Looking at the old figure in front of him with incomparable indifference, the Lord of Burning Blood Palace stared slightly. After he pondered for a while, he shook his head calmly: "No, I don't have the confidence to defeat you, let alone fight with you." You mean to take action. But if you wait, this matter will not end. I will make your Jiugong Cabinet completely disappear in the Jiugong Domain in three months at the latest."

Gugu's energy and blood fluctuations spread out throughout the space of the battlefield like blood. At this time, he could clearly see an extremely strong figure walking out of it.

It has to be said that his ability is really very powerful. Even in front of a powerful being like the Nine Palace Pavilion Master, he jumped into the void and completely disappeared without any impact.

"Thank you so much, Pavilion Master." Chen Xuan looked at the old man in front of him and sighed with emotion.

In the past, I thought there was no danger in this place, but now it seems that danger is everywhere, especially after the tragedy after Youdian was destroyed, his situation has become even more precarious.

"It's nothing, you are now a talented disciple in Jiugong Pavilion! It is my duty to protect you! Don't be polite to me!" said the master of Jiugong Pavilion in a very heroic manner.

Although his abilities and abilities were very powerful, when he was talking to Chen Xuan, he didn't show the slightest hint of pride.

Therefore, Chen Xuan basically didn't feel the slightest discomfort when talking to him. Looking at the old figure in front of him, Chen Xuan really became a little happy at this time.

"Guys, things are not going well these days. You need to be more careful and I have to go out. Someone might sneak into Jiugong Pavilion to harm you in the future. You must be more careful!"

The old man looked at the young man next to him. There was a strong wave of expectation in the depths of his old eyes, and his concern and meaning were also more obvious at this time.

Chen Xuan looked at the old man in front of him curiously, and he said in great surprise: "What place is so important?"

"Holy Fallen Wilderness, that is a very ancient place, but there is no need for you to go there yet, so your main job now is to improve your strength in Jiugong Pavilion. After Jiugong Pavilion properly develops this battlefield, you will gradually Let some talented disciples go over."

"Don't be discouraged, guy, there will be opportunities for you to perform in the future." The Lord of the Nine Palaces Pavilion said with a smile.

Chen Xuan sighed in his heart. The old man's words were very confident, but it was no wonder that even he felt some pressure and danger after all. If Chen Xuan went out to make a fortune, he would probably never come back.

Since this is the reality, Chen Xuan will naturally no longer force himself... Half a year later, Chen Xuan's level finally reached the early stage of integration. After reaching this stage, his abilities and abilities began to become more powerful. …

According to the requirements and recommendations of Jiugong Pavilion, Chen Xuan is now qualified to enter the Holy Land. As the first batch of strong men to enter the Holy Fallen Wilderness, they naturally represent the top talents among the young people in Jiugong Pavilion.

There were five people involved in this operation, among them Xiao Chen was familiar to Chen Xuan, the other three were Bi Lang, and two women.

The attitude of the two women was very cold and indifferent, and they did not take Chen Xuan seriously at all. This made Chen Xuan feel very surprised. After all, it would be fine if outsiders didn't know what he was capable of, but the people in the Jiugong Cabinet didn't know what he was capable of. This is really unbelievable.

However, Chen Xuan didn't pay too much attention to this view. After getting to know each other, he learned that these two talents are both powerful beings in the late stage of Tangtang Fusion, especially one of them, a woman named Lan Yun, who is almost half a step into the final stage of integration. The realm of transformation into gods.

This made him feel very surprised. After all, being able to achieve such amazing achievements at the age of less than thirty is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily achieve.

Even in Chen Xuan's opinion, many talents cannot easily achieve this point. The Ruci scene really refreshed Chen Xuan's understanding.

In the first month after entering the Holy Fallen Wilderness, everyone was still polite and polite, and some of the most basic politeness between each other still existed. However, as time passed, they had no achievements in this place, and they began to have complaints and conflicts with each other. breed out.

Chen Xuan had no intention of getting involved in these matters. He left the team and acted alone. After five days, he had found one of the most precious materials.

In the space in front of you, you can clearly see the amazing intensity of the flames with a red color fluctuation, which is burning in the air.

Such a terrifying and powerful flame is really terrifying. If you don't touch it carelessly, I believe it will burn your body into ashes in an instant.

Chen Xuan watched the astonishing plant emerge in front of him, and at this time, deep energy emerged from the depths of his eyes.

"Red Spirit Fire!" His lips moved slightly a few times, and Chen Xuan's eyes began to become extremely bright. It was obvious that such a good thing really made him feel extremely excited and happy.

His current spiritual energy fluctuations are very weak. Such weak spiritual energy will bring him very limited benefits and advantages when refining medicine.

Therefore, in many cases, Chen Xuan could clearly rely on his talent in refining medicine to reach higher and greater achievements, at least the ability to refine pills with higher quality.

It's a pity that it all failed because of insufficient spiritual energy!

Therefore, when he saw the extremely powerful flame in front of him, a frightening energy and light almost appeared in the depths of his eyes.

After pondering for a while, a deep smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "According to my current ability, even if it is several levels stronger, it is almost impossible to successfully absorb it... But fortunately, this thing exists, so absorption doesn’t seem to be a problem.”

Looking at the sparkling flames in front of him, Chen Xuan pursed his lips with a faint smile. He waved his hand and took out a red jade piece. It could be seen that he really became very happy at this time.

The red jade piece was gently ejected into the void. At this time, its entire body was flowing with dazzling light. Only when the light became extremely powerful could a rather impressive wave of attraction suddenly emerge.

The attraction of astonishing intensity quickly gained scale. Although the red flame spirit fire in front of me was very powerful, it was a pity that it was easily swallowed up by the powerful and even brutal absorption of this red jade piece.

Then the powerful flame disappeared quickly!

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