The indescribable and terrifying strength made people feel that they could not easily contend and resist. At this time, the old figure came to the front again.

The eyes that contained the brightness of stars now appeared with the brilliance of scrutiny, and the cold and cruel murderous intention could not be more terrifying to the extreme.

On the battlefield in front of him, there was deep suspicion and shock in the eyes of the old figure.

"A mere fusion state can actually resist my blow. Your strength and confidence are beyond imagination, but this doesn't mean anything. In my eyes, you are nothing more than an ant."

The old figure's cruel and incomparable ridicule could be heard all over the ground at this time. Such astonishing strength could not be more terrifying to the extreme.

The indescribable and astonishing killing intent makes it difficult for people to resist easily. The force of such a death-like blow makes people feel shocked and guilty.

call! The gleaming fist immediately shattered the air. When it came to Chen Xuan's eyes again, it seemed that his combat power had reached its peak and extreme. He had to use extremely cruel methods and abilities to completely defeat the young man in front of him. Let's get rid of it...

It looks like it's time for a decisive battle.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly. If based on normal combat power, even the three Chen Xuan might not be the opponent of the old man in front of him. Unfortunately, he is not an ordinary person after all.

But it was also at the moment when the guy in front of him was in front of him that he could clearly see that Chen Xuan's fists were tightly clenched.

The shocking power of the extremely cruel blow made it difficult for people to resist easily. The whirring spiritual energy fluctuations spread deeply in his palms. Such a thrilling intensity was terrifying to the extreme. status.

At this time, Chen Xuan brought a shocking strike force, and an extremely powerful strike wave suddenly came to him. The death-like intensity of the strike was shocking.

It is possible to see it at this moment in front of you. The whirring sacred fire became dazzling.

"I'll let you know my true strength."

Chen Xuan's voice became cruel and sharp, and he controlled the astonishing flames that rose rapidly in his hands. It was obvious that he had become extremely dazzling at this time.

call out!

A terrifying and astonishing flame burst into his eyes. After reaching the ultimate level of dazzling, he began to become extremely terrifying and powerful.

Jingrao's shock wave came out with extremely fierce suppression. It suddenly fell inside the space, and this extremely powerful crushing wave caused a large area of ​​space to explode.

The power of a death blow is shocking. At this time, the temperature of the whirring flames finally reached its extreme. Chen Xuan faced the opponent's rather weak blow and launched a more vigorous counterattack.

Boom! The powerful moves of both sides were now being launched in the space in front of them with great violence. It can be seen that the old man who had the crushing advantage before was completely at a disadvantage under one blow. When Zheng

His arms that looked very thick turned out to be horrifyingly twisted. Cracks like ceramic explosions appeared in his arms, countless cracks emerged, and large swaths of blood exploded free of charge.

These death-like powers emanated in the air in front of them, forming an astonishing and terrifying scene almost instantly.

The old figure groaned and flew backwards several thousand meters away in embarrassment. At this time, his face was completely stiff and distorted. He simply couldn't imagine why he was so embarrassed and defeated in the shocking blow in front of him with his more powerful abilities and strength. Already? !

This is simply incredible! Look at the flame of astonishing intensity in front of you again, and feel the scorching temperature and terrifying burning inside.

After all, the old man was well-informed, and he almost instantly determined what this extremely powerful flame was.

"Immortal Holy Fire!"

When the old figure faced the extremely powerful material in front of him, the depths of his eyes were deeply shocked. Even when he uttered these words, his voice showed a deep emotion. Come into a state of deep trembling.

Such frightening and shocking fluctuations made him unable to resist easily. In the battlefield and space in front of him, the old man's body was trembling. At this time, he gave up the thought of continuing to resist.

Without any intention of waiting, he turned around and left...

A trace of spiritual energy was sent into his feet, which caused a dazzling light to shine under his feet. Without any intention of waiting, he stepped forward to school.

The astonishing lightning-like shuttle fluctuations made him become powerful and dazzling. The indescribable rapid piercing wave caused this person's body to disappear quickly.

It's just that the old man now feels indescribable guilt and panic. At this stage, he can clearly feel that the young man coming from behind and bursting out with extremely powerful blows will not be so easy to deal with. It's easy to let it go!

As expected, the death-like blow arrived before his eyes in a matter of seconds. Chen Xuan's body walked out of the seemingly calm void, and then a deep wave of sharp energy emerged from the depths of his eyes.

The astonishing blow and piercing power, the fierce bursts that hit his eyes, and the death-like killing intent made people feel that they could not easily resist.

Shockingly terrifying combat power gathered into Chen Xuan's fingers, making the former's fingers dazzling and eye-catching.

There is no intention of stopping or waiting. It could be seen that at this moment, he was wielding indescribable ruthlessness and striking the body of the old man in front of him with incomparable ferocity.

Pfft. Powerful fingers like knives fell into his body, and extremely powerful piercing blow waves fell into his body, which caused the old man's body to be torn apart almost instantly.

The top old man who looked very terrifying and powerful before, and who had a crushing advantage, was now in a state of indescribable pain and began to wail like a heart-rending person!

His screams were so horrifying that they really frightened Quan Zhan! But at this time, Chen Xuan didn't care at all. He came to his side with a cry, and pressed down hard again with his big hand!

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