In the space and battlefield in front of her, a woman with a very extraordinary temperament had deep shock and disbelief in her eyes.

His extremely white hands clenched. There was a deep and sharp light shining in the depths of the jewel-like eyes. Her red lips twitched slightly and she couldn't help but become curious: "Who is this guy? How can he be so mentally powerful?"

If you want to successfully comprehend the Pharmacopoeia, the first thing you must achieve is to be absolutely powerful at the mental level! If the mental attainment is not strong enough, I believe that even if you reluctantly take action, it will only have a tragic result in the end.

After Chen Xue pondered for a while, she nodded and said, "It seems like he is a talent."

"Xue'er, let's defeat him together!" At this moment, a powerful and gloomy young man appeared next to him. With cruel eyes, he stared at Chen Xuan who was in a state of cultivation. .

It can be seen that there are deep fluctuations of sharp energy in the depths of his eyes. With his fists clenched tightly, he looked very cruel and domineering. This thrilling and threatening aura made people's whole body become cold and biting.

It is not difficult to imagine that as long as the guy in front of him chooses to take action, he can inflict cruel blows and injuries to him almost instantly.

"Zhou Huang, don't act in such a hurry. Since this person has the ability to successfully understand the pharmacopoeia that no one can understand, it will be of great benefit to the family, why should he stop him?"

Looking at the young man beside him, Chen Xue said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhou Huang's face, which was originally full of fighting spirit, now had a deep and sinister wave appear, and then he smiled awkwardly, and the deep wave of sharp energy in the depths of his eyes gradually disappeared.

"I'm just joking. Haha, how can I really attack such a useful talent in the family?" Zhou Huang said with a smile.

It can be seen that he has really become extremely gloomy and cunning at this time. Chen Xue's ability and confidence are number one on the battlefield in front of her, so she naturally has the right to speak.

At this time, although several people expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Xuan's absorption and such cruel and powerful behavior, as long as Chen Xuan did not choose to take action, then they would not have the slightest objection...

In the space in front of him, the whirring mental power fluctuations gathered into countless character fluctuations that looked very ancient and something.

These extremely mysterious characters give people an extremely powerful feeling. As long as they can be successfully absorbed, I believe you can get considerable benefits from them.

Deep waves of energy emerged from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. At this time, he pursed his lips and revealed a deep smile, "It seems that I can master more secrets in this!"

Clench your fists. The absorption of the information flow, which was already very powerful and domineering, now began to change to become even more powerful and frightening.

Absorption of indescribable intensity began to gather in his body. At this time, Chen Xuan's whole body was filled with a more transparent and powerful flow of information, and the thrilling intensity evaporated to the point that the surrounding air was like Zheng

It actually forcefully shocked the surrounding warriors, who turned pale, and retreated in embarrassment.

At this time, a deep wave of energy appeared on the extremely pale face. There were several old men in the distance, and their eyes were full of surprise and shock.

"Who is this boy? Which elder is under the management of him?"

"The mental strength and confidence are much stronger than those of us old guys! This is really incredible!"

Several elders were extremely sad at this time. After all, in terms of mental power level, the confidence of their Medicine Clan is relatively stronger than that of other large families or other forces.

However, at this time, he could clearly see that there was a powerful wave of energy in the depths of his eyes.

After all, the ability and strength displayed by the man in front of him far exceeded their initial understanding and estimation. If this kind of person is just an ordinary person, then he is really deceiving himself.

Wu Hun even inserted them into his sleeves. Zheng's originally indifferent face gradually became a little more exciting because he saw Chen Xuan absorbing it in such amazement.

After pondering for a while, Wu Hun just said with a faint smile: "After this guy is absorbed, create a separate file for analysis and research. After all, this guy's existence is stronger than ordinary people, haha …This is really starting to get interesting.”

Wu Hun pursed his lips and showed a faint smile...

Half a month later.

The astonishing flow of information began to become extremely powerful and dazzling in the depths of the space in front of you. There is no doubt that when these powers are refined to the extreme, the space in front of you will be like a wave of water. Almost full.

The strong and thick shock waves make people feel in awe. Especially now that the young people of the Medicine Clan cannot get involved and enter, even the relatively powerful elders within the Medicine Clan.

If they want to act in a place and space where their spiritual power is so abundant, they probably don't have enough strength at all.

On the battlefield in front of you, the powerful and thick shock waves make people feel overbearing. The strength that can easily kill those weaker lives shows the ferocity and strength in the core of the battlefield in front of you.

It's just that this death-like impact force did not destroy a young man in the center who didn't look very powerful.

On the contrary, in the terrifying-looking space in front of him, the young man relied on his super powerful abilities and strength to withstand all the powerful and dazzling information flows nearby.

The ability to withstand such horror can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The absorption is continuing. After the intensity and many aspects have reached the extreme level, it is finally discovered that the originally mysterious and dazzling pharmacopoeia is completely dimmed under such shocking absorption. Go down.

call out!

The light of the pharmacopoeia quickly disappeared, and the extremely powerful information flow that appeared in the space at this time was gradually absorbed into Chen Xuan's body through extremely powerful devouring and absorption.

The young man gradually opened his eyes. At this moment, excitement and vigor surged out from the depths of his eyes: "The absorption and understanding are finally over for the time being!"

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