Bai Cen and others continued to practice, but Wei Ruoxue and the others began to worry about the situation of the Wei family after this incident. Thinking of this, they suddenly became worried.

"Sister, don't worry. Wait until Master Chen Xuan is free and talk to him. Maybe you can do it."

You's body of ten thousand thoughts was opened by Chen Xuan, so he has a sense of intimacy and trust in Chen Xuan.

In this regard, Wei Ruoxue could only nod. The old man of the Wei family was dying soon, and only the Shangguan family's pills could solve the problem. But now the Shangguan family and Chen Xuan were breaking up here, and she happened to be in Chen Xuan's camp. I believe that the Shangguan family will not agree to take out the elixir.

If Chen Xuan was willing to go to the Wei family and help treat the old man of the Wei family, Wei Ruoxue's grandfather, I believe the problem would not be so complicated.

It's just that these days, Chen Xuan is either in seclusion or going out for business. He really can't find a chance to speak. Leave them alone. Even Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang don't have much chance to talk to Chen Xuan.

I can only remember some of the experiences taught by Na Lanshan and continue to train.

At the same time, the energy in the volcanic stone is also pulling hard.

But it feels like there is surging power in the volcanic stone, but it is impregnable and it is very difficult to mobilize it.

I already have some brows during this period, and the next step is to work harder to get to school.

The people from the Dharma Protector Hall and Yaozong Mansion have already retreated.

As for Chen Xuan's violent beating of Liu Hanfeng last time, it was nothing at all. Liu Hanfeng only had one and a half-level official position. Most of the masters of Yaozongfu who came now were at the director level. This director is equivalent to a deacon. Elders and their ilk are titles belonging to the Yaozong Mansion.

Chen Xuan and Lanshan walked towards the Huo family.

Along the way, Lanshan was also explaining to Chen Xuan the relationship between the five major alchemist families in the city.

"There are five major medicine refining families in this city. One of them you have completely offended is the Liu family. Liu Feng of the Liu family is indeed an out-and-out talent, but his character is extremely poor. The Liu family regards him as the next member of the family. The vice-president came to train him.”

"There is also the Huo family. Their ancestor was once a sixth-grade alchemist, and he also found the spiritual fire. Unfortunately, he died while passing on the spiritual fire. He sacrificed his own life and made the future generations happy. Yin. Huo Liu is the third generation disciple and the only one in the Huo family who has awakened the spiritual fire. His status is quite high."

"In addition, the other three major families, the Han family, the Zhuo family, and the Mu family, are all old families in the city. There are fifth-level alchemists in the family, and they all have ancestors who are attacking sixth-level alchemists. , whoever can succeed will become the leading family.”

"If you win the position of vice president, the Pharmacist Guild will reward you with a sixth-grade elixir to help you break through the realm. You will directly become a sixth-grade alchemist."

Arashiyama explained.

The other three major families are usually relatively low-key and quiet, and do not like to cause trouble like the Liu family. It seems that there are also people who do things down-to-earth, but they are covered up by these people.

Han family, Zhuo family, and Mu family.

Those are families that have been passed down for hundreds of years. The foundation of the family is naturally not low. Being able to become the vice president and reward the sixth-grade elixir is obviously an opportunity for the ancestor of the family to break through, and there will be more in the future. Many sixth-grade elixirs appeared.

The contribution to the family will be unlimited.

"Breaking through the realm of alchemy, are you the sixth-grade elixir, the Purple Divine Pill?"

Chen Xuan said calmly.

Lanshan's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Yes, it is the dense purple divine pill, which was refined by the first generation president. There is only one left now. Therefore, the next president needs to be able to refine this dense purple pill. Only with the magic pill can you take charge.”

Lanshan Road.

This is also the tradition of the Alchemist Guild. To make a certain contribution, it is natural to refine some useful elixirs. The Purple Divine Pill can help the alchemists consolidate their realm, and at the same time broaden their thinking. To a certain extent, it is The strength has been improved, but what has been improved even more is the power of the mysterious fire.

It can elevate your Mysterious Fire from the fifth level to the sixth level!

In this way, it is relatively easy to become a sixth-grade alchemy master. Of course, the mysterious fire breakthrough alone is not enough. After all, you are an alchemy master. Only when you refine a real sixth-grade alchemy can you be considered a master. He is a sixth-grade alchemist.

"That Enmeshed Purple Divine Pill is a top-level sixth-grade pill. Even if it is something like that, Dan King Yufan can't refine it, let alone your Alchemist Guild."

Chen Xuan said unceremoniously, and Lanshan also looked embarrassed.

"Ahem, it can't be like this, it's all progress slowly, progress again."

"Let's do this. You gather the materials and I'll refine one for you. It's just your talent. If you want to break through this sixth-level alchemist, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. I still need a helping hand."

Chen Xuandao.

