Zhu Hua briefly told the situation inside the sea of ​​fire. After Chen Xuan figured it out, he nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Everyone present was stunned, Xiao Chen said: "We all know what you are capable of, but this sea of ​​​​fire is unusual. If you go there, you may be in danger."

"We'd better go together! At least we have someone to take care of us!" Bi Lang said with great fright.

Chen Xuan didn't care much about the attitudes of the two of them. He pursed his lips and showed a faint smile. Without taking a step forward, he quickly shot towards the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him.

call out! An extremely fast light burst out. Then his figure disappeared quickly, Gudong... The wave of flames in front of him suddenly surged with dazzling light, and then Chen Xuan's body completely disappeared...

You can clearly feel the wave of flames in front of you, as if it can burn everything on the ground.

Chen Xuan walked in the frightening air wave in front of him, and all the pure spiritual energy in his body was in a state of rapid consumption.

It is not difficult to imagine that the impact and harm caused by the burning of Ci Jingrao was huge.

Although the burning wave was very terrifying and strong, Chen Xuan at this time still relied on his strong ability and the ice attribute in his body to resist it.

Come quickly to your side. Following the tips given by Zhu Hua, he quickly found the location of the accident, feeling the traces of ruins in the surrounding environment and the powerful fluctuations remaining in the sea of ​​fire.

Chen Xuan was really frightened! It is not difficult to imagine how tragic and powerful the battle taking place in front of you must be...

A frightening cold light surged in the tiger's eyes, and he soon discovered that the flames in a corner hundreds of meters away from the ruins were unusually powerful.

It seems that there is a mysterious power that blocks it. Chen Xuan immediately knew that Lan Yun seemed to be controlled there, but at this time, Chen Xuan did not act immediately. Instead, he frowned slightly.

"The fluctuations around here are so strange." Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line. At this time, he clenched his fists tightly, and a slight hesitation emerged in the depths of his eyes.

After pondering for a while, he shook his head helplessly: "It's better to rescue Lan Yun first."

In the space and battlefield filled with flame fluctuations in front of us, we can clearly see that the flame fluctuations of astonishing intensity are boiling wildly.

The heat energy of such an astonishing intensity makes people feel a little unable to resist easily. After feeling it carefully, Chen Xuan's eyes almost immediately became extremely bright.

"Yes! It's right here!" Chen Xuan clenched his fists and said in a low voice, without any hesitation, as the surprisingly strong spiritual energy gathered in his hands.

The blue frost and cold air quickly became stronger. After reaching the extreme level, Chen Xuan stepped forward and jumped to his side.

Strong and thick fighting spirit flowed extremely quickly through his body. At this time, he punched out with extremely powerful impact waves.

call out!

The heavy and dazzling attack came to his eyes very quickly. The astonishing piercing force immediately tore the air in front of his eyes to shreds, and the indescribable intensity made people irresistible.

When they reached the deepest part of the space in front of them, the scorching flames were completely torn apart almost instantly, and the powerful and intense force of the explosion caused the flames to be smashed open...

Boom! The rich and dazzling flames suddenly fell into pieces under Chen Xuan's slam. After the flames temporarily disappeared, you could clearly see Lan Yun climbing out of it with a weak light flowing all over her body.

Lan Yun was trembling all over at this moment, and her originally extremely fair skin now took on a fiery red form. Very messy with disheveled hair!

After seeing Chen Xuan in front of him, deep sharp fluctuations appeared in the depths of his beautiful eyes, "Junior Brother Chen Xuan... I never thought it would be you!"

"Don't leave first!" Chen Xuan looked at her and said coldly.

Lan Yun sighed. Although her ability is much stronger than Chen Xuan, she was exhausted in this failure and now her whole body is trembling.

This makes the power she can use very limited. In addition, before entering the sea of ​​​​fire, her attitude was very arrogant, as if she looked down upon everyone.

But now, someone else has to come to save her. The gap makes the face of the woman in front of her look extremely ugly, but fortunately, the extremely hot flames are filling her up.

It made her face look extremely hot, so it was not easy to detect the abnormality in the girl's expression at this time.

He reluctantly struggled out of the flames. Lan Yun said: "Junior brother Chen Xuan, there are very powerful flame beasts here, especially people from the Burning Blood Palace are nearby. Don't stay here for a long time. Let's go!"

Of course Chen Xuan knew that this place was very dangerous, so he immediately stopped talking nonsense and waved his big hand to create a trace of hot and thick flames.

He jumped into the air and Zheng relied on his extremely sharp spiritual skills to disperse the flames in front of him.

But it was also at this time that an extremely powerful vortex suddenly emerged from the depths of the flames that originally seemed calm.

Inside the huge whirlpool, the astonishing devouring power makes people feel extremely frightened. The huge whirlpool was spinning slowly at this time, and it was obvious that such frightening intensity made it difficult for people to contend easily.

Chen Xuan's body was a little uncontrollable. He was immediately pulled away by this extremely powerful whirlpool. He had to wait for such a death-like pull, which made him lose his ability to control himself.

After pondering for a while, he was able to see that he had become extremely weak.

The roaring flames burned within the huge whirlpool. Under such astonishing devouring, the nearby flames even appeared to be in a vacuum state.

There was no intention of delaying at all. It could be seen that he was carrying an extremely cruel blow at this moment. At the moment when he saw it in front of him, the extremely cold power of frost in Chen Xuan's hands gathered to the extreme at this time.


The palm of amazing strength contains a fatal blow. He roared and tore away the flames in front of him, and when he came close to him, he hit it hard with his palm.

Boom... The force of such a heavy blow caused the whirlpool of flames in front of him to be completely torn apart almost instantly. The force of such an astonishing blow made people feel extremely shocked.

The vortex exploded, and a ruthless woman inside came out, staring at Chen Xuan and just sneered.

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