When Young Master Yifei saw Chen Xuan at this time, he didn't show any fear at all. Instead, it aroused his fighting spirit even more. A look of disbelief suddenly flashed across Young Master Yifei's face. His opinion of Chen Xuan, Something has changed.

Chen Xuan is definitely not the kind of person who would give up easily!

"Do you want to continue?" Master Yifei's expression suddenly became serious, and his temperament also changed at the same time.

At the same time, he placed both hands on the Yao Qin. Even when he was dueling with Li Yuanjie in the morning, Master Yifei did not show such an expression. He always had a calm look and defeated Li Yuanjie easily. .

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's pupils shrank for a while. Master Yifei's secret skill of confining the void had already had a huge impact on him. However, now coupled with Master Yifei's Yao Qin, the secret skill of confining the void was maintained for as long as it lasted. Before it dissipates, Young Master Yifei may already be in an invincible position.

No wonder there were people before, no one could get within three feet of Young Master Yifei, and he had the secret skill of confining Yifei in the void. Even a monk who was half-step into becoming a god could only risk his death in front of Young Master Yifei.

The pressure faced by Chen Xuan has doubled! At this time, Chen Xuan, not only being able to fight Young Master Yifei, but also being able to withstand Young Master Yifei's next attack, was already doing well.

When Young Master Yifei saw Chen Xuan again and didn't answer, he had already lost his mind. He already understood that Chen Xuan would not admit defeat no matter what.

Defeating him is the only way.

Thinking that Young Master Yifei was not thinking about anything, his fingers floated in his hand, and several more violent piano sounds, accompanied by a burst of sound waves, flew towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

Chen Xuan, who was restricted by the void, could not move as smoothly as before.

After hearing the sound of Master Yifei's piano, he had already started to move.

Chen Xuan did not try to catch him forcefully, but rushed his body to the side, avoiding Young Master Yifei's attack unharmed.

Mr. Yifei looked at Chen Xuan in surprise and said, "Not bad, it's interesting."

Seeing that Chen Xuan was still able to move despite his secret technique of confining the void, Young Master Yifei couldn't help but value Chen Xuan's strength even more.

If he had known, even an average half-step master in the realm of divine transformation would not be as smooth as Chen Xuan in his secret technique.

Mr. Yifei is very confident in his secret skill of confining the void. No one has ever escaped calmly through his secret skills. They are all at his mercy.

However, what surprised Mr. Yifei was that the Chen Xuan in front of him seemed to have less restrictions on his secret technique of confining the void than he had imagined, and he was not as strong as the opponents he had faced in the past.

It's just a little more suppressed than usual.

Of course, that's all.

But for Chen Xuanlai, this was not the case. His dodge just now had almost reached his limit. His speed was actually half slower than usual, and the distance was also reduced by half!

This was already incredible to Chen Xuanlai.

Chen Xuan knew that with Master Yifei's secret skills, he could not confront him tit for tat. He could only save his own strength and physical strength to fight with Zhou Xuan, and then wait until the power that restricted the void stopped.

Master Yifei's secret technique of confining the void is really difficult to deal with.

Almost all of Chen Xuan's strongest attacks were ineffective here, not to mention his other moves, which were of no use at all.

And even if there is another opportunity like the one just now, it will be difficult to pose any threat to Master Yifei who is on guard.

At this time, Master Yifei launched another attack on Chen Xuan.

At the same time, the sounds of his piano became louder and louder than the last, and they kept attacking Chen Xuan.

Seeing Young Master Yifei's fierce attack, Chen Xuan had no choice but to keep flashing his body on the competition stage to avoid it.

At the same time, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to crack it!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Chen Xuan's mind. He seemed to remember something, and then his body reacted quickly.

While avoiding Young Master Yifei's attack, Chen Xuan turned the Nine Dragons Gun in his hand and actually launched an attack at Young Master Yifei.

Chen Xuan quickly approached where Master Yifei was!

Since there is no way to escape from this secret technique of confining the void, and no matter which direction you are in, you will be attacked by Young Master Yifei.

In this way, the place where Master Yifei's piano sound cannot reach is behind Master Yifei!

Master Yifei was really shocked when he saw Chen Xuan suddenly rushing towards him and moving towards his back.

As long as he uses the secret skill of confining the void, almost no opponent can move. However, Chen Xuan is obviously an anomaly.

Moreover, Young Master Yifei's biggest flaw is his own backside.

