"In the first match, Sun Tingting wins!" the referee announced with some surprise as he looked at Sun Tingting on the field.

"The second round of the quarterfinals begins! Please come up to those who have drawn the lottery." After that, the referee stood aside.

A burly young man, wearing black clothes and carrying a huge heavy sword, jumped onto the competition stage.

"Li Yuanjie! A generation of young heroes from the west. I didn't expect to meet him here!"

"The style is even better than before! I haven't seen him for several years, and Li Yuanjie's momentum makes people feel even more domineering. He will definitely be a hero in the future!"

"Hey, whoever can enter the quarterfinals is not a young hero. I wonder who Li Yuanjie's opponent will be this time!"

Everyone in the audience was talking noisily.

At this time, a young man in purple clothes slowly walked up to the stage.

Everyone in the audience gasped! It seemed as if I saw someone important coming up.

"It turned out to be him! The current number one disciple of Purple Star Overseas! It is rumored that he broke through to the late stage of integration a year ago. Now, he is probably about to enter the realm of half-step god transformation, right?"

"Half-step to become a god? This young man is a terrible gambler. Li Yuanjie is in danger this time. I'm afraid he won't be his opponent!"

"Half-step transformation into a god is an exaggeration! No matter how amazing Zi Yunxiao is, it is impossible for him to break through to the realm of half-step transformation into a god at such a young age! Only those monsters in the legend can achieve this step !”

"Isn't Zi Yunxiao amazing enough? He broke through to the late stage of integration at the age of nineteen. How many people have been able to achieve this step since ancient times? Whoever can achieve this step is not a famous hero in history! "

"Zi Yunxiao is indeed amazing enough, but he probably hasn't reached that level yet. He broke through to half-step into a god at the age of twenty. This is something only those monsters in the legend can achieve!"

"Let's see, maybe Zi Yunxiao is the kind of evildoer in the legend. In the competition, we can see the difference!"

"What Brother Tao said is absolutely true,"

Zi Yunxiao walked up to the competition stage, glanced at Li Yuanjie lightly, and said: "You are no match for me, just admit defeat!"


There was an uproar in the audience. Zi Yunxiao was too showy and actually asked his opponent to admit defeat!

Li Yuanjie glanced at Zi Yunxiao calmly and said: "You may be amazing, but without a fight, how can you know that I am not your opponent?"

Zi Yunxiao shook his head and said: "I broke through to the late stage of integration a year ago, and now I have stabilized at this level. Sooner or later, I will break through to the half-step god transformation, but you only broke through to the late stage of integration in less than a month. Shangyuan is not as stable as me, so there is no need to fight, you will definitely lose!"

Li Yuanjie looked at Zi Yunxiao angrily. Since his debut, no one has ever looked down upon him like this. However, this Zi Yunxiao is too arrogant!

Li Yuanjie said coldly: "Man, you haven't broken through to the half-step of becoming a god! Even if you break through, so what, it's not like Li has never killed someone!"

Zi Yunxiao smiled faintly, as if he didn't care at all.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but gasped when they heard Li Yuanjie's words! This Li Yuanjie is even more arrogant! He even boasted that he had killed a monk who was halfway to becoming a god! How arrogant is this? Compared to Zi Yunxiao, there is simply no concession!

Li Yuanjie continued: "It's useless, let me see the truth!"

After finishing, he shouted loudly, waved the heavy sword in his hand, and slashed towards Zi Yunxiao!

Zi Yunxiao's expression suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly: "You are stubborn! As you wish!"

After that, Zi Yunxiao faced Li Yuanjie with his bare hands!

"Zi Yunxiao is so arrogant, he actually wants to fight Li Yuanjie with his bare hands!"

"No matter what, Li Yuanjie and Zi Yunxiao are both outstanding young talents. It's not certain who will win and who will lose! Just wait and see!"

On the competition stage, the epee in Li Yuanjie's hand was like a toy. It seemed to weigh several hundred kilograms, but in his hand, it felt like a toy. It didn't feel heavy when he swung it!

The heavy sword has no edge, but bursts of black light erupt from the blade, which is extremely sharp.

The heavy sword slashed towards Zi Yunxiao with the force of a king coming down!

Zi Yunxiao just glanced at the heavy sword lightly, and suddenly moved towards the heavy sword with his left hand.


There was only a loud noise, and Zi Yunxiao actually caught the heavy sword with a force of nearly one thousand kilograms!

Li Yuanjie seemed a little surprised, and his expression suddenly became serious. This Zi Yunxiao gamble was extremely terrifying. Although it was just a simple move, Zi Yunxiao took it with his bare hands. It seemed that he was still able to do it with ease. He was indeed someone who should not be underestimated. figure!

Zi Yunxiao's expression was also a little stagnant. Even if it was a thousand kilograms of strength, Zi Yunxiao could easily follow it. However, Li Yuanjie's heavy sword is obviously somewhat unusual!

