Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1261 Killing the Lord of Youtian Palace

The pitch-black blade fell fiercely, splitting the palace in front of him into two halves.

The smell of dust rose up and filled the air, making a large area of ​​space fall into a thrilling state of mist.

Such a shocking blow made people feel terrified. The strong men who were originally practicing in the palace were now panicking and shooting.

They looked at the environment under their feet with panic and horror eyes without knowing the situation at all. When they saw the hideous and terrifying cracks, the terrifying force like a giant's hand burst out.

This made the space in front of them fall into a state of collapse. Such a shocking scene was not something they could easily resist. Those who saw the scene in front of them were a little terrified at this time.

"Who has such great power to bring such terrible damage to this place?"

"Could it be that the Nine Palaces Cabinet launched an attack on us!"

"Even if it seems that the Nine Palaces Cabinet, their ability is just like that, how could they have such a powerful ability to bring us such a shocking blow and destruction in one blow!"

At this time, everyone present was extremely surprised! They tried hard to find clues of the strong, but it seemed to be in vain.

But their worries did not last too long. At this time, they could clearly see that Chen Xuan walked out of this ruined environment with a faint smile.

He looked at the people in front of him, and a faint murderous intent appeared in the depths of his eyes. The cold and incomparable ridicule made them feel uncomfortable all over.

"Who is this guy!"

"He seems to be called Chen Xuan! A member of the Nine Palaces Cabinet!"

"It has brought us a lot of losses recently. Could it be that the support was really done by the people of the Nine Palaces Cabinet?!"

Many strong men looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, but when they looked carefully at this time, they found that there seemed to be no one else in this place except Chen Xuan.

"Since this guy is here, there must be some tricks. Don't give him any chance to attack. We will attack him with all our strength and kill him."

Several old figures had deep fear in their eyes. It can be seen that they seemed to want to use cruel means to completely destroy him...

On the ruins in front of them, dozens of old figures turned into lightning-like lights and shot down rapidly.

It can be seen that this kind of death-like attack wave is extremely terrifying. Especially now, even if Chen Xuan's ability is several levels stronger, it is obviously impossible to maintain an advantage in front of these powerful people with amazing strength.

But at this time, facing the attack of so many powerful lives, Chen Xuan did not have the slightest fear.

At the moment when these seemingly powerful old men appeared in front of him, he waved his hand lightly, looking understated, as if he did not have any fighting power.

But at this time, in the originally calm void, a terrifying dark cloud suddenly emerged. In the depths of the cloud, Leng You had a cruel and indifferent look, and she stared at the environment under her feet ruthlessly.

Deep in the depths of her beautiful eyes, a deep and blatant fluctuation emerged. It must be said that such a death-like threat and blow was extremely terrifying.


The incomparably dark spiritual fluctuations turned into a chain-like form at this time. The spiritual fluctuations inside were extremely condensed, as powerful and sharp as a knife, and it fell from the air at this time.

These incomparably dark, knife-like blade attacks immediately fell on the bodies of those old men. These people were all real strong men in the middle stage of the fusion. In a place like the Nether Palace, they were definitely top-level powerful lives.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't bear the shocking blow in front of him. Now he could clearly see that his body was hit by the powerful force of countless knives. The death-like blow tore their bodies apart, and blood gushed out of their bodies and splashed into the air. When the wailing and screaming sounded, they died instantly. Leng You glanced at the people in front of him with a cold look. The hundreds of blades in the depths of his white palms showed an extremely cold killing intention. There was no intention of waiting or tolerance. At this time, he waved his hand to strike the extremely powerful blades, and a large number of blades burst out at will. The whirring blades burst out at this time... The cruel blade fluctuations made people feel terrified. The Youdian, which had already become a ruin, once again suffered a devastating blow... In this thrilling blow, Leng You killed hundreds of people, and finally a top-level powerful life came out. The whole body was surging with dazzling spiritual light, and the old figure was flowing with shocking and powerful fluctuations. It had to be said that this kind of death-like striking power was extremely terrifying.

On the battlefield in front of him, he clenched his fists with an extremely cold killing intent, which made him look very terrifying and powerful. Without any hesitation, he punched Leng You.

The extremely white fists were clenched. Leng You stepped forward and jumped to the side of the old man. The extremely cold fist surged with a dark light. When she got to her side, she punched out fiercely.

The fierce fists collided on the battlefield in front of them. Boom...layers of ripples surged out. The Master of Hall You was unable to resist Ci Jingrao's blow, and his body was penetrated by the iron fist-like blow.

Blood suddenly burst out from the expulsion shell, and the terrifying bloody energy burst out all around, and the Lord of You Palace died.

Leng You burst out with a blast of cold air, which immediately fell on the battlefield at his feet, and then the three thousand strong men of You Palace were completely killed by him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Chen Xuan was a little frightened. However, thinking about the damage and blow Youdian had caused to the entire Jiugong Pavilion area in recent years, and thinking again of the price they had paid today, Chen Xuan felt relieved.

Compared with those who were forcibly harmed by them, the price they paid today was still relatively light. At the very least, such destruction was well deserved.

Chen Xuan saw that Leng You's face was a little pale. After squinting and pondering for a while, Chen Xuan nodded and said, "It seems it's time for you to rest! Today's battle is over!"

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