Bai Cen's voice was not loud, but it was very clear in everyone's ears. When he heard Bai Cen's words, Qin Yuanshan's first reaction was to laugh, but when he saw Chen Xuan next to him, he did not dare to laugh out loud.

Instead, he suppressed his ridicule and straightened up.

"Haha, girl, don't let me look down on you. Even if you are a talented person, you can never imagine that you will be directly promoted from nothing to the realm of a third-grade alchemist in one year. If you want to defeat me, you must at least reach the level of a fourth-grade alchemist. !”

Qin Yuanshan's intention was very obvious, Bai Cen's idea was simply impossible to realize.

One year?

Many talents cannot meet such requirements. The large amount of basic knowledge and the difficulty of condensing the mysterious fire are daunting. To become a third-level alchemist in such a short period of time is simply a fool's dream.

"One year? You think too highly of yourself."

When Qin Yuanshan finished, Chen Xuan said directly, Bai Cen and others were shocked.

Bai Cen has never been exposed to alchemy because it is difficult to gain access to such knowledge, but he is extremely eager to make alchemy in his heart. Bai Cen does not know how good his talent is, but Bai Cen believes that as long as he works hard, he will be able to make alchemy. It is not impossible to break through to a third-level alchemy master within a year.

That's why this time limit was set, but does Chen Xuan mean that it can be faster?

"You can surpass him in as little as two months and at most three months."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

As little as two months.

Three months at most!

Can he surpass Qin Yuanshan in just three months?

If this is really the case, will it be so difficult to evaluate the professional title of Alchemist Guild teacher? Obviously, in the eyes of many people, this Chen Xuan has no real ability and can only brag, grandstand here, or just hold on. With.

That's why.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuan with suspicion. Except for others, even Lanshan looked at the latter in surprise. In a year, there might still be a chance. Chen Xuan's strength is increasing. It would be a bit too mysterious to go to Bai Cen's Fu He Hard Work, but if it is within three months.

You know, it's been three months, but the foundation hasn't even been laid yet.

"Okay, since you are so confident, then in three months, you and I will compete. If you can beat me, I will kowtow to you in public and admit my mistake!"

Qin Yuanshan immediately sneered and said, striking while the iron was hot, he made a decisive decision and directly made such a bet that would never fail and let the latter take the bait.

In this way, not only can you save your life, but you don't have to apologize. This is simply killing two birds with one stone. If you fail to fulfill your promise, you will be slapped in the face. Thinking of this, Qin Yuanshan smiled.

Very good, come on, just a kid from a wild faction, dare to fight with me.


Bai Cen had nothing to say. Chen Xuan said directly, this is a bit interesting. Although this opponent is weak, he can't bully such an old man by himself. It also serves as an incentive so that Bai Cen's potential can be obtained. The strongest stimulation.

"Then what if you lose."

Qin Yuanshan said in a cold voice.

Now that the bet has been made, it must be fair.

"Then I'll save you from death."

Chen Xuan said indifferently. Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Qin Yuanshan was angry at first, but suddenly remembered how terrifying Chen Xuan was. He would withdraw when he saw a good thing, but never think about what he could get, so he immediately withdrew. Don't dare to do anything.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Not killing him is already a great deal of mercy.

"Since you two have made an agreement, then I will be a notary. Three months later, there will be a final duel at the Pharmacist Guild. In all cases, enter the school as agreed."

Lanshan stood up and said that a vice president appeared to administer justice here. I believe no one would doubt it.

At the same time, Lanshan also wanted to see how Chen Xuan created the miracle and how he was able to train a third-grade alchemist in such a short period of time.

Even if Chen Xuan uses the resources of the Alchemist Guild at will, there will be no problem. If this can be done, the strength of the Alchemist Guild will increase exponentially, which is very scary.

As the vice president, I naturally hope that the guild can become stronger.

"Let's all disperse. Go back to your posts and stop watching the excitement." Lanshan waved his hand casually, and the rest of the people also resigned. Obviously, this vice president still has a lot of prestige.

Qin Yuanshan also left angrily. Although Lanshan and Lanshan didn't help each other, Chen Xuan was really pushing people too far. How cool you are now will depend on how you behave in the future!

"You, you can really cause trouble..."

Lanshan walked up to Chen Xuan and said with a headache.

"Haha, I'm helping you. The potential of the two of them is greater than more than 90% of the people here. If your Alchemist Guild wants to grow in the future, you will have to rely on the two of them. Come and curry favor with them." Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said calmly.

In Chen Xuan's eyes, these are not troubles at all. If they really dare to provoke him, they can be easily killed.

When you have turned into a pile of ashes, will it still be a problem?

"Oh?" Lanshan glanced at Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang in surprise.

"Hello, I am Lanshan, the vice president of the Alchemist Guild."

"I have met the vice president. I am Bai Cen, and he is my friend, Xiang Shaoyang."

"Oh... you are from the Bai family... Mr. Bai back then was a legend among alchemists. Even I admired him very much... It's a pity..." Lanshan's tone was low. Among the alchemists, Lanshan's thoughts are relatively avant-garde, no matter how wild or upright or new, as long as he can refine powerful elixirs to save lives and support people, he is a powerful alchemist.

"Since it was recommended by Master Chen Xuan, you two will follow Master Chen Xuan as apprentices. By the way, this is your identity token. You must return mine to me, lest you take it. You are always swindling around. I heard this morning that someone took my token and beat up the second young master of the Liu family. Could it be you..."

Lanshan said angrily, "This Chen Xuan is really loyal. I will take the blame for everything he caused, and I will be able to deflect the blame well. If it weren't for his good temper, he would have already taken over the mountain for hundreds of years. He must have done it." Come out and fight Chen Xuan.

"It's just a few things. Okay, when will your class start?"

Chen Xuan asked.

"Originally it was today, but some temporary changes were made. There is also a vice-president in the royal capital. He also invited a special teacher. He is on his way here. It is expected that he will be the fifth queen."

"By the way, you have to help me calm down the situation. Each of these alchemists is more arrogant than the other. Your two apprentices will probably not have a good time here."

Lanshan Road.

"You don't need to worry about these things. There are still five more days. Also, it's inconvenient to live here. Please help me find another house. How can I make elixirs here?"

Chen Xuandao, the only person who dares to ask the vice president of the Alchemist Guild like this is Chen Xuan.

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang next to them were shocked when they saw it.

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