Zhou Kong's fist turned into a crystal-like form at this time, and he shot it down with extremely fierce force. The thrilling pressure suddenly reached the extreme level.

It can be seen that on the battlefield in front of you, this kind of death-like killing intent and blow can be said to be the level and stage of death.

The extremely heavy combat power was unleashed with great ferocity. If this kind of combat power were to hit Chen Xuan, it might be able to completely destroy him with its extremely powerful connotation.

But it was also at the moment when the dazzling punch finally came before his eyes that Chen Xuan felt deep contempt and ridicule in the depths of his eyes.

"I want to see how your ability compares with mine."

Chen Xuan sneered. With a wave of his hand, he swallowed up the powerful elixir, and the powerful and pure effect of the medicine began to explode in his body.

The powerful and thick spiritual energy fluctuations completely swallowed up his body. This made Chen Xuan's abilities begin to become terrifying and powerful at this time, on the battlefield in front of him.

Chen Xuan, who originally seemed to be in a very low-key state, completely disappeared as the elixir exerted powerful power in his body.

Indescribably powerful combat power began to erupt from his body. Only when these extremely powerful forces have finally reached their extreme level can they be clearly seen.

Chen Xuan punched him hard with cold murderous intent.

The powerful and dazzling fist immediately hit the old man's fist in front of him. Boom... The extremely dull impact wave caused the space in front of him to shake like a tear.

Countless ferocious cracks like long dragons appeared in the space in front of him. At this time, there were really sharp fluctuations bursting out from the depths of his eyes.

This kind of death-like killing intent makes people irresistible. Zhou Kong's fist was almost transformed into an illusory state by the extremely violent explosion in the confrontation before him.

Boom! Zhou Kong's fist was shattered by Chen Xuan's blow. This shocking blow and confrontation has not ended yet. At this time, we can clearly see that Chen Xuan's shocking blow is coming all around. .

The extremely powerful attack easily tore the air apart, followed by an indescribable terrifying piercing wave, and hit Zhou Kong's chest with ruthlessness almost instantly.

The astonishing force of the violent slam caused Zhou Kong, who originally seemed to have a very strong physique, to cause almost horrific damage.

His skin and body suddenly cracked open, and blood burst out of his body freely. At this time, the old man's eyes were filled with deep weakness and shock.

It was obvious that he was really weak at this time. The extremely embarrassing power of the blow was shocking. At this moment, the extremely powerful punch knocked the old man away! …

Zhou Kong groaned and bright red and hot blood spurted out from his mouth, and then his body flew away in an awkward manner towards the distance, reaching a distance of tens of thousands of meters before landing.

Boom! The extremely heavy impact force unexpectedly hit a small mountain. Then the extremely powerful impact force directly caused the mountain in front of me to shatter into pieces.

Zhou Kong fell into the earth and smashed a huge pit into the earth.

He crawled out of the pit in embarrassment and looked at the battlefield in front of him again. At this time, his eyes were filled with deep shock and terror.

He waved his hand to wipe away the blood that had spilled out. Zhou Kong was trembling all over. He never thought that with the powerful combat power that had entered the late stage of half-step integration for fifty years, he was actually facing Chen Xuan. was defeated by it.

And now he can clearly feel that the chaotic spiritual energy in his body is flowing rapidly, and it seems that it will not take long to bring indescribable destruction and harm to his body.

"Damn you, you actually have such a powerful fighting force..."

There was an uncertain aura and taste emerging from the depths of Zhou Kong's eyes. After pondering for a while, Zhou Kong had no choice but to take his head off.

He knew very well that with his current confidence and the young man in front of him, it was almost impossible to fight. Maybe it would be more correct to choose to leave quickly now.

Without any intention of waiting, the spiritual energy that could still be mobilized from the body was sent deep into the feet.

This made Zhou Kong's feet begin to shine. Without any thought of waiting or hesitation, an extremely powerful light of spiritual energy suddenly exploded under his feet.

call out!

Zhou Kong's body exploded into the sky like lightning. It can be seen that under such a thrilling penetration, his speed has reached the extreme level.

It is extremely difficult to block it during a similar shuttle.

But at this time, Chen Xuan just looked at him lightly from one side. There was deep ridicule in the depths of the young man's eyes. Although the old man seemed to be moving very fast, to the young man it seemed like it was just a joke.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly and didn't care at all. After the old man had escaped to a certain distance, he then disappeared into the void and stood there.

When Chen Xuan appeared again, he had successfully appeared next to the old man in front of him.

The cold chill and death-like fluctuations caused by the clenched fists made the land around him begin to become extremely chilling.

The ruthless threatening wave surges with a terrible aura that crushes the ground and everything. After reaching the ultimate level, Chen Xuan's punch contained a punch that could destroy everything, and he smashed it away with a smile and fierceness.

call out!

The powerful fist that tears apart is extremely dazzling. The moment he got to his side, he began to become stronger. Zhou Kong looked at the powerful shock wave in front of him in amazement. At this time, indescribable tension and fear finally emerged from the depths of his old eyes.

There was no thought of waiting or hesitation. A deep solemn look began to appear in the depths of the old man's extremely old eyes.

Indescribably powerful spiritual energy began to rapidly gather in his hands, making his hands look as powerful and dazzling as crystals.

The death-like blow wave began to become stronger. When these forces reached the extreme level, Zhou Kong's punches counterattacked.

Zhou Kong's counterattack at this time was very mysterious. There is a mysterious aura in the seemingly ordinary fist, and these auras gradually converge into line-like shapes.

This makes the boxing at this time possess considerable combat power!

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