Zhou Lu's strength was terrifying, but unfortunately, after being hit by Chen Xuan, he still fell to the ground like a lifeless stone.

The extremely stiff earth was suddenly smashed to pieces! But at this moment, he crawled out and was trembling all over. He looked at Chen Xuan with murderous intent deep in his eyes.

"What a beast. I want to see if you are my opponent."

Although he had been severely hit previously, Zhou Lu's combat power was still very strong. The cloud-like spiritual energy fluctuations became thick and solid, and he jumped to Chen Xuan's side.

The withered arm was as dazzling as a spear, and in almost an instant he struck in front of him with such a thrilling blow, extremely cruel.

The astonishing shuttle fluctuations of strength made it impossible for people to compete easily. With the extremely cruel shuttle and slamming power, his palm fell hard.

The thrilling attack made Chen Xuan passive, and Zhou Lu's old eyes were full of ferocity.

"Beast, you should die now." Zhou Lu said with a faint smile.

It's a pity that even though Chen Xuan is facing a huge challenge now, he doesn't care at all. He waved his hand and smashed away the powerful "Void Spirit Fist.", which exploded with great speed!

The ethereal fist instantly shattered the old man's arm! Zhou Lu groaned, and his face was completely distorted. He was unable to withstand such cruel impact.

He suddenly became extremely embarrassed. At this time, he flew out extremely weakly. When he was a thousand meters away, he fell to the ground in an embarrassing state.

Boom... Zhou Lu staggered, but when he looked at Chen Xuan again, he knew completely that based on his current combat power and ability, he was no match for Chen Xuan!

If he continues like this, he will probably die soon! …

"My friend, I was wrong, spare my life!" Looking at the strong young man walking towards him step by step, Zhou Lu's old eyes were filled with deep weakness and shock.

It can be seen that the state in which he was so ruthless and forced to take action before has completely disappeared. This scene can't help but make people feel guilty, and Zhou Cong's voice can't help but tremble a little now.

If you can survive by retreating now, I believe that the guy in front of you will not resist or hesitate at all.

On the battlefield in front of us, it is not difficult to see at this time. Shocking blows and injuries instantly erupted from Chen Xuan's fists.

Obviously after two battles, Chen Xuan already knew clearly that the old man in front of him was very capable and capable, and the old man was always ready to use his strong strength during the battle.

Find an opportunity to kill him! This kind of situation can't help but make people feel angry, and Chen Xuan certainly won't tolerate such people.

His punches became dazzling. It is extremely ruthless, tearing apart the space completely, and piercing it fiercely to hit the opponent!

Zhou Lu suddenly started wailing in pain! Leaving in an instant, all the power was transferred to his feet. Zhou Lu now wants to use all means to escape!

It's a pity that there is no possibility of escape for him now. Chen Xuan's fist landed on his back with as much force as the sun, even though his defense ability was very strong.

It's just that under Chen Xuan's attack power that was full of death, he couldn't easily withstand it. In the space and battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan's punches were fierce and hit it away.

Poof! The death-like piercing wave immediately penetrated his body. Blood spurted out from it without any money, and the whistling minced meat mixed with blood spurted out until the air was like Zheng.

Zhou Lu's wailing sound quickly disappeared and he died completely! Huh... Chen Xuan's face turned pale at this time. He glanced at the surrounding environment and felt that the dangerous atmosphere around him had completely disappeared with the death of the old man, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Fang is scared to death now! She quickly walked over to look at Chen Xuan, and then hugged him... It was obvious that the girl was really emotional at this time.

I was stunned for a moment! Then Chen Xuan pursed his lips and showed a faint smile. He waved his hand and patted the back of the girl in front of him. It could be seen that there was a deep smile in the depths of his eyes.

"The battle is over. No one from the Yao Clan will come to cause trouble in the future. You can live and practice well here. If anything happens in the future, please come to me. If I have time, I will do my best! "

Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him and said with great solemnity! Obviously, this trip to the Medicine Clan brought him great benefits.

In the end, he unknowingly helped Wang Fang quell a rebellion. Although this was an unexpected move, it also made Chen Xuan realize the power of the Yao Clan.

He believed that if it hadn't been for this time, if he had temporarily raised his level in the medicine pool of the Medicine Clan, he believed that he would not be a match for the middle-aged man at all, let alone compete with Zhou Lu!

But now these things no longer exist. Chen Xuan killed Zhou Lu, which can be regarded as a big miracle.

Wang Fang suddenly became a little stiff! She broke free from Chen Xuan's young body, looked at the young man in front of her in disbelief, and forced herself not to cry.

"You...really want to leave!" Wang Fang's face was extremely pale, although she could barely smile. But everyone could see that she was forcing a smile.

"Well..." Chen Xuan nodded and patted the girl in front of him on the shoulder. Although he was filled with reluctance at this time, it was a pity that he had to leave here and go to a more distant place to develop and complete the task. His own thing.

Wang Fang nodded numbly and stiffly. When Chen Xuan was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something.

"There has been a big event in Snowflake City recently, and the city lord died unexpectedly! Now the entire Snowflake City has become ownerless. After speculation and discussion, countless powerful people now agree that a new city lord should be elected, and this incident has a profound impact on the entire city. It's all big events in Snowflake City..." Wang Fang said with a solemn attitude at this time.

Chen Xuan looked at her curiously and said, "What does their choice of city lord have to do with me?"

"Whoever becomes the city lord will be qualified to become an emperor's master! In other words, whoever will be qualified to enter the emperor's void!" Wang Fang's face was pale at this time, but he still looked forward to it!

It can be seen that she is really overjoyed at this moment...It can be seen that she is very much looking forward to it!

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