In the previous battle, Young Master Yifei had always had the upper hand, almost suppressing Chen Xuan.

And now, facing Chen Xuan at this time, Young Master Yifei's advantage has gradually disappeared, and instead, Chen Xuan has the upper hand.

However, even so, the two fought against each other several times, although the fights were back and forth.

Several times Master Yifei's killing moves passed by Chen Xuan's body, but Chen Xuan dodged them every time, but he still couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

However, Chen Xuan's attacks almost hit Young Master Yifei several times, which restricted Young Master Yifei's movements at the same time.

This made Master Yifei's expression suddenly become more serious.

There was still no winner between the two, but judging from the fight, both of them were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other for the moment.

However, what was different from before was that Chen Xuan became more comfortable with Master Yifei's secret technique of confining the void.

His current actions can hardly be restricted by any secret technique.

Although the two still only had a tie, relatively speaking, Chen Xuan's chance of winning was now much higher than before.

Young Master Yifei couldn't help but admire Chen Xuan in his heart.

"Monster, a monster born to fight!"

Seeing Chen Xuan's graceful figure, Young Master Yifei began to feel horrified in his heart.

This Chen Xuan is too powerful, and the spiritual energy in his body seems to be endless. Such a monster is really rare.

Everyone in the audience was also surprised. They did not expect that Chen Xuan would become more and more courageous as he fought. He even managed to get a draw from the disadvantage. In the end, he even showed signs of suppressing Mr. Yifei.

Of course, they were just bystanders, far from the shock that Mr. Yifei experienced personally!

No wonder this guy was able to defeat so many masters in the late stage of fusion with his strength in the middle stage of fusion.

Although Mr. Yifei can also do this, the situation they face is different!

In the eyes of others, Young Master Yifei is already a monster, and an extremely powerful monster!

However, in Young Master Yifei's view, he already looked a little inferior compared to Chen Xuan, who was a more powerful monster!

You know, the two of them are in a different realm!

Mr. Yifei was even thinking, if it were him and the roles of the two sides were reversed, how long would he be able to hold on?

When he thought of this, the bad premonition in Master Yifei's heart became stronger and stronger. If this continues, I'm afraid Chen Xuan will defeat him easily, right?

With Master Yifei's talent, it would be a little strange if outsiders knew that he would have such scruples.

Mr. Yifei has always been a representative of the strong, and he is a very strong one!

However, after fighting with Chen Xuan for such a long time, everyone will inevitably feel tired. However, Chen Xuan seems to be a different kind of alien!

Chen Xuan's fighting spirit became even higher.

If you continue here, you have a high chance of losing!

At this time, Master Yifei's secret skill of confining the void had almost no impact on Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan has been able to gradually attack himself during the battle.

This is a very optimistic change for Chen Xuanlai, but for Master Yifei, it is not so optimistic.

"Zheng Zheng!"

At this time, Young Master Yifei suddenly launched more fierce attacks towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's expression froze. Although the Imprisoned Void no longer had much impact on him, it still had a little impact. From the perspective of outsiders, Chen Xuan was already able to handle it with ease, but only he knew the pressure he faced.

Seeing Master Yifei launching more violent attacks at him, Chen Xuan quickly dodged, but in the end he was hit several times!


A mouthful of blood spat out from Chen Xuan's mouth, and Chen Xuan fell to Lin in pain.

"Can you finally hold on anymore?" Master Yifei saw that his attack was effective, and his solemn mood relaxed a little.

Chen Xuan was half-kneeling on the ground while holding the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear tightly with one hand.

Then he stood up with difficulty.

At this time, Chen Xuan felt the pressure of the imprisoned void again!

It was even more violent than before!

"Have you taken the medicine?" Chen Xuan smiled coldly at Mr. Yifei and said mockingly.

Young Master Yifei's expression froze. He knew that this was Chen Xuan's ridicule to him. In this fierce battle, how could he still have time to take medicine?

If you are not careful, you will eat shit.

Young Master Yifei just raised his momentum to the extreme, and then launched a ferocious attack on Chen Xuan in an extremely domineering manner.

However, this method had some effects and made Chen Xuan feel unreasonably strong.

"I won't lose!" Master Yifei looked at Chen Xuan who stood up again and vowed in his heart.