Zi Yunxiao's tiger's mouth was struck numb by Li Yuanjie's heavy sword, which made him feel a little surprised.

According to common sense, this is simply impossible.

"I'm looking forward to you. It seems I have to have a good fight with you!" Zi Yunxiao looked at Li Yuanjie again, but still said in a neutral tone, as if he was confident and sure of victory.

Li Yuanjie snorted coldly and said, "You talk a lot of nonsense. Take the bait!"

Then, Li Yuanjie added a little more force to the heavy sword and pressed it down towards Zi Yunxiao.

Zi Yunxiao also exerted force with his left hand at the same time, but he was extremely surprised in his heart because there was a feeling of difficulty in his left hand.

This Li Yuanjie really cannot be judged by common sense!

Zi Yunxiao didn't want to continue to waste energy with Li Yuanjie, so she scolded, a purple light flashed in her left hand, and with a wave of her left hand, Li Yuanjie's epee was suddenly deflected an inch! Then he crashed towards the competition stage.

At the same time, Zi Yunxiao leaned back and jumped out.

The heavy sword in Li Yuanjie's hand hit the competition stage violently. Suddenly, a huge pit was created on the stage, and cracks spread out in all directions along the pit.

"Tear...this forbidden martial arts competition platform has been smashed into such a big hole. The heavy sword in Li Yuanjie's hand is extremely terrifying!"

"What's even more terrifying is that Zi Yunxiao actually took Li Yuanjie's epee with his bare hands and remained unscathed!"

Everyone in the audience looked at the two people in the audience in surprise.

Chen Xuan was also slightly surprised. No matter who faced him, these two people were a strong enemy and should not be underestimated.

But it seems that Zi Yunxiao is slightly better!

Li Yuanjie was a little surprised, roared, and raised the heavy sword in his hand.

At the same time, Zi Yunxiao also moved, and his whole body was emitting purple light, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by purple energy! He rushed towards Li Yuanjie quickly.

Zi Yunxiao's hands each held a ball of purple light, exuding a dangerous aura. There was no doubt that it was a powerful move!

Li Yuanjie snorted coldly, held the heavy sword in his hand, and rushed towards Zi Yunxiao.

The heavy sword exudes a jet-black aura, which is extremely strong!

The two had a fierce confrontation!

The heavy sword in Li Yuanjie's hand could not hit Zi Yunxiao's figure, and Zi Yunxiao could not get close to Li Yuanjie's body for a while. The two were in a stalemate for a while, and neither one could gain the upper hand.

It's just that Zi Yunxiao's hands are empty, but Li Yuanjie is carrying a heavy sword weighing several hundred kilograms. If the stalemate continues like this, Li Yuanjie's physical strength will definitely fail first.

In this case, Zi Yunxiao has the upper hand.

Chen Xuan carefully watched the competition between the two people in the field, which made him unable to calm down for a long time. It seemed that he still had a way to go. He was wondering, if he met any of them, would he be able to do this? Easily gain the upper hand.

Fortunately, what gave Chen Xuan some comfort was that he was only a monk in the middle stage of integration and had not yet broken through to the late stage. It would be good to be able to tie with them.

This is not the ordinary people in the late stage of integration that we have fought against in the past. After all, they are only one in ten thousand. It is not easy to be one level behind them without falling behind.

On the court, Li Yuanjie seemed a little impatient. He didn't want to continue in this stalemate.

Li Yuanjie roared loudly, his aura rising to the extreme, and the heavy sword in his hand was wrapped with black light.

"A heavy sword has no edge, and great skill has no workmanship!"

The heavy sword in Li Yuanjie's hand slashed towards Zi Yunxiao! Although it seems like this is just a mediocre move,

However, what surprised Zi Yunxiao was that no matter how he avoided it or where he was, the heavy sword in Li Yuanjie's hand was pressing down on him.

It actually made him feel out of breath.

He hasn't felt this way for a long time. It was before he broke through to the late stage of integration that he encountered a huge challenge in his life.

Right now, this Li Yuanjie is also the only one he has ever seen in his life.

However, what surprised Zi Yunxiao even more was that he was able to break through to the late stage of integration a year ago. The person in front of him, who had just broken through less than a month ago, actually tied with him and at the same time let him It gave rise to a feeling of being faced with a formidable enemy!

He knew that he looked down on the person in front of him, but he never thought that the person in front of him could be so scary!

Li Yuanjie's epee pressed down on Zi Yunxiao unhurriedly, and Zi Yunxiao found that he was breaking out in a cold sweat!

Just when Li Yuanjie's heavy sword was about to press against Zi Yunxiao's body, Zi Yunxiao suddenly roared, opened his mouth and spit out a stream of rich purple energy, and flew towards Li Yuanjie's heavy sword.

In an instant, purple energy enveloped Li Yuanjie's heavy sword.

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