Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1347 The middle stage of integration

Chen Xuan's heavy blow immediately hit his opponent, and then the mountain-like power cracked the opponent's body apart fiercely.

His body exploded and turned into a dense bloody aura, disappearing into the forest with a whirring sound.

Chen Xuan found the extremely dark ring from the bloody smell. Feeling the strong light emerging from the ring, his face became serious now.

"It seems like there should be some good things in here." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

There was no habitual thought at all. After he stepped forward to catch it, he quickly left the place in front of him.

Suddenly, mysterious fluctuations appeared in the sky. These forces gradually gathered into the shape of a light group, and the aura rushing inside the light group began to become solid and dazzling.

After these powers became extremely powerful, it was only then that Chen Xuan could be seen becoming a little indifferent.

"Who is causing trouble here!" he mocked coldly. As he stepped forward, he shot onto the battlefield in front of him almost instantly.

The power previously mobilized in his palm was still quite large, and he had no intention of coddling his opponent. Incomparably heavy spiritual energy surged in his palm.

He then swept it out with great ruthlessness, and immediately the thrilling blow came before his eyes, and the astonishingly heavy blow knocked the ball of light away.

The light group split open, and an illusory figure came out of it. That was a figure who looked quite young, although he was only about thirty years old.

But the powerful aura exuding from his whole body was even stronger than the old man who was killed in the previous battle.

At this time, I could clearly feel that he locked Chen Xuan with his extremely cold eyes.

"Haozi, you dare to kill the powerful men of my Yaochi Empire. Just wait until I return and you will definitely kill them with your own hands."

At this time, deep energy waves emerged from the depths of the young man's eyes. Obviously at this time, he seemed to be using powerful means to hit him hard.

"Then I will let you know what the price is now."

Chen Xuan spoke in even colder words. His eyes then flickered, and he took a step forward to receive a terrifying strong wind. When he reached his side, his palms smashed down extremely fiercely.

The thrilling crushing wave was to the extreme, and he struck down hard due to it. This kind of death-like killing intent really made people unable to resist.

Chen Xuan's fist landed heavily on the body in front of him. The illusion's body was torn apart by the smash, and within a few seconds, the body completely exploded.

Then this seemingly solid body completely disappeared. On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan's body shot out quickly like an afterimage.

His continuous strikes finally completely destroyed the man in front of him...

Five months later.

In the valley filled with strong Qi in front of you, countless plants are flowing with dazzling light. This brilliance is extremely dazzling. I believe that whoever can absorb these extremely powerful medicinal materials.

You can get considerable benefits immediately. At this time, one can clearly feel that in such an astonishing absorption state, the powerful and thick wave force is terrifying.

"Dixu grass!"

Looking at the medicinal herbs in the valley that were radiating dazzling light, one could see that there was indeed a deep brilliance emerging from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.

After he pondered for a while, the brilliance in the depths of his eyes showed deep vigor.

"Absorb it!" A very powerful siphon wave emerged with a curved finger. This powerful whirlpool force was absorbed into the palm of his hand.

This caused this extremely powerful force to be quickly absorbed by him. After pondering for a while, he could see that there were indeed deep waves of energy emerging from the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.

"With this thing, I can refine the Emperor's Heart Pill. At that point, I won't be afraid even of those top experts who are half-step into the realm of god transformation!"

Chen Xuan was really excited at this time. A faint spiritual energy evaporated from his palm, and then fell on the medicinal materials in front of him, and then the medicinal materials began to become dazzling and bright.

He wrapped it with spiritual energy and placed it in the jade box. At this time, he could clearly feel that the extremely powerful power had completely disappeared.

Half a month later.

In this ancient city in front of you, there are countless decent training places. You must know that these places are usually extremely precious. If you have nothing and no strength, it is almost impossible to practice here.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan's cultivation here was going smoothly at this time. Among these training grounds, there are three levels: black, white and red.

According to Chen Xuan's current ability, he couldn't even enter a higher-level white training field, which made him somewhat helpless at this time.

But when he knew how terrifying the powerful beings cultivating nearby were, his dissatisfaction gradually calmed down, and he immediately knew that being able to achieve such achievements at his age was already considered extraordinary. Very excellent and nice thing.

However, Chen Xuan seemed to be calmer at this time. A faint spiritual energy rushed into his body, which made his body become stronger at this time.

The hidden meridians all over the body appeared to be emerging. It can be seen that these meridians began to gradually become sharp and dazzling at this time, in the space and battlefield in front of them.

The extremely cold crushing fluctuations can be described as terrifying. At this time, it can be clearly felt that Chen Xuan's absorption has caused the training field in front of him to show a cruel overdraft in the amount of spiritual energy it can provide.

It's just that Chen Xuan doesn't have the time or time to pay attention to these things at this time. In his opinion, these spiritual energy must be completely absorbed, so now he will absorb it crazily into his body, and spend a long time absorbing it into his body. Unless it is slowly absorbed into the body, there is no difference at all.

So now he relies on his strong confidence to absorb the forces around him crazily and roughly, which is really a very wise choice.

After reaching the ultimate level, Chen Xuan's level finally broke through... Boom, a faint spiritual energy emitted from his body, and at this time, he had finally reached the middle stage of integration!

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