The frightening flame spiritual energy is raging in the air, and the earth is burning and smoking. In such an astonishing environment, if the warrior is not strong enough, I believe he will be burned to death by the flames flowing in the air in an instant.

However, Chen Xuan seems to be quite stable here at this time. Although he is walking in the disaster, he is suffering from violent and cruel burning every moment.

But he didn't care. After all, the Ice Spirit Pill's ability and strength were not weak. As long as it could be swallowed, it would naturally gain considerable benefits.

At this time, Chen Xuan didn't have any careless thoughts. At this time, he could clearly see that a faint smile appeared in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.

"It seems that there should be some knowledge in the depths of the sea of ​​​​fire in front of you." He looked at the sea of ​​flames with astonishing intensity in front of him, and Chen Xuan's lips moved as he said.

In the past few days, he had roughly figured out the surrounding environment. According to the prompts and guidance of the flaming jade piece, he successfully arrived at the location of this sea of ​​​​flame.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xuan didn't hesitate at all. The lightning-like waves began to gather quickly. After reaching the extreme level, he could be seen leaping into the sea of ​​​​juice with a flaming flame in front of him. …

It is a pity that Chen Xuan did not gain the slightest benefit at this time. You can see it right when he made the move.

The sea of ​​flames that was originally calm suddenly became violent! The frightening flames gathered quickly and rose crazily to a height of hundreds of meters!

The wave of frightening flames swallowed up Chen Xuan. The scorching and rich temperature unexpectedly completely evaporated and destroyed his ice spirit defense.

Chen Xuan didn't show the slightest fear. The hands surging with astonishing strength suddenly began to wave and shake, and the palms of astonishing strength slammed into the depths of the flames in front of him, and the astonishing flames that he had drowned were scattered one after another.

When the flames collapsed, his body walked out. There was a light of displeasure surging deep in the tiger's eyes, and he could clearly feel that there seemed to be a mysterious monster attacking him at this time.

"get out!"

Looking at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, Chen Xuan's murderous intention suddenly rose!

The extremely rich spiritual energy began to gather quickly. After it became powerful and dazzling, he almost punched it away with a punch. The amazingly powerful fist suddenly fell hard into the depths of the ocean in front of him.

This punch of astonishing strength tore away the flame wave instantly, and the whirring flames spread out. At this time, you can see an amazingly strong beast, with thrilling fire all over its body.

The lion-like form is intimidating. But at this moment, it looked at Chen Xuan, seemingly frightened by its powerful impact, and without any intention of waiting, it roared with astonishing anger.

The frightening flames burst out, and its huge and heavy body remained in the air, leaving a series of afterimage trails.

When the powerful and frightening attack force came in front of him, with the terrifying wave that destroyed everyone, and when it reached the extreme level, Chen Xuan was completely surrounded.

"court death!"

"Leng Lingzang Sichuan Spear!" Chen Xuan immediately waved his palm and the cold breath began to solidify. The long and narrow spear like an ice dragon suddenly began to become powerful and dazzling.

Without any hesitation, the cold and dazzling spear immediately tore the air apart, and suddenly reached the monster's body.


The extremely cold spear suddenly used its sharp power to pierce through the beast, whose body was filled with astonishing flames and looked like a lion.

Although the body of the monster in front of him was very powerful and gave people an extremely domineering feeling, it was a pity that it was easily broken open by the big spear in front of him.

Having to wait for such a shocking breakthrough, it felt a little difficult to resist easily, and the death-like killing intent began to spread extremely quickly.

The advance of the big gun was accompanied by the explosion of flesh and blood. When it reached the heart of the flaming lion, the cold and bone-chilling big gun finally stabbed it!

Poof! The incomparable tearing power of the mouth of the meal immediately froze the heart of the beast and then exploded it!

The whistling frost dispersed in the air. Chen Xuan picked out an extremely thick beast core with his spear. Seeing the very pure flame light flowing inside, he finally pursed his lips and revealed a faint smile...

Seal the flame beast core. Chen Xuan collected it and prepared to leave.

Um? ! Who's around!

Chen Xuan's perception is very keen, and he can naturally clearly feel that there seems to be a mysterious warrior in the depths of the extremely hot ocean around him.

Chen Xuan curled his lips and sneered. Of course, Chen Xuan was not sure what the real intention of this hidden guy was, so it was a safer choice to take action to destroy his combat power first and then ask about his intention.

The Leng Lingzang Sichuan Spear in his hand is really impressive. It shuttled through extremely quickly, instantly tearing the air apart. The cold smell made the flames in the air and the thrilling temperature flow completely lose their meaning and ability to harm it. .

There is no intention to care at all. Leng Ling's Zangchuan gun shuttled through extremely fiercely, and the death-like shock waves began to appear in front of his eyes. Such shocking waves could be said to be extremely terrifying.

The astonishing blow feels extremely powerful. The moment he came into sight... the old figure hidden in the sea of ​​flames stepped forward with astonishing energy.

The old man had an extremely savage aura flowing all over his body, as if he was no ordinary human warrior. However, at this time, he did not look too ferocious, and more of a deep curiosity about Chen Xuan.

He could see the old and strong figure on the battlefield in front of him. He quickly rushed to Chen Xuan's side. He looked at it carefully for a few times, then he shook his head and said: "You Not from Youdian!"

"Of course I'm not!" Chen Xuan said helplessly.

"Since Ruci said it, we don't need to fight anymore!" The old figure sighed, and he shook his head helplessly, as if there was a tired look and smell in his expression at this time.

He glanced at Chen Xuan and said with a smile: "Brother, your fighting power is really not weak! You actually killed my Divine Fire Lion! You must know that many people who have entered the early stage of integration cannot do it. You are only half a step away now." The combination has achieved this, which is really admirable!”

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