Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1328 Seven Colorful Pill of Ningling Spirit

Chen Xuan was not happy about killing the ancient giant ape. He turned his eyes and waited until they landed on the deepest part of the place where the giant ape lived, then a bright light appeared in his eyes.

When Chen Xuan was in front of him, he could clearly see a precious-looking plant deep in the corner, with dazzling light flowing through its body.

This kind of glow is so dazzling.

"Star Spirit Colorful Root!" Looking at this thing in front of him, Chen Xuan was stunned!

Previously, he only knew that there was such a thing. As for its quality and age, it was limited by factors such as distance and battlefield environment, which prevented Chen Xuan from doing more in-depth research.

However, judging from the current situation, the age of this object is probably more than a hundred years old. It has to be said that these amazing plants are perfect.

"What I lack now is such a plant." Chen Xuan said with a faint smile. Light surged from the depths of his eyes, and he waved his hand to chop it down.

The spiritual energy that emerged from the broken place was extremely powerful. Chen Xuan sealed it with spiritual energy, put it away temporarily, and then found a quiet place to refine it.

Chen Xuan pursed his lips and showed a faint smile. After he pondered for a while, bursts of smiles appeared in his deep eyes...

Half a day later.

The whistling spiritual energy began to become thick and solid at this time, flowing through Chen Xuan's body like water waves.

The two medicinal materials glowed in Chen Xuan's hands. Now Chen Xuan is working hard to refine it. Waves of medicinal aroma emerge from his hands, and the power spreads into the air.

When the condensation reached its limit, a glow burst out, and the elixir suddenly turned into a solid state while spinning rapidly.

He waved his hand and took out a pill box, and Chen Xuan took it away. A faint smile appeared on his lips, and a bright brilliance appeared in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes: "Ningling Seven Color Pill...successful!"

With this elixir, he can unleash even more powerful combat power. This is of considerable benefit to him.

Recently, mysterious flames often erupted in this ruins, which made Chen Xuan really curious. Based on the clues of the flames, he concluded that the Spiritual God Source Fire was about to be born!

It has to be that this is a very powerful flame. As long as you can master it, you can get considerable benefits.

Overall, it is even much more powerful than the Immortal Holy Fire. This thing is so precious that Chen Xuan doesn't want to miss it.

Half a month later.

During the continuous search, Chen Xuan finally took the lead to get this mysterious and legendary thing in his hands. At this time, his face looked pale.

"What a powerful flame." Chen Xuan was stunned. Now his whole body was burned so badly that he really felt like he was going to be burned to death at any time.

It is easy to find but difficult to refine. If you want to successfully refine a treasure of this level, the conditions and efforts required will naturally be huge.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest fear of Chui at this time, and it took him two full months to finally refine it.

Feeling the small cluster of flames in his dantian at this time, he became extremely excited: "As long as we continue to nourish it with spiritual energy in the next battle, I believe it will be ready for fighting in less than half a year." "

All good flames need to be cultivated. And this period of training is also particularly important. If the power is midway during the process of giving it power, then such an extremely powerful thing may be in danger of destruction.

In this case, the warrior needs to find quite strong medicinal materials or other things to supplement it after mastering this extremely powerful power.

This is not something that can be accomplished simply! There was a deep wave of energy emerging from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. After pondering for a while, he pursed his lips and said with a smile: "It looks like he is going to take the initiative!"...

The astonishing striking power makes people feel shocked. It is clearly visible in this space at this time that the powerful shocking fluctuations can be called extremely terrifying.

Chen Xuan punched a towering attic. This astonishing punch cracked the attic open with such ferocity that it could be seen that the attic collapsed almost instantly.

With the collapse of the attic, it was obvious that there were several warriors inside, and they turned into a deep light, and they quickly exploded into the space.

If you look carefully, there is a middle-aged man among them. His face is as deep as a water tiger, and deep in his eyes are deep waves of pride.

A terrifying aura like a knife. Immediately staring at Chen Xuan, he seemed to make a strong move and tear Chen Xuan into pieces.

"Why are you here looking for trouble?!" The extremely cold murderous intention broke out at this time, with extremely cruel killing intent and deterrence, and at this time he locked Chen Xuan.

It seemed that he was going to use extremely powerful means to beat his opponent away.

In the space and battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see the astonishing shock fluctuations that make people feel unable to resist.

Chen Xuan squinted at this top powerful being in the late stage of integration, and there was a slight hint of concern in the depths of his eyes.

Although he can completely use powerful means to kill him across levels.

But Chen Xuan cannot do this. He believes that if necessary, he can use his own level of strength to defeat his opponent, so he should use less external force to fight.

After all, it seems that only by taking one step at a time can you achieve stable growth. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to grow quickly.

On the battlefield in front of him, he could clearly see that the shocking shock waves made people feel unable to compete. Chen Xuan had no intention of talking to his opponent. On the contrary, he did not even have the intention of waiting.

The blast shot out and tore away the air almost instantly. When it was in front of me, the spiritual energy in the big hand was spinning.

The Great Sun Seal of the God Star quickly gathered into a specific form. At this time, Chen Xuan had a faint smile on his face, and he quickly strengthened this powerful offensive method to the extreme.

Then he exploded it with incomparable ruthlessness. The death-like blow made people unable to resist. This astonishing blow came to them almost instantly.

The thrilling attack made the man unable to resist. When he got close to him, he hit the middle-aged man hard.

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