There was a dry old man standing on top of the pitch-black clock. His whole body was filled with an extremely cold aura. The darkness seemed to be able to pierce through Rao's body and even his soul.

"Beast, you are so strong. You have been very arrogant in the Medicine Clan recently. I just don't know if your ability is as strong as that?"

The dry old man said coldly. There was a deep energy pulsing out from the depths of his mung bean-like eyes at this moment, which made his whole body feel uncomfortable and stiff in such an extremely cold state.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line. At this time, he could clearly feel that the ability of the old man in front of him was powerful and terrifying.

At this time, the old man suddenly became frightened. He had no intention of giving Chen Xuan any chance of survival. He stepped forward and a shocking light burst out like lightning.

The astonishing and dazzling flames immediately tore the air along the way into pieces, and then the shadows of fists around him were swirling and rising near his body.

If you look carefully at these fist shadows, there are deep terrifying fluctuations. Just a little breath can have an extremely cruel impact on people.

He suddenly locked Chen Xuan completely, and slammed down his extremely cold fist.


Chen Xuan watched the punch come to him, and he had no fear at all. He stepped forward to face the opponent's impressive blow.

At this moment, Chen Xuan, who was waiting for the powerful impact wave, fiercely contended with his opponent. At this time, he waved his hand to strike away, and boom... the thick wave spread rapidly, and there was a faint feeling in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. The brilliance emerges.

Hot blood emerged from the corners of his mouth. Staring at the dark old man in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a thin line.

"A strong person in the first year of half-step god transformation."

Chen Xun narrowed his eyes and said. This level of tyrannical life has basically exceeded his maximum endurance! Although Chen Xuan's ability is still quite good, it is a pity that there is still a considerable gap to compete with the old man of this level in front of him.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xuan clenched his fists. If it really doesn't work, he can only take the risk of paying some price, choose to take action by force, and then find a way to leave...

"Can you withstand my blow?" The old figure looked at the young man in front of him, and there was a deep wave of energy in the depths of his lifeless eyes.

He clenched his fists fiercely, and cold waves surged from his hands. The soil under his feet suddenly cracked open, and the black energy spread as he stepped forward.

These extremely thick spiritual energy gathered into a terrifying cloud-like state. The moment it came around, it seemed to tear Chen Xuan to pieces completely.

In general, the dark clouds are now extremely thick, and it can be seen that it seems to be several times more powerful than the previous big blow.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly. At this time, his body seemed a little stiff. Huge pressure acted on his body, which made his face look sickly pale.

Hot blood emerged from the corners of his mouth, and it was obvious that he was really stiff at this time.

But just when Chen Xuan was about to be in danger and was preparing to counterattack strongly, he could clearly see a slim figure walking out from beside him.

When she got to the old man's side, the girl had no intention of taking action. She just stood proudly beside the old man indifferently and pointed her delicate body towards him.

The playful top student's chin was raised at this moment, and his face was full of deeply provocative meaning and flavor.

It can be seen that the girl at this time has really become amazing and arrogant. Although the black-robed old man in front of him suddenly struck, his ability and lethality were almost terrifying.

It's a pity that when he was facing the woman in front of him, he didn't dare to attack her easily.

Five cold and sharp fingers suddenly curled up, and his body flew backwards to the side in a state of embarrassment. It could be seen that he was really in an extremely embarrassed state at this time.

On the battlefield in front of him, the old man in dark robes took seven steps back in succession, and the ground beneath his feet exploded like layers.

There was a deep energy emerging from the depths of his dark eyes, and he looked really embarrassed looking at the girl in front of him.

"Elder Zhou Lu, you are not practicing well in your training ground, but what do you mean by looking for trouble here?" The girl looked at the old figure in front of her. From this moment on, she had no intention of getting used to it.

It can be seen that she has become extremely sharp now. There was a deep and uncertain emotion deep in the old man's eyes. After turning his eyes several times, he clenched his fists tightly.

"Master Wang Fang, this guy is an outsider. If you protect him, there won't be any good results." Zhou Lu squinted at the girl in front of him and said coldly and arrogantly.

Wang Fang suddenly felt unhappy and said, "Are you talking to me? If you dare, talk to me again?"

The girl's originally gentle appearance and attitude completely disappeared at this time. Looking at the extremely old figure in front of her, the girl's whole body was filled with a gaze.

"Ahem... I still have some things to do and I can't stay here for a long time. I'll say goodbye!" Zhou Lu's eyes had a deep murderous intention at this moment. He glanced at Chen Xuan with a warning look, but there was no trace of it. No intention of stopping at all.

Then a faint light of spiritual energy appeared under his feet. At this time, he stepped forward and jumped into the void in front of him, and then his body quickly disappeared.

"Thank you so much."

Looking at the girl in front of him who came to help rescue him at the critical moment, Chen Xuan was really feeling a little emotional at this time. After all, Zhou Lu's strength and ability this time were far beyond the range and extent that Chen Xuan could compete with.

With his current ability, he will naturally suffer a lot in fighting against him. If she doesn't take action today, I believe that even if Chen Xuan can escape under the threat and attack of this old thing, he will probably have a lot of trouble in his cultivation. Serious impact.

"Haha, it's all right!" Wang Fang said with a smile. The girl's attitude and aura that seemed very domineering before have now completely calmed down, and it can be seen that there is a deep gentle aura deep in her eyes.

This has to make people feel very tempted. Chen Xuan nodded with emotion. At this time, Wang Fang said: "I will enter the medicine pool recently. I may not show up for a while. If you are interested, you can come and take a look!"

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