Although the flame fairy root in front of you is extremely valuable, if you can absorb and devour it, I believe you can obtain considerable benefits in a short period of time.

It's a pity that Chen Xuan didn't have any surprise at this time. Looking past the seemingly powerful immortal root in front of him, his eyes looked to a more distant place. In the depth of the rich red color, he could clearly see a ball of pure blood burning at this moment. On!

Although the blood was burning, it was a pity that those flames seemed to be unable to do any harm to the extremely powerful blood in front of them!

Therefore, even though the flame looked extremely powerful, it still couldn't bring any damage to the blood in front of him.

Chen Xuan looked at the mysterious blood in front of him curiously. After he found out what it was, a frightening energy surged in the depths of his eyes.

It could be seen that he was really excited at this time. After pondering for a while, he pursed his lips and smiled with suppressed excitement: "This should be the legendary fire spirit beast blood! I didn't expect this thing to appear here!"

Chen Xuanci was really surprised! It can be seen that when he faced this mass of blood, even with his extremely calm mind, he couldn't help but become a little excited at this time.

The quality of this thing is very powerful. As long as it can be completely absorbed, it can bring considerable benefits to people. It can be clearly seen in the space in front of him that Chen Xuan stepped forward. It came to you almost instantly.

The astonishing concentration of spiritual energy in his hands began to gather at this moment, becoming powerful and sharp almost in a short period of time, cutting through the air in front of him like a knife.

The extremely sharp cutting wave swept across immediately, and instantly fell on the mass of blood in front of him.

boom! Layers of ripples began to slowly surge out. At this time, the seemingly powerful blood began to calm down under Ci's blow.

The blood wave that was not weak on the surface actually disappeared completely under the attack of Ci.

Chen Xuan looked at the incomparable blood fluctuations of the group of people in front of him. He pursed his lips happily and immediately waved his hand. A faint spiritual energy emitted from his hand, and then covered the blood in front of him.

The blood surging with astonishing quality and power was completely sealed at this time. When the power inside it no longer leaked out, Chen Xuan sent it in with a faint smile. When I arrived at the Jade Box, I became Zheng

"Now I can finally leave temporarily." Chen Xuan smiled lightly...

In the space in front of him, the spiritual energy of astonishing intensity converged into a lightning-like appearance and state, and two extremely dazzling rays of light burst into the dome one after another.

Almost instantly, the two sides reached an altitude of several thousand meters. When the surrounding light gradually disappeared, the bodies of Chen Xuan and Lie Ye could be seen emerging.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Hunter Ye's old eyes were full of appreciation and admiration. It was obvious that in the previous battle, if he hadn't relied on his strong strength to hit the sexy woman hard, Helpful.

It is estimated that he was not just injured, but he might have been killed by the woman after being severely injured!

Hunter Ye looked at the young man in front of him with a faint smile. There was a faint smile in the depths of his old eyes: "You don't know what to do next? If you have nowhere to go, you can." Consider going with me to see it. Although my family is not a top wealthy family, the place it is located is considered a treasure. If you practice in that place, I believe you will get considerable benefits. "

"Haha, let's deal with this later! I still have to search nearby for a while." Chen Xuan declined the offer tactfully with a faint smile.

There was obviously a deep disappointment in the depths of Hunter Ye's old eyes. It was obvious that he missed the top young talent in front of him, which made him feel very regretful.

However, he also knows very well that the more talented and powerful people are, the more lonely and independent their character will be. If they make a choice, Jiu Tiao Niu will not be able to pull them back!

Therefore, Hunting Ye no longer dislikes being forced. He cupped his hands to the young man in front of him and said, "Then I hope brothers can benefit from this adventure!"

"Well... I'll give this to you!" Chen Xuan was also smiling at this time. The frightening spiritual energy fluctuations in his palms gathered into a light ball-like state, and he gently ejected it away. It can be seen that At this time, he really pursed his lips and smiled.

Hunter looked curiously at the burst of light in front of him, and his heart was slightly shaken. Although he still didn't know what was in this light group, he had a vague guess that there was definitely something valuable in it. .

There is no hint of pretentiousness. The big withered hand erupted and hit the light wave in front of him. With this frightening slapping force, the light wave in front of him was immediately shattered into pieces.

An extremely mysterious plant emerged from inside. The mysterious plant's entire body was surging with the light of frightening flames. It was obvious that its internal quality was also very strong.

If it can be absorbed or refined into elixirs, its value must be very high.

"Fire Immortal Root!" Looking at the frightening plant in front of him, Hunting Ye was really stunned! Then a look of ecstasy appeared in the depths of his extremely old eyes! Obviously he is quite knowledgeable and knows how precious the plant in front of him is.

But at this time, when he looked at Chen Xuan, a deep apology emerged from the depths of his eyes. Looking at him sheepishly, Hunter Ye said hesitantly: "Brother, this thing is too precious! Even for me, It is indeed a huge benefit, but it is a pity that it will not be rewarded for nothing. If I accepted it, my heart would really be uneasy. "

"If you hadn't fought that woman first this time, causing her own strength and ability to drop significantly, I believe I wouldn't have been able to defeat her easily. Therefore, in this battle, although I finally gave her to Defeat, but you still have great merits, so I just give you this plant, I just hope you don't dislike its weak value."

Chen Xuan looked at the old man in front of him. At this time, he was really sincere. Lieye was stunned immediately, and quickly waved his hand and said: "I don't dare to dislike it! You are really good at joking!"

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