There is a super powerful aura flowing everywhere in the space in front of you. It can be seen that these extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations are as solid as water waves.

I believe that as long as someone can partially absorb it, it will bring considerable benefits to the body.

Chen Xuan walked in the depths of the jungle filled with powerful fluctuations, and his expression began to become extremely exciting.

His current need for spiritual energy is extremely terrifying! At this time, the spiritual energy content around him was indeed extremely rich, and overall it was very suitable for him to practice.

But at this time, Chen Xuan had no intention of stopping. He moved quickly, towards the deepest part of the jungle in front of him.

On the road.

Chen Xuan suddenly heard what seemed to be a panicked cry for help! He was slightly stunned at first and then didn't stop at all.

Almost instantly, it turned into a burst of light and pierced De's eyes. In the space in front of you, you can clearly see a very weak girl retreating in embarrassment.

The girl is about eighteen or nineteen years old. She looks very graceful and has a perfect temperament that makes her look very lovable and likeable.

It's just that she was covered in bloodstains at this time, and her face was covered with a lot of dust and dirt, which made her a little tired at this time.

His eyes narrowed into a line, and he became really excited at this time. In the space in front of him, he could clearly see the amazing intensity and fluctuation of strength, which made people feel unable to compete.

call out!

The lightning-like palm, with the force of a tearing blow, landed on the girl's body fiercely. She groaned and then flew backwards with a wailing sound.

The person who attacked her was also a woman. This woman looked very cold and cruel, with deep hatred emerging from the depths of her eyes.

The woman stared at the girl who was knocked away and said calmly: "Huh, I'm already asking you to give me something, but you still dare to talk nonsense to me. Am I such an easy person to talk to?"

She mocked with indifference, showing no intention of waiting. As he stepped forward, the cold wind began to burst out very quickly, and he could clearly see it at this time.

She arrived almost instantly. The extremely cold murderous intention was at his side at this moment, and he could clearly see him punching away with extremely fierce force.

The death-like piercing waves make it difficult for people to resist and bear it easily. When they get the moment in front of them, the shocking intensity of the pounding breath makes people feel that they cannot resist and bear it easily...

At the critical moment when the woman got to the girl, she was about to use cruel and merciless means to kill her.

Chen Xuan had a faint smile. He waved his hand to counteract the blow, and the powerful counterattack force suddenly exploded, and the woman was knocked back almost instantly.

Boom! The dull sound made the woman's face turn pale. This shocking impact caused all the spiritual energy in her body to become quite chaotic, and extremely crimson blood emerged from the corners of her mouth.

The steps seemed a little messy, and the girl was in a very embarrassed state. Her steps were very loose, and she was walking backwards with a guilty conscience.

In the space and battlefield in front of her, she could clearly see that there was a hint of energy and surprise in the depths of her eyes.

Looking at Chen Xuan, she said sharply: "Who are you and why do you want to stop me from killing this bitch?"

"This girl doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. She just got what you want. As for the things you get in the wild, whoever gets it first belongs to whoever gets it first. Everyone knows this, and it is wrong for you to ask for it. Now you have to rely on your powerful means and confidence to kill this girl! It seems to me that you are going too far now!"

Chen Xuan had a faint smile. He looked at the extremely arrogant woman in front of him, and he couldn't help but speak with a hint of warning.

The woman who looked very proud had her eyes narrowed into a thin line. Her pink and tender fists were clenched tightly, and the indescribable cold murderous intent spread to the air.

It can be seen that the woman at this time is really arrogant to the extreme. She said with some displeasure: "Who do you think you are! No one in Snowflake City dares to talk to this girl like this! Whatever I want should be asked for and obtained. As subjects of Snowflake City, you are all in a state of beasts." , it’s already great if I can keep you alive, why do you still want to resist this unreasonable request?”

Deathly mocking murderous intent and fluctuations emitted from the depths of the eyes of the girl in front of him.

She looked at Chen Xuan in front of her mockingly, and some humiliating words emerged from her mouth. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a line. He looked at the girl in front of him with some unhappiness, and thought for a moment about what to do. He said very harshly: "What nonsense are you giving me?"

The girl was in a proud state, but she didn't expect that the young man in front of her would dare to talk to her like this! An expression of extreme surprise emerged.

There was a deep wave of energy in the depths of the woman's eyes: "Who are you talking to?"

"Go away, you proud thing!" The patience in Chen Xuan's heart completely disappeared at this time! He didn't have the slightest intention to tolerate it, and he stepped forward and shot towards the girl in front of him like lightning.

The astonishingly strong spiritual energy in his hands gathered together, making Chen Xuan's hands as clear and powerful as crystal at this time, without the slightest thought of being accustomed to them.

Sweep away with an extremely cruel slap! It has to be said that Chen Xuan's blow at this time is really extremely powerful, unable to compete with the tyrannical power of the wave, making it difficult for people to resist and bear it easily.

Such a death-like blow can't help but make people feel horrified and shocked! In the space and battlefield in front of them, the cruel shock fluctuations made people unable to resist and resist.

It was only when the girl next to me was surprised!

"How dare you!" The girl threatened in panic. But it is obvious that no matter how you look at it, the girl at this time looks a little lustful and angry.

Of course, Chen Xuan's blow could not take care of her thoughts. An extremely heavy blow hit her shoulder hard, and the powerful attack wave made the girl in front of her scream.

Extremely crimson blood spurted from her mouth. Her feet immediately left the ground, and then flew out violently.

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