Zhao Feng's abilities are very powerful, and the terrifying shock waves make people feel fearful. At the moment before his eyes, he explodes with extremely powerful punches.

In an instant, this powerful and thick punch exploded in front of his eyes, and the shocking wave of blows immediately tore apart the air in front of his eyes.

The power of such a death-like blow makes people unable to resist.

Thrilling coercion flowed in the air. It was believed that as long as Rao's body was collided, cruel and fatal injuries would be caused in a short period of time.

Zhao Feng's speed was very fast, leaving a rather startling and eye-catching afterimage of flames in the air. With extremely cruel killing intent and shuttle fluctuations, he arrived in front of Chen Xuan almost instantly.

It’s just that this arrival is completely beyond the former’s expectation! On the extremely cold face, it can be seen that he really has a cold smile.

The powerful fighting power in his hands soon reached its extreme level. The death-like shuttle wave carried the light like the bright sun. The moment Zhao Feng came to his side, he punched out with an extremely cruel punch.

call out!

The tearing force of the blow makes people feel shocked. Such cold and biting blows and fluctuations make people unable to resist.

Zhao Feng's arms had been smashed to pieces in the previous exchange of blows. Now he didn't have any strong fighting ability at all, but at this time he still mobilized his ability to the maximum extent.

Then he turned around and bombarded the space behind him. It could be seen that under such a thrilling and violent blow, the surrounding air was in an explosive state.

Layers of ripples began to tear apart in the air. The intensity was so intense that no one could resist it. Zhao Feng's body was severely impacted by this powerful wave of spiritual energy. At this time, he groaned and his body became miserable. He flew away unbearably.

Waiting to be thousands of meters away. His body had just smashed an ancient house into pieces. The whirring spirit dust rises, which inevitably makes people feel extremely shocked all over.

On the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly feel the thrilling shock waves at this time, which makes people feel a bit shocked.

The power of the death blow is shocking. Zhao Feng got up in embarrassment from the ruins. His face was now filled with sadness, and blood was constantly spurting out from his mouth.

This made his face turn extremely pale at this time. His body was in a shaky state at this time, and it was obvious that he was extremely weak now.

On the battlefield in front of him, Zhao Feng crawled out from the ruins. He looked fiercely at Chen Xuan, who was still in pursuit, and took out a light ball without leaving any trace in his hand.

The deepest part of the light ball surged with quite pure energy, and the explosive fluctuations made people unable to resist. Such death-like attacks and conditions make people feel terrifying.

Zhao Feng didn't hesitate at all. His palms immediately waved away.

The lightning-like ball of light blasted away. When he got to Chen Xuan's side, a terrifying explosion instantly formed.

A boom... shaped mushroom cloud suddenly shot up into the sky. The cascading ripples turned into a wave-like state almost instantly, and they slowly impacted and spread out into the distance.

This kind of impact has to be brought to people, like a devastating blow

Chen Xuan's frightening spiritual energy fluctuated all over his body, quickly converging into an armor-like state. The concentration of amazing strength made people feel strong, and he could clearly feel it at this time.

In such a thrilling state of defensive fluctuations, his body actually became a little stiff. With a wave of his hand, the dense environment in front of him was torn apart, and Chen Xuan's body walked out quietly.

A deep wave of energy appeared on his extremely cold face. He looked at the guy in front of him calmly, then pursed his lips and sneered: "Just a weakling!"...

Defeated Zhao Feng and allowed him to use powerful treasures, resulting in a horrific explosion at the critical moment.

Taking advantage of a little confusion, he was able to escape in embarrassment! But at this time, Chen Xuan looked at the space in front of him that was cracked by the explosion. At this time, there was a lot of surprise in the depths of his eyes.

"This power is so mysterious..."

Feeling the mysterious aura faintly waving from the cracks in the earth, Chen Xuan immediately decided to go and take a look.

In the deepest part of the crack that is hundreds of meters deep, one can clearly feel the extremely powerful wave power that makes people feel shocked.

In such an astonishing environment, spiritual energy has almost been reduced to the lowest level of existence. And if that powerful power beyond spiritual energy is absorbed, I believe that considerable benefits will be obtained in a short period of time.

Chen Xuan had no intention of wasting time. It could be seen that he was smiling at this time, and the extremely cold breath spread out from his body. He almost got the mysterious light in an instant. Zheng


Pierced away with a slap. Chen Xuan's palm began to become very thick at this time, and the shocking and terrifying piercing waves penetrated deeply into the light mass in front of him.

His two fingers took out the contents of the light group almost instantly.

Looking carefully, although the thing in front of you is only as thick as a hair, the mysterious aura existing inside is very mysterious and vast.

He believed that as long as he could master these powers, he would be able to obtain considerable benefits in a short period of time.

At this time, Chen Xuan really pursed his lips and showed a smile: "Haha, I really didn't expect to get mysterious powers here... But it can be seen that these powers are not top-notch, and I believe that there are similar places in the same place. There will be quite a few, I just don’t know where the other stuff is?”

After Chen Xuan pondered for a while, he decided to continue searching in the nearby ancient ruins.

On the battlefield in front of you, you can clearly feel the shock and fluctuation of the amazing strength at this time, which makes people feel shocking. The strong and strong fluctuation power makes people unable to resist.

call out!

A flash of lightning-like brilliance burst out. Immediately, with its extremely sharp piercing waves, it tore the air apart with great ferocity. Immediately, this astonishing blow reached its peak and extreme level.

Guanghua was torn to pieces by Chen Xuan!

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