Facing Wang Xiao's provocative eyes, Chen Xuan didn't care at all. He stepped forward and came to the front, and his momentum began to rise like a tide!

Even though there was still a clear gap in the level between the two sides, it was a pity that Chen Xuan didn't care at all at this time. He looked at the young man in front of him indifferently, and the depths of his tiger eyes were surging with amazing fighting spirit.

It can be seen that Chen Xuan has really become very tall and majestic now!

"What a proud boy, this is a bit surprising to me."

He moved his muscles indifferently, and the killing intent of death began to gather in his eyes. It can be seen that there was a deep sharp fluctuation in the depths of Wang Xiao's eyes at this time.

He looked at the young man in front of him indifferently, and the light of contempt flowed in the depths of his tiger eyes.

"Then let me see where your ability is." The amazing fighting spirit turned into a more violent power, and the suppressed breath made people unable to breathe.

With the brutal confrontation between the two sides at this time, the powerful fighting power that was fluctuating made hundreds of people around them feel unable to contend.

Looking at the situation here in astonishment, they all retreated towards the distance while discussing...

The confrontation made the battlefield nearby appear cold and murderous, and everyone present looked at them in astonishment.

However, after seeing Wang Xiao, they began to get excited. After all, this talent of the Medicine Clan had created too many miracles in the past era.

No matter who was his enemy, their honor would be ended in the most thorough and tragic way.

But at this time, many people were curious about Chen Xuan around them. This person seemed to have no reputation in the past. At best, he was just an outsider who came to the Medicine Clan recently!

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. It seems that this guy is going to suffer.

Countless people were curiously watching the battle that was about to break out. They all hoped to see that Wang Xiao had disappeared recently. What was he practicing? !

It is unknown what stage and degree Wang Xiao's ability can reach now, but it is much stronger than the last time they met.

They looked at Wang Xiao and hoped to see what means and methods this powerful life of the Medicine Clan would use to defeat the unknown man in front of them!

But when the confrontation between the two sides gradually became white-hot and was about to break out into a brutal battle, it could be clearly seen in the deepest part of the square.

At this time, an old man in a snow-white robe came out. There was a very clear fluctuation of a superior flowing through his body, which made this person have a very strong authority.

It seemed that as long as he chose to take action, no one could resist him.

The atmosphere that had become hot with the confrontation between the two young men quickly calmed down with the appearance of this man, and countless people looked at the old man in front of them honestly.

Now they all looked extremely docile, without any resistance or stabbing thoughts.

"Elder Wu Hun."

Wang Xiao was surprised. His previously seemingly overbearing fighting spirit quickly subsided with the appearance of this old man.

It was obvious that this person was still very concerned and wary of Elder Wu Hun.

Wu Hun looked at the young man in front of him calmly, and a little dissatisfaction emerged in the depths of his old eyes. He waved his dry big hand and said: "This is a competition for succession. Any battle before it starts has no meaning at all. As a member of the Medicine Clan, don't you know this?"

There was no intention of protecting him, and it can be seen that this elder was really overbearing at this time.

"I'm just..." Wang Xiao pondered for a while, and finally shook his head, and did not continue to explain anything.

After all, in front of such a big shot, no matter what explanation is pale and powerless, after all, it has attracted this top elder to intervene, so what good is there?

"Everyone is looking for trouble here. Wang Xiao, especially you, your family has high hopes for you this time. If you can't get benefits in this competition, I believe you will be spurned by the family." "Try hard and don't let them down." Wu Hun said lightly. Wang Xiao's face suddenly showed a guilty look, and he immediately bowed to the elder in front of him and said, "I will."... Half an hour later. Countless white stones on the square in front of him bloomed a very bright and hazy light. It can be seen that these lights radiated into the air, which made the air at this time begin to become condensed and heavy. After these lights condensed to the extreme, it was clear that there were strong and sharp auras surging in the space in front of him. Chen Xuan stood in the depths of the space in front of him. At this time, he could clearly feel the terrifying threat from the warriors around him. "This place can weaken the combat power and perception of warriors to the maximum extent. If the reaction and actual combat ability are not good, it is estimated that they will be eliminated in a few minutes!" "The method of testing people by the Medicine Clan is really interesting." Chen Xuan smiled faintly. At this time, he could clearly feel that these mysterious parts flowing in the air in front of him were actually just a very special medicinal material.

These medicinal materials were ground into powder and evaporated into the air, which fundamentally changed the properties and state of this space. Chen Xuan pursed his lips and smiled faintly.

After he pondered for a while, a touch of confidence finally emerged on his face.

"They can evaporate these medicinal powders into the air, so I can naturally absorb them. Hehe, it seems that this challenge is not a difficult task."

With a faint smile, he clenched his fists, and the whirring spiritual energy gathered in his hands, which made the extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations begin to become terrifying.

Chen Xuan squinted at the spiritual energy in the shape of medicinal powder in front of him, and at this time he really pursed his lips and smiled.

"Hehe, it seems that it is really interesting now." Chen Xuan smiled. The medicinal powder in his hand began to gradually become thicker and more, and it was clear at this time without spending too much time.

The extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations began to become dazzling. The extremely powerful absorption fluctuations quickly became solid, and after dozens of seconds, they gathered into the shape of pills.

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