In his previous life, Chen Xuan had no friends, and all his brothers and sisters were dead. Even if he became the strongest man in the world, he would always be alone. In this life, Chen Xuan also recognized some friends. Although Sun Tao and Lei Suo had known each other not long ago, .

But under such circumstances, he never disclosed his information.

Obviously he is protecting himself, not afraid of power, not afraid of life and death.

If such a life-and-death brotherhood, such a friendship, could be settled with just money after being endangered, then Chen Xuan, the Immortal Alchemist, would be called the God of Violent Killing in vain.

From the beginning, Chen Xuan never thought of letting Shangguan Ninghun go, and he wanted to seek justice for Sun Tao and Lei Suo in front of the Shangguan family!

No matter how powerful you are, no matter how powerful you are, I will make you pay the price!

Let you know that even if you have Tao's power and Tong's ability, you have to bow your head when you meet me! detour!

Chen Xuan's words shocked Lei Suo behind him.

Who would refuse the overtures of a super family.

Who would offend a super aristocratic family for two unknown people?

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the stupidest approach!

The most idiotic behavior.

But this is what Chen Xuan chose.

Chen Xuan did this. Why is it that the Shangguan family is not a Shangguan family? Just because you are a Shangguan family, you can kill people at will?

Chen Xuan disagrees, so Chen Xuan wants to completely subvert the power of the Shangguan family. He wants to slap you hard in front of everyone, so that you know that in fact, you are just like this, and there is nothing wrong with you. Fantastic.

Others are afraid of you, but I, Chen Xuan, am not afraid.

"Chen Xuan, think clearly, if I, Shangguan Hong, come here in person, why don't you still give me face?"

Shangguan Hong said in a deep voice, this Chen Xuan is more terrifying and stubborn than imagined.

Although Shangguan Hong wants to make friends with Chen Xuan and win over the latter, it does not mean that Shangguan Hong is afraid of the latter. If there is a war, you Chen Xuan may not be the opponent of the Shangguan family. The Shangguan family has been able to develop in Shangguan City for so many years, and Not without reason.

"Even if the ancestor of your Shangguan family comes, you can't expect me to give you face. If you touch my people, you will only die."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

In Chen Xuan's eyes, Shangguan Ninghun was already a dead person.

"If you dare to touch Ninghun, if I don't kill you, then the spell masters of the Ice and Snow Empire will definitely kill you. When the time comes, this Medicine Master City will never be able to protect you."

"Really? Then I'd like to try it."

Chen Xuan sneered, so what about the spell master? Is he the only one who is the spell master? Now that Chen Xuan has mastered the method of refining spells, he has become a second-level spell master. He has also done research in this area, and the spell master is even more powerful. His power lies in making spells. Of course, if there are some special spells with special abilities, it will become difficult to deal with them.

"what on earth do you want!"

Shangguan Ninghun has always been the son of Shangguan Hong. Since he can't make friends with Chen Xuan, he must rescue Shangguan Ninghun. If he personally takes action and his son is still killed, then Shangguan Hong, the head of the family, will also be treated as a criminal. Too cowardly.

A powerful aura burst out in his body instantly, creating a storm in Chen Xuan's house.

"How dare you be so arrogant in my territory?"

Chen Xuan also snorted coldly, and then stood up from the stool. His king-level mental power roared out and turned into a barrier in front of him.


Two powerful auras collided together.

Seeing this, You also protected Wei Ruoxue. Bai Cen and Lei Suo also quickly retreated, but under Chen Xuan's protection, they were not harmed.

"Chen Xuan, what this family leader values ​​is your alchemy skills, not your strength. Even with your little mental strength, you want to be arrogant in front of me!"

Shangguan Hong snorted coldly.

Being able to sit on the position of the head of the family did not rely on dirty tricks. The aura of the king-level ninth grade burst out, making the sky above the entire Medicine Master City become quite heavy.

Since Shangguan Hong came alone, he naturally had the capital to not be afraid.

"So strong!"

You's mental strength can barely protect yourself, and together with Wei Ruoxue and the other two, they can only maintain a very safe range.


Chen Xuan struck out with a palm, and Bai Cen and Lei Suo flew directly out of the street. Facing the king-level ninth-level aura, they had no choice but to release the power of the volcanic stone.


A flame shield stood in front of him.

It seemed as if it had received a huge impact, and it was constantly making waves on the shield, but it finally calmed down.

"Ninth-level king level, you are not qualified enough to be arrogant in front of me!"

Chen Xuan's mental power is only the second level of King Level, but with the power of this volcanic stone, it is not a problem to compete with Shangguan Hong.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was able to block his attack, Shangguan Hong also turned cold. Just when he was about to take out his weapon, several powerful auras descended from him.

"Master Shangguan, this is Medicine City. It would be too disrespectful to me."

Lanshan's voice came rolling in, and in addition, there were several figures suspended in the mid-air.

Five king-level experts!

And the level is quite high.

Although Lanshan is not a king-level expert, the black-robed old men around him are all in the king-level realm, and they are all above the sixth level of the king-level.

These old men were slightly shocked when they saw that Chen Xuan was evenly matched with Shangguan Hong, but they did not say anything and stood behind Na Lanshan.

"Yao Zong Mansion, Dharma Protector Hall, and Yaoshi City are determined to be enemies of my Shangguan family!" Shangguan Hong said sternly.

The Yaozong Mansion is responsible for protecting the power of alchemists, and it also has a supervisory role. However, the Protector Hall is a secret protection force for the top leaders of the Alchemist Guild. It usually does not show up easily. It can only appear at the top of the Alchemist Guild. They only appear when they are in danger.

All the guardians in the Hall are king-level experts who have benefited from the Medicine Master Guild, and some of them are also good friends of the alchemist.

It is to station in this Dharma Protector Hall and become a protector of the alchemist.

Three of them were wearing black robes and were strong men from the Dharma Protector Hall. The other two were wearing purple robes with gold edges and were senior officials of the Medicine Sect.

In order to protect Chen Xuan, the two major forces, the Dharma Protector Hall and the Yaozong Mansion, were directly mobilized.

"Haha, Master Shangguan, please calm down. Is there anything we can't discuss carefully? Master Chen Xuan is the hope of our guild. If you kill him, you will destroy the foundation of our Alchemist Guild."

Lan Shan also said calmly after appearing.

At the same time, he glanced at Chen Xuan beside him. This guy wanted to blackmail the other party severely, but now he directly started a fight and even took the other party's life. If he hadn't mobilized the masters in time, I'm afraid this Chen Xuan His home has been demolished.

"Lanshan, stop talking nonsense. If you don't hand over Shangguan Ninghun today, I will destroy your Medicine Master City soon!"

Shangguan Hong said sonorously.

"Hmph, that's such a loud tone. You think we are dead."

An old man from the Dharma Protector Hall came out with a fierce look in his eyes. He was not a ruthless person back then, but now he is retreating to the Medicine Master City, practicing exercises and taking elixirs. But if he really wants to become ruthless, he is not necessarily afraid. Who.

"Wolf King of the Northwest! I didn't expect that even you would join Medicine Master City!"

When he saw this old man, Shangguan Hong's eyes clearly flashed with shock. This Northwest Wolf King is a very famous master in the northwest. He broke through to the king level ten years ago and now retired, but he appeared here. After ten years, he The pregnancy and raising of the Alchemist Guild has actually reached the seventh level of King Level.

"Lan Shan, please think clearly. If you protect Chen Xuan now, the person you offend is the Talisman Breaker King of the Ice and Snow Empire!"

Split Talisman King!

Level 3 spell master!

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