Lanshan's status is noble, and the most important thing is that he can control the resources of the entire Alchemist Guild. If he becomes stronger, it will benefit him a lot, so he might as well push him up first.

In the future, you have to get rid of the latter to find the things you need.

Otherwise, when the Talisman Splitter King comes, what will he do to fight the latter?

"What, can refine it!?"

When Lanshan heard this, he almost lost his footing and fell to the ground. Instead, he looked at Chen Xuan in shock. There were only three words echoing in his mind, impossible, impossible, impossible.

That is a top-grade sixth-grade elixir. Only a top-grade sixth-grade elixir can be refined. It even requires a seventh-grade alchemist to refine it. Chen Xuan, how is it possible for Chen Xuan.

This is inevitable...

But Lanshan, who is familiar with Chen Xuan, knows that Chen Xuan is not joking, because until now, Lanshan has never seen Chen Xuan joking.

"Just prepare the medicinal materials. A mere sixth-grade elixir will make you worried. What's the problem?"

Chen Xuan didn't care at all. As he spoke, he had already arrived in front of the Huo family's mansion. The Huo family was one of the five largest alchemy families in Yaoshi City. It was not difficult for this alchemist to make money. With just a pill, he could create Ten times or twenty times the profit comes out.

At this time, Lanshan could still not understand what Chen Xuan meant. As long as there are medicinal materials, this dense purple divine elixir can be refined. If this is really refined, the entire Alchemist Guild will change. Completely different.

Even in the upcoming alchemy conference, he will definitely be able to shine.

"Haha, no problem, no problem. This medicinal material cannot be found in my Medicine City. You can't find it anywhere else."

Lanshan has this confidence. Although it is not absolute, in most cases, basically 80% of the medicinal materials can be found in Medicine City, but the price is extraordinary. For precious medicinal materials, the price He has always been on top in this Medicine City.

Because if you don’t want it, others will want it. If you don’t want it, it will just be bought by others, and the loss will still be yours.

But the Alchemist Guild is rich and powerful, so they don't care about this, as long as they can refine the sixth-grade elixir!

Thinking of this, Lanshan wanted to turn around and go back to prepare the medicinal materials, but at this moment, in front of the door of the Huo family, the manager of the Huo family had already walked out.

"Vice President Lanshan, Master Chen Xuan, please hurry up and invite me inside." said the manager Huo Yun.

With such a strange thing happening, we could only let Lanshan and others come.

"How do you know me?" Chen Xuan was surprised. He had never seen this Huoyun before, but the other party could call his name.

"Haha, you don't go out by yourself. Now no one in Medicine City knows your name, Master Chen Xuan."

Lanshan smiled, and Huoyun also nodded and said: "Yes, the name of Master Chen Xuan has been spread in Medicine Master City. Everyone wants to meet you, this legendary alchemist. According to your ability to make alchemy, I am in awe of you for making a sixth-grade elixir."

"Ahem, can you keep a low profile?"

Chen Xuan suddenly said helplessly that such a low-key person like himself was actually praised like this by Lanshan.

"This is not my problem, it's your own problem. You beat up the Liu family, who do you blame?"

Lanshan became even more angry. You obviously made the mess yourself and you asked me to clean it up for you. Now you blame me. This is really a chore.

"Two uncles, our sister's current situation is very unstable. You should go and take a look first."

Huo Yun almost looked sad, and Chen Xuan nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

When approaching that ancient house, Yang Fan knew the reason.

At this time, many masters and elders of the Huo family were walking back and forth in front of the ancient house. The room was constantly radiating strong heat to the outside world. If it were not for the powerful profound energy protecting the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, I am afraid that this place would have been The earth is scorched.

"Every year today, we worship our ancestors to thank the inheritance of the spiritual fire. However, recently, there was such an accident in this ancient inheritance house. Everyone was trapped in it and could not enter or exit. There were no clan members who had awakened the spiritual fire. , and it’s impossible to get close.”

Huo Yun said anxiously.

Based on the current situation, it can be felt that the status of the four masters Huo Liu, Huo Fu, Huo Jing, and Huo Ming is not as good as imagined, and is even gradually getting worse. ,

Huo Jing Huo Ming is the first elder and second elder of the Huo family, while Huo Fu is the current head of the Huo family and the ancestor’s biological son!

The four masters were all trapped in it, which made the people of the Huo family anxious.

Everyone looked at Lanshan.

Lanshan, on the other hand, looked at Chen Xuan beside him.

"The spiritual fire inherited by your Huo family is probably the Tongmingxuan Heart Fire."

Chen Xuan took a step forward and said slowly.

At the same time, a ray of ice-hearted fireworks also jumped out of the hand.


Originally they were still guessing about this person's identity, but when they saw the wisp of Bingxin fireworks, everyone was surprised. This was also a spiritual fire!

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