"Since it's effective, just keep coming. The worst thing you can do is try your best!" Mr. Yifei was heartbroken and said coldly to himself.

The potential of the two people is almost the same, but there is a huge gap in their realm. It's always been there, Young Master Yifei doesn't believe that he can't do anything to Chen Xuan?

Young Master Yifei went ahead and launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan again.

Chen Xuan also carefully avoided the attack of Young Master Yifei who came madly.

The two fought fiercely for several rounds, and at this time, Master Yifei only had three layers of spiritual energy left in his body.

However, looking at Chen Xuan again, he was just a little tired and a little strong.

Master Yifei had never fought for such a long time. Since his debut, he had always crushed his opponents with absolute strength, even when he met opponents with higher realms than himself. He had never fought for such a long time as this time with Chen Xuan.

The long fight had made Master Yifei feel exhausted all over.

The most important thing was not physical fatigue, but mental fatigue!

Master Yifei had already felt that he would definitely lose to Chen Xuan.

With only three layers of spiritual energy left, Master Yifei felt that his chances of winning were not great!

However, even so, with Master Yifei's talent and pride, he would not admit defeat!

As long as there was a glimmer of hope, Master Yifei was also not a person who gave up easily.

If he didn't even dare to try, how could he live?

The two quickly fought again.

However, Master Yifei was a little surprised when he saw Chen Xuan's high fighting spirit. How aggressive was this guy?

After such a long time, his fighting spirit not only did not diminish, but continued to rise!

Master Yifei looked at Chen Xuan in shock.

Not only Master Yifei, but also people with a little ability or a little vision off the court noticed Chen Xuan's state, and they all looked at Chen Xuan in the court with incredible expressions.

"This Chen Xuan is a bit scary! And his perseverance is amazing! After such a long time, no one, even a talent like Master Yifei, would have felt tired, but Chen Xuan's fighting spirit is still so strong! It seems that he will not give up until the winner is decided!"

"Yes, Master Yifei's current condition is not very good, but Chen Xuan still looks vigorous!" Master Yifei looked at Chen Xuan in front of him and said with an incredible look: "It's been such a long time, aren't you tired? The fighting spirit is still so high?"

"It's not easy to meet an opponent like you, how can I not fight a good game?" Chen Xuan just smiled faintly when he heard it. "If I can't meet a strong opponent like you, how can I prove whether my cultivation is up to standard? How can I test my results? Only after a battle with a strong opponent like you, whether I win or lose, can I get the biggest improvement!"

As he said, Chen Xuan's fighting spirit became more and more high.

Master Yifei's expression froze when he heard this. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan had the energy and spirit to fight with him for such a long time because of this!

Is this a real strong man? Master Yifei asked in his heart.

Moreover, Master Yifei asked himself what kind of state and spirit he could not achieve with Chen Xuan!

"Okay! Chen Xuan, since you are like this, let's start fighting!" Master Yifei suppressed the shock in his heart, then gritted his teeth and said fiercely to Chen Xuan.

Master Yifei calculated in his heart that this attack must hit Chen Xuan no matter what. Whether he attacked first or later, he couldn't let Chen Xuan be so relaxed!

As long as Chen Xuan dared to attack him, Master Yifei would stare at Chen Xuan and attack him fiercely!

Chen Xuan sneered and said forcefully: "Okay!"

Then, Chen Xuan actually took the lead in attacking Master Yifei.

"Boom!" The Nine Dragon Spear in Chen Xuan's hand emitted a fierce golden light and flew towards Master Yifei at high speed. Chen Xuan did not intend to dodge Master Yifei's attack. He wanted to fight Master Yifei to the death and have a head-on fight with him! After such a long battle, Chen Xuan had almost figured out Master Yifei's attack routine. Although it was not very complete, it was better than nothing, and Chen Xuan felt that it was enough! "Boom!" A surging force suddenly exploded on the arena. Master Yifei was not to be outdone and attacked Chen Xuan. An invisible sound wave immediately dispersed the golden light. Chen Xuan was not surprised by this result. However, at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his body suddenly became relaxed, and even more relaxed than before! Confinement of the Void, Master Yifei's secret technique finally failed!

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