm."

The fire cultivator young man said calmly, this extremely powerful move broke out last time. He believed that with such a not weak attack, as long as he could manage to hit Chen Xuan, even if this kid's ability and strength were very powerful.

But unfortunately, in the state of Ci Jingrao's attack, he still couldn't resist. Now that he has lost the protection of the barrier, the young fire cultivator knows that the boy in front of him cannot resist it no matter what.

A look of pride appeared in the depths of his ferocious eyes, and he said lightly: "This is the price for your arrogance."...

The palm of fire with astonishing intensity crushed the air, exploded and dissipated, and fell hard in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, but at this time, Chen Xuan did not feel nervous at all.

The surprisingly cold elixir emerged from the palm of his hand. It can be seen that the Jingrao elixir is blooming with dazzling light in the sunlight.

"Ice Spirit Pill."

Chen Xuan looked at the elixir in his hand with a faint smile on his lips. When he was practicing in the cold cave, he relied on the extremely powerful cold energy to improve his level.

But the part that he could really consume was still very limited. Naturally, he couldn't give up so much high-quality ice easily, so before leaving, he used some of the auxiliary medicinal materials he had stored to use the extremely powerful ice. This elixir was condensed under the refining of spiritual energy.

This elixir has no other abilities. It can only bring Chen Xuan's level into the realm of about five years in the early stage of integration in a short period of time.

Although elixirs with such attributes cannot be considered priceless, the role and value they exerted in today's battle are probably much more useful than those drugs with higher grades and better value. .

Chen Xuan faced the extremely powerful blow in front of him with a smile. He immediately swallowed the elixir, and the pure and high-quality elixir immediately evaporated in his body.

The effect of the medicine like a wave suddenly filled Chen Xuan's eight extraordinary meridians. At this time, Chen Xuan's abilities showed rapid growth. Soon he broke through the shackles of a few levels and raised his own abilities to the early stage of integration. level of about five years.

Looking again at the powerful palm that exploded in front of him, Chen Xuan immediately pursed his lips with a mocking look in his eyes.

"Although this martial arts skill is still good. But you can't do it!" Chen Xuan looked at the young fire cultivator in front of him calmly. He stepped forward and the striking moves filled with pure spiritual energy suddenly began to become more powerful in his hands.

When he got the moment before him, Chen Xuan immediately counterattacked: "Tao Fist!"

call! Astonishingly powerful aura began to gather in his palm. Its frightening intensity can be said to be extremely terrifying. Even the air is torn apart instantly during the movement of this punch.

The fists of both sides collided fiercely while Ci Jingrao was moving. At the moment of collision, the ground in front of him seemed to be shaking, but the young man who seemed to have an overwhelming advantage before was now completely at a disadvantage.

The shocking impact caused the fire cultivator young man's arms to bend at an astonishing angle. Then to the extreme, a pair of his arms were violently broken off!

Click! A clearly audible sound erupted. His arm was broken, and the face of the fire cultivator young man began to appear distorted.

At this time, his feet were off the ground and he was thrown upside down. He was already several hundred meters away. Only then did his body fall to the ground like a hard stone.

With a faint smile, Chen Xuan walked forward quickly and quickly reached the young man in front of him. His fist, which surged with heavy spiritual energy, immediately tore the air apart, and he aimed fiercely at the young man in front of him. The chest of the young fire cultivator moved forward.

With a swish, a fist with heavy power landed on the chest of the Huo Xiu young man. Although this young man looked very powerful and majestic, it was a pity that he was still unable to resist the impact of such punches.

The fist with astonishing strength immediately tore his chest apart, blood mixed with minced meat burst into the air for free, and layers of air waves spread out.

It can be seen that he is really embarrassed to the extreme at this time. In the space and battlefield in front of him, the young fire cultivator vomited blood. In the end, the pride and domineering emotions deep in his eyes had completely disappeared.

"Stop attacking... I will satisfy you whatever conditions you want... as long as you stop attacking!" The voice of the fire cultivator young man now showed a guilty conscience.

He looked at Chen Xuan in front of him in astonishment, with deep fear and terror in his eyes.


Chen Xuan sneered jokingly, not caring at all, and he jumped in front of him. The extremely cold spiritual energy fluctuations gathered in his fists, which made his fists seem to have turned into extremely cold stones.

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