In the space in front of him, he could clearly see that Wu Mei's threat began to become sharper and more powerful.

There were deep and violent fluctuations in the depths of a pair of jewel-like eyes, and it seemed that they were trying to use powerful and cruel means to forcefully subdue Chen Xuan.

Unfortunately this is not possible. With a deep sense of resistance, after Wu Mei's threat was reached to the extreme, Chen Xuan took the lead in counterattacking without giving Wu Mei any face.

call out!

The whirring spiritual energy fluctuations under his feet began to become thick and solid, and he almost instantly erupted in front of him.

The aura in his hands began to become stronger, and when it reached its ultimate level, he came to his side extremely ruthlessly and slapped the girl in front of him on the head.

The ripples that fell from the tearing blow began to become extremely solid. The roar surged and impacted far away. Wu Mei would never have thought that the boy in front of her would dare to directly attack in a counterattack!

"Seeking death!" There was a deep wave of energy emerging from the depths of Wu Mei's eyes. After all, her ability and strength were not outstanding, and her extremely powerful impact and blow force immediately exploded in response to Chen Xuan's attack.

Even though she was just a girl, her abilities and skills were very impressive. A strong and strong murderous intention began to gather, and when it reached the extreme level, she collided with Chen Xuan extremely fiercely.

Boom! The extremely dull blow suddenly hit hard, and the shocking fluctuations immediately caused the ground to shake slightly.

Chen Xuan was blasted and retreated. But at this moment, he looked at the girl in front of him, with deep ridicule and sharp fluctuations flowing in the depths of his eyes, and he stepped forward with extremely cold murderous intent to the extreme.

"You're looking for death!" Crimson blood emerged from the corner of the girl's mouth, and there was deep anger in the depths of her eyes.

Never would she have thought that in the previous confrontation, she would be forcibly pushed backwards! This is just a joke!

Wu Mei was really angry to the extreme at this time, and had no intention of enduring at all. She stepped forward quickly and reached the scene in front of her. The death-like shock wave made people feel shocked.

The ground was shaking, and the extremely cold murderous intent made people feel frightened. A red plum blossom appeared in Wu Mei's hand.

The plum blossoms contained full power, and the dazzling light frightened Quan Zhan. He believed that as long as he touched someone, he would be struck and threatened like death in an instant...

The blood-red plum blossoms quickly enlarged in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes. Chen Xuan stared at the guy in front of him, clenching his fists tightly and making the seals become extremely sharp.

"God's Great Sun Seal!" Chen Xuan roared in a low voice, and immediately waved his hand and smashed it away. Almost instantly, his fist tore the air away, and then a terrifying sight appeared before his eyes.

With an extremely dull blow, the air was torn apart, and such a thrilling blow could be called the ultimate level of tyranny.

The extremely dazzling punches were suddenly moving forward, and the opponent was violently smashed and blasted. Such thrilling combat power and blows made people unable to resist.

On the battlefield in front of him, bloody plum blossoms and dazzling fists were violently smashed.

Boom! The strong fighting power caused the ground to shake slightly at this time, and then the bloody plum blossoms were unable to withstand such a blow.

His body was sent flying backwards in an awkward state. After flying several hundred meters, his body fell to the ground in an awkward state.

The girl's body smashed the earth into countless astonishing cracks. Amidst the flying dust, her eyes were filled with deep fear and surprise.

He jumped out of the pit. She looked at the warrior in front of her, and her whole body was filled with sharp spiritual light.

It could be seen that Wu Mei began to become extremely serious on the battlefield in front of her.

"Your son's power is really beyond my imagination. But this is meaningless. If I use my most powerful combat power, I'm sure your son will not be able to bear it."

A death-like threat came from Wu Mei's mouth. At this time, she looked at Chen Xuan indifferently, clenching her white fists tightly.

The extremely cold spiritual energy began to flow rapidly through her body, and such a thrilling blow made people feel uncomfortable all over.

"Five Plum Picks!" The red lips opened slightly, and the white teeth pressed tightly against the red lips. A cold and sharp voice came from Wu Mei's mouth.

The eyes are as sharp and bright as the stars. She leaped forward and ejaculated in front of her eyes. She clenched her white hands tightly and smashed them towards Chen Xuan.

The five bright red plum blossoms bloomed with dazzling colors at this time. This stunning form made people feel extremely shocked. After reaching the extreme level, her expression began to become wild and ferocious.

There is no care at all. Wu Mei now seems to have a winning chance!

"Ethereal Fist!"

Just when the powerful plum blossom in front of him became dazzling and terrifying, Chen Xuan became extremely decisive. He clenched his fists tightly and the whirring spiritual energy began to become stronger and more solid. After these powers became more powerful.

He punched it away hard... Phew! The shocking punches came into contact with the opponent fiercely, and the cold killing intent made people feel unable to resist.

It is on the space and battlefield in front of me. The extremely dazzling solid fist collided with these five blood-red plum blossoms.

Although the plum blossom was solid and powerful, it couldn't resist the blow of this punch, so it was torn apart almost instantly.

Five plum blossoms exploded immediately, and layers of ripples dissipated in the space in front of him. It could be seen that he was really in an extremely embarrassed state at this time.

The waves that hit Wu Mei were shocked. Her face suddenly turned pale, and her body became weaker.

Her face was extremely distorted after being bombarded, and she flew backwards several hundred meters before falling to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

When Wu Mei climbed out of the mud again, she had lost the qualification and ability to resist.

There was a confused look in the depths of her jewel-like eyes. Her body was swaying, as if she was about to fall down at any time.

Her body moved forward in a panic, and after walking several steps, she sat down on Lin's face!

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