The two swords surged with brilliance, and a very terrifying and sharp aura emerged from them, tearing apart the air as they moved.

Such a death-like blow can't help but make people feel uncomfortable all over. With extremely cruel killing intent, the pair of swords flew through the void and came to his side. Chen Xuan watched as the sword in front of him finally reached his eyes.

He didn't show any signs of nervousness. His fists were clenched tightly and the cold and biting murderous intention began to become abundant and powerful. The whirring spiritual energy fluctuations rose into the air, which made him really dazzling at this time.

There is no intention of waiting at all. He smashed away with a punch, and the thrilling blows made people unable to resist.

At this moment, his extremely powerful fist and the swords in front of him struck violently.

Don't look at the gorgeous light that the young man's sword bloomed before, especially the crazy cutting power, which made Chen Xuan find it difficult to breathe.

It's a pity that with the help of the pure spiritual energy, Chen Xuan's palms became thick and powerful. Especially the pair of swords in front of him, even the sharper and more powerful magic weapon, it wanted to wait for the surprise here. It is almost impossible to achieve any benefit from the impact of the blow.

When the two sides touched each other, the swords exploded, and whirring spiritual energy waves splashed into the air, making him very terrifying and dazzling at this time.

It was in the space in front of him that he could clearly see that Chen Xuan stepped forward and quickly reached the space in front of him.

The death-like blow is thrilling, and the forceful blow is terrifying. The moment he reached his side, his shockingly heavy blow finally reached an awe-inspiring level.


Chen Xuan's terrifying palm fell on the shoulder of the young man in front of him, and the heavy and terrifying power was sent deep into his body and flesh. This extremely powerful force directly tore his flesh and blood apart.

The thrilling blow made the man in front of him unable to resist. It could be seen that under the extremely powerful blow, his body flew away in an almost embarrassing state.

It was obvious that his whole body was weak and cracked. Blood sprayed out freely from the wounds on the young man's body, which filled the space of tens of meters with an astonishing smell of blood.

The brutal force of the blow and collision caused the young man in front of him to completely lose his ability to resist in a short period of time. When he climbed out of the ruins again, there was basically no trace of anything in the depths of his eyes. of vitality and vitality.

This time he almost killed him completely! …

Two days later.

Incomparably pure spiritual energy surged in Chen Xuan's body. These spiritual energy, as solid as water waves, looked extremely clear and pure.

It seems that as long as it can be completely absorbed, it can bring considerable benefits to the warrior, but at this time, Chen Xuan does not seem to have the slightest intention to absorb it.

After staying there for several weeks, the practice ended.

"Chen Xuan, the purity of your spiritual energy now is really terrifying. I'm afraid no one in this medicine clan can be your opponent." With a faint smile, Wang Fang smiled like a flower.

She looked at the young man in front of her, and a deep wave of energy appeared in the depths of his eyes. It can be seen that she is extremely perfect at this time, and her frightened look is extremely perfect.

"It's not bad." Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

It was only during this period that the spiritual energy reserves of the Yao Clan brought him too many benefits. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Chen Xuan was, it would be almost impossible for him to achieve such rapid growth and breakthrough in this place. Arrived.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He looked at the gentle girl in front of him and pursed his lips with a gentle attitude.

It can be seen that he really looks like a big brother. There is a slight ruddy wave emerging on the playful face, and the blue waves are like water, which looks very cute and attractive.

The girl stared at the young warrior beside her, then she pursed her lips and showed a faint smile: "Well, our Medicine Clan is about to start the celebration this time. I wonder if brother Chen Xuan wants to participate?"

"What kind of celebration?" Chen Xuan squinted as he looked at the girl in front of him curiously.

"This is the most valuable challenge and activity of our Medicine Clan. As long as you can meet the requirements of the mission objectives, you will be able to obtain our Medicine Clan's most valuable pharmacopoeia, and thus be qualified to become the heir of the Medicine Clan." Wang Fang smiled. road.

Heir! Chen Xuan was stunned immediately! He looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously and said, "This doesn't seem to have anything to do with me! After all, I'm not from the Medicine Clan!"

"You don't seem to understand the mechanism of talent selection in our Medicine Clan." With a faint smile, the girl looked at the young man in front of her, and at this time, deep waves of joy emerged in the depths of her eyes.

It can be seen that it is really sharp at this time. After the girl pondered for a while, she said in the middle of thinking: "That's it. Although most of the members of our Medicine Clan are members of our own clan, there is also a branch. It is reserved exclusively for talents from foreign races. As long as these talents are really capable, they will be able to enjoy the same treatment as us in the future, including choosing heirs!"

"Really?" Chen Xuan was really shocked at this time.

He knew that many powerful families actually had very strict control over the power of the family. Even if the warriors who served in these families had great abilities, they could not obtain the same level of power as the core members in the family.

After all, the prosperity of any family was not the result of the efforts of countless people and countless years. If the successor was stolen by others, wouldn’t the countless achievements and efforts of the entire family be given to others?

This matter really made people feel very cruel... However, since the medicine family could do this, it showed that they were not afraid of outsiders, which also aroused Chen Xuan’s curiosity.

Pharmacopoeia! Chen Xuan knew that this must be a good thing he had never seen before, so he was quite curious at this time, wondering what kind of book it was.

However, since it can be directly linked to the successor, it must be very precious and rare! It happened that Chen Xuan wanted to improve his own alchemy skills again at this time, so it seemed more appropriate now!

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