In the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see that the extremely powerful beast roared with a shocking roar.

The sound was so violent and terrifying that it tore the earth apart, and the huge collapse took on a terrifying shape. It was so terrifying that it was so terrifying.

The thirty-meter-tall gray ape giant had frightening bright light flowing all over his body. His big fist was as heavy as a mountain, and it smashed down with as much force as a mountain.

Such a death-like blow is really irresistible.

On the battlefield in front of him, he could clearly see that the shocking intensity of the blow made Chen Xuan at his feet extremely dangerous.

But looking at the extremely powerful monster in front of him, Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

Hufufu... The extremely powerful spiritual energy began to become powerful and dazzling in his hands. This death-like blow and piercing power were irresistible.

The death-like piercing wave came quickly to the eyes, and at this moment, Chen Xuan's combat power reached the extreme level almost instantly. The astonishing piercing blow immediately made the whole place dazzling.

The powerful combat power suddenly collided with the opponent fiercely! Boom! The astonishing combat power was something that no one could easily contend with. At this time, the huge beast with a height of thirty meters was actually thrown away the moment it struggled against Chen Xuan!

The huge and heavy body rose up like a mountain. After rising to a height of several hundred meters, a large amount of sunlight in the sky was blocked.

Chen Xuan watched this powerful monster being counterattacked successfully. At this time, he really pursed his lips and showed a faint smile.

Without any intention of waiting, he blasted into the air. The fists of astonishing strength once again gathered powerful fighting power, and punched away fiercely.

call out!


A punch hit the body of the big beast that was still in a falling state. The powerful and heavy punch immediately destroyed the monster's defense.

Countless snake-like wounds emerged from the monster's body. Scarlet-hot blood burst out from his body, making it seem like a violent bloody rainstorm was falling from the sky.

The death-like blows and injuries made the monster in front of him wail in pain. The shocking sound actually caused the whole ground to shake. Such death-like blows and fluctuations were really unbearable and unbearable...

Chen Xuan's attack did not end easily. A series of afterimages continued to explode in the sky, surrounding the body of the powerful monster in front of them.

The flashes of swords and swords flowed and dispersed, which made the monster in front of him scream in agony. When its heavy and strong figure finally fell to the ground, it was completely reduced to a snow-white bone.

Boom. The heavy body immediately smashed the earth apart, and the whistling earthy smell rose into the air. It was obvious that such death-like blows and fluctuations really made it difficult for people to resist easily.

call out! Chen Xuan's body fell to the ground lightly. Faint waves of spiritual energy emerged from under his feet, and his eyes fell on the huge and thick frame in front of him. His eyes now began to become sharp and bright.

With a curved finger, a faint wave of attraction emerged, and the deepest beast core of the huge skeleton in front of him was instantly grasped in his hand in a sparkling state.

The astonishing intensity made people feel extremely frightened. Suddenly, this extremely precious beast core was in his hands. Chen Xuan took hold of this extremely powerful beast core. He smiled faintly and said: "This beast core contains I believe that as long as we can control the violent spiritual energy fluctuations and swallow them to the maximum extent, we can gain considerable benefits. "

"It's really exciting that there are so many monsters in this place." Chen Xuan said with bright and sharp eyes.

After pondering for a while, he decided to go to the deepest place again to see what was going on.

A faint spiritual energy emitted, and the beast's core, which was pulsing with violent aura, was sealed by this layer of spiritual energy. The beast's core looked really sparkling, and it was obvious that the pure intensity of this beast's consumption made people feel dazzling.

But at the moment when he had just taken away the beast core, a faint smile appeared on the face of the girl beside him.

Just listening carefully, there was an unconcealable emotion of surprise deep in the laughter, which of course made Chen Xuan feel very surprised.

His eyes turned and he looked at the girl beside him, his eyes gradually narrowed into a line.

"Brother Chen Xuan!"

The girl's eyes were full of surprise at this time. It could be seen that the girl was really happy. Chen Xuan looked at this young girl curiously.

Familiar memories began to emerge in his mind, and he recalled the battle that day as if it happened yesterday.

"Why are you here? Is there another danger?" Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

However, it was obvious that he was slightly joking at this time. After all, the two parties had known each other before, so there was no strange emotion between them.

The girl's name is Wang Fang. She is smiling and looks extremely well-behaved.

"Humph, you shameless bitch, you're hooking up with a wild man here. You've ruined the patriarch's face."

An extremely cold voice came from the old man's mouth. The indescribable cold state was really terrifying.

On the battlefield in front of him, he could clearly feel that there was a deep murderous intention emerging from the depths of his eyes.

Chen Xuan looked curiously at the old figure who suddenly appeared on the battlefield. All she could see was that she was in the form of an old woman, with frightening and deadly murderous aura surging throughout her body.

Such a sinister existence believed that as long as it exploded, it could cause huge harm to people in a short period of time. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and he could clearly feel the fear coming from the girl next to him.

Quietly protecting her, Wang Fang looked at the tall man next to her in surprise, but at this time, it could be seen that there was indeed a little gratitude emerging from the depths of the girl's eyes.

Chen Xuan didn't mean to be afraid. Instead of Wang Fang, he looked at the old woman in front of him. The frightening murderous intention in the depths of his eyes began to become stronger. This death-like killing intention made the whole body feel cold and cold.

"You'd better keep your mouth clean, otherwise I think I need to tell you how to behave." Chen Xuan said calmly.

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