Looking at the old man in front of him and feeling the worry in his heart, Chen Xuan pondered for a while, then he pursed his lips and showed a smile: "Please rest assured that since I have taken action, I will do good things to the end, and I will not do these things." All the miscellaneous people in Youdian will be killed, and I will not leave Xuanhuo City."

There is a deep grudge between Youdian and Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan has been harassed by these guys since a few months ago. In the battle, he relied on his own strong skills to defeat or even kill many warriors from Youdian.

This made Youdian have already blacklisted him, which meant that even if he didn't take action in Xuanhuo City, he would have to fight with these guys from Youdian in other places in the future.

Since the battle is unavoidable and will be fought sooner or later, there is no big difference whether it is sooner or later.

The old man immediately showed an expression of disbelief. When he saw that the young man in front of him had no intention of joking at all, he really began to become ecstatic.

"I never thought that brother Ruci would be so righteous! Now that Ruci has said that, I would like to thank you on behalf of all the elders of Xuanhuo City!"

The old man was really respectful at this moment. He looked at Chen Xuan and his eyes were full of appreciation and emotion.

After all, although the young man in front of him is very powerful, he has nothing to do with Xuanhuo City, and Youdian's abilities are very powerful, especially since their forces are spread in various nearby areas.

If anyone offends him, he may not be able to gain a foothold in the region within a short period of time.

Moreover, the sphere of influence of these guys is very vast. Even tens of thousands of kilometers away, they will have their strongholds. In the past, countless large families may have offended them, and some of them fled far away after losing the competition.

As a result, he was chased tens of thousands of kilometers away, and sad things like eradicating him often appeared and happened. Therefore, in the current Jiugong area, there are almost no other big forces except those.

Anyone who mentions Youdian will change his face upon hearing the news. However, it could be seen at this time that the young man in front of him didn't seem to care about it, which naturally attracted the old man's attention.

"Brother, please come to the city!" The old man waved his hand at this time, and smiled with an inviting gesture on his lips.

Of course, Chen Xuan didn't mean to be pretentious at all, and immediately entered the city side by side with the old man...

Five days later.

A wasteland in the city in front of you has a sad and gloomy feeling. Waves of cold wind blow from the depths of the garden. If you listen carefully, you can find that there seems to be a wailing sound in it.

People will feel uncomfortable here. Chen Xuan looked at the place in front of him curiously. At this time, his face was deeply solemn, and his eyes seemed a little straight.

He looked at the garden in front of him and became very curious: "Old sir, what do you mean by bringing me here?"

"This is the most valuable training ground in Xuanhuo City! But it contains considerable dangers. In the past, we also sent people to explore it and try to use it. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the talents and experts are, Once you enter it, you will be killed by the evil things inside... This is where the shrill sound you heard comes from."

The old man shook his head helplessly and said: "If you want to improve your strength and ability in a short period of time, the only place I can think of is right here!"

During the previous conversation, Chen Xuan did express his desire and thoughts to improve his strength. But at this time, he didn't expect that the old man would bring him to this place.

After pondering for a while, Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes into a thin line, and the surprise that had appeared in the depths of his eyes completely disappeared. After pondering for a while, he narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Since Ruci Then I’ll go take a look, I don’t know if I need any preparation to enter it.”

"The main thing is to make your own combat power reach its peak! As long as you can deal with the dangers deep in the manor, I believe you can get what you want in the end." The old man said.

Chen Xuan nodded and said: "In that case, I can enter now!"

Half a day later.

In the cold-looking manor in front of us, lightning-like light and shadow tore the space apart. At this time, we could clearly see that the extremely fast piercing force caused countless plants to be torn apart in an instant. Cracked.

After reaching a place thousands of meters away, Chen Xuan's figure walked out of the light. He looked at the manor in front of him, and a sharp light surged deep in his eyes.

He pondered for a while and then said: "It seems that the material I want is among them."

Without the slightest intention of waiting or hesitation, the lightning-like light and shadow quickly stepped to the core of the manor, and the extremely powerful hands immediately smashed on the stone wall in front of them.

The stone wall that originally seemed to be very hard actually exploded when he smashed it with both hands. The indescribable broken stone exploded into powder, and then dispersed rapidly in the air.

"The ancient king's spirit nourishes the tendons!" Chen Xuan was immediately surprised when he saw the powerful medicinal materials hidden in the stone wall! This thing can make powerful elixirs, and it is obviously of great benefit to Chen Xuan!

Faint spiritual energy fluctuations spread out from his hands, and then fell on the powerful medicinal material in front of him. At this time, Chen Xuan took it away. He felt that the atmosphere around him was very cold, and there was no longer any trace of it. Waiting means turning around and leaving...

The extremely cold atmosphere in the depths of the manor in front of him made people feel intimidated. Chen Xuan had the most valuable treasure in his hands. At this time, he had no intention or interest in staying here.

Shocking lightning began to gather under his feet, and then he shot out of the extremely cold manor. But just when he was about to leave, someone wearing dark clothes suddenly appeared. The girl in the robe emerged.

The girl's body was very slender, and she looked very scary and cold. The eerie aura and fluctuations dispersed in the air like frost, which made the large space appear in a frozen state at this time.

The death-like aura seemed to be able to penetrate his flesh and blood and directly strike his soul. Therefore, when Chen Xuan was moving, he suddenly saw the woman in front of him with a strange aura flowing through her body, and his whole body was slightly shaken.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly and looked at her vigilantly, while his footsteps kept moving quickly!

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