Moreover, he did not expect that Chen Xuan could move so quickly with his own secret skills, which really surprised him.

Because there is no opponent who can get behind him in his secret skills. Even if he discovers his flaw, he will be killed by himself before he can take action.

So at this moment, seeing that Chen Xuan seemed to have discovered this flaw, Young Master Yifei became a little anxious.

"This boy is surprisingly powerful!" Young Master Yifei suddenly began to formally call Chen Xuan.

This Chen Xuan is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface!

If Chen Xuan had used Zai's strength before he unleashed the secret skill of Confining the Void, even if he couldn't defeat Young Master Yifei head-on, he wouldn't be like now.

Young Master Yifei looked at the Nine Dragons Gun in Chen Xuan's hand, and Young Master Yifei decisively put away his Yao Qin. He couldn't just give his back to the enemy, that would be stupid.

At the same time, a bright white light appeared on Master Yifei's hand.

At this time, Chen Xuan had already approached Young Master Yifei. The Nine Dragons War Spear in his hand made a dragon roar and swept towards Young Master Yifei's back.

Master Yifei held Yaoqin in one hand, and his body suddenly jumped up. At the same time, he fiercely shot the white light in his hand towards Chen Xuan behind him.


There was a loud noise, and the white light hit the Nine Dragons Battle Spear in Chen Xuan's hand. The burst of power forced Chen Xuan to retreat quickly.

However, the power of that white light was terrifyingly powerful.

The power generated by the explosion immediately spread out in this space.

Chen Xuan's expression changed and he said something bad in his heart. He hurriedly used his body skills to escape, but the power of the white light explosion was extremely fast, and Chen Xuan's body was suppressed by Master Yifei's secret technique of confining the void. At Chen Xuan's current speed, there is no way to retreat.

No matter what, Chen Xuan could not avoid the powerful force generated by the white light explosion.

Chen Xuan set his heart aside, and the Nine Dragons Battle Spear in his hand burst out with dazzling golden light, blocking it in front of him!


There was a loud noise.

Chen Xuan was instantly enveloped by the power generated by the white light explosion.

At the same time, Chen Xuan's body flew backwards and fell heavily on Lin!

There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth and he suffered some internal injuries.

At the same time, Master Yifei's figure not far away stopped.

Seeing the fallen Chen Xuan, Young Master Yifei finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Chen Xuan and said coldly: "Brother Chen, you are indeed very powerful and very good, but it's a pity that you still have to lose!"

Hearing Master Yifei's words, Chen Xuan sneered. Although he looked a little embarrassed at the moment and was indeed at a disadvantage, it was too much for him to lose just like that.

Although he was hit by Mr. Yifei's move, he did not suffer any fatal injuries, just some injuries. As long as he delayed for time and took a breath, these injuries were not a big deal!

As long as Master Yifei's secret skill of confining the void is up, this injury will not even affect Chen Xuan's next battle.

It was rare to meet such a powerful master as Mr. Yifei, how could Chen Xuan give up so easily? How can we not have a good fight with him?

Some people are born to fight! Improve yourself in battle! There is no doubt that Chen Xuan is this kind of person.

Master Yifei's face suddenly showed a trace of surprise. At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Chen Xuan was at a disadvantage. What would happen if the fight continued like this? There is no doubt that the answer is already there, as long as it is a little bit People with smart brains will give up decisively.

However, the fighting spirit and unwillingness to admit defeat that Chen Xuan revealed actually made Young Master Yifei a little afraid.

Mr. Yifei couldn't help but frowned and said curiously: "Why, brother Chen, do you want to continue fighting?"

"Of course." Chen Xuan returned calmly.

Hearing this, Master Yifei had a solemn look on his face.

He knew that although he was in the upper hand now, he could not defeat Chen Xuan easily, especially Chen Xuan's fighting spirit was high now!

"Master Yifei is indeed so powerful that he puts Chen Xuan at a disadvantage one after another. With this strength, he can be regarded as the number one among the young masters!"

"Being first is a bit too much. There is no shortage of talents, especially talents like Mr. Yifei. I know a few people who are not weaker than Mr. Yifei, but they just don't bother to appear in such a competition."

"Even so, Young Master Yifei is so powerful that everyone knows it. It seems that Chen Xuan is definitely going to lose today!"

"Chen Xuan's strength is already very strong. He is able to move freely within the confining void of Young Master Yifei. If it weren't for the difference in realm, he might not be at a disadvantage!"

Everyone in the audience started talking about it.

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