At this time, Chen Xuan stood quietly in the void, with a pair of clear and domineering eyes, staring coldly at the young master in front of him.

The long sword in the young master's hand was broken, and at this moment he could no longer use the powerful swordsmanship of Wuji Sword.

The young master, with a look of disbelief on his face, was staring at Chen Xuan in front of him with a serious face.

This newly appointed lord was indeed powerful and terrifying. Indistinctly, the young master sensed a powerful and terrifying aura on Chen Xuan that could only be felt on his powerful father.

Fusion stage!

The young man in front of him, who was not much different in age from himself, was actually a cultivator in the fusion stage like his father!

No wonder the city lord of Dixu City only sent him to this wasteland city that had been in decline for decades. It turned out that his strength was stronger than that of ordinary lords!

Only his father, after being called a lord, broke through to the fusion stage. But throughout history, there are very few such cultivators.

He had rarely heard that a newly appointed lord actually had the cultivation of the fusion stage, and he was still a very young cultivator.

This potential was much stronger than his father.

You know, generally speaking, the lord of a subordinate city only had the strength of the spiritual silence stage at most, which was equivalent to his own strength. There were very few lords in the fusion stage like his father, and there were almost no lords, at least he had never seen or heard of one.

Therefore, many people came to Zixia City to serve him.

So, this is why Zixia City is the first subordinate city under Dixu City.

At this moment, the young master knew that he was not the opponent of the man in front of him, but he relied on his father's strong strength and still did not take Chen Xuan seriously.

"You are indeed beyond my expectation. If I am not mistaken, you are a cultivator in the fusion stage, and it has been a long time since you broke through to this realm."

The young master looked at Chen Xuan in front of him and said coldly, but in his words, it seemed that he did not take him seriously at all.

However, the young master's words immediately shocked everyone watching the battle.

"What? This lord is actually in the fusion stage?"

"Impossible! Has the world changed? There are such young fusion cultivators!"

"I am ignorant. As far as I know, there are such proud children in some powerful sects and families!"

"However, according to rumors, those people are young men in their twenties. The youngest is thirty-seven or thirty-five years old. I have never heard of a fusion cultivator who looks only twenty years old!"

"What is the origin of this young lord? How powerful is he?"

"I don't know, but I guess the power behind him must be extremely terrifying, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate such a young and powerful fusion cultivator!"

Everyone started to talk. Although they were shocked by Chen Xuan's strength, they were more curious about Chen Xuan's origins.

"Oh? Not bad, you are quite self-aware, you can actually see that we are not cultivators of the same realm, so, do you want to admit defeat? Be my servant obediently?"

Chen Xuan was surprised that the young master could see through his strength, but he was not surprised. To him, these were just some things, nothing big to talk about.

"Humph!" The young master snorted coldly after hearing this. "You are really wishful thinking! Don't dream, I will not lose, I will not admit defeat to you, and I will never be your servant."

Chen Xuan did not expect that after knowing his strength, the young master still had no intention of admitting defeat, and he could not help but look up to him.

Chen Xuan showed a trace of surprise at the young master's combat power. Although he was only a cultivator in the early stage of spiritual silence, his means could definitely easily beat a cultivator in the middle stage of spiritual silence.

"Do you think that with your strength in the Spiritual Silence Stage, you can beat me, a cultivator in the Combination Stage?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but glance at the young master leisurely.

"Hmph, until the end, it's still uncertain who will win or lose!"

The young master said coldly, but of course he also understood that he would definitely not be the opponent of the lord. If he wanted to win him in a head-on fight, he would have to use extraordinary means!

Thinking of this, the young master suddenly took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and then he opened the porcelain bottle, poured out a pill from the porcelain bottle, and then he swallowed it directly!


In the void, in the void where the young master stood, a strong breath suddenly erupted, and a huge and majestic force suddenly shot out from the young master's body!

Middle Spiritual Silence Stage!

Late Spiritual Silence Stage!


At this moment, the young master's realm was rapidly soaring! At the same time, his strength became more and more terrifying.

At the same time, the people watching the battle were even more surprised.

"What is this? What did that young master eat? He was able to forcibly improve his realm in such a short period of time!"

"That is the Barrier Breaking Pill, and only the top-grade Barrier Breaking Pill can quickly increase a person's combat power so much!"

"I didn't expect that the young master actually had this kind of elixir in his hand. However, that lord has the strength of the Fusion Stage. Without breaking through to the Fusion Stage, the cultivation level increased by a barrier-breaking pill can only be at best Within its own maximum realm! That is to say, the young master can only improve his strength to the late stage of Lingji, and he will not be able to improve it. "

"Yes, if that's all, that young master doesn't seem to have the strength to fight with that lord."

"If nothing else, it is indeed the case."

Everyone watching the battle immediately started talking.

At this moment, Chen Xuanzheng was staring at the young master intently. He was not surprised at all that the young master took the barrier-breaking pill to forcibly increase his strength. If he didn't do this, he would have no chance of continuing to fight with him. necessary.

However, the sequelae of the Barrier-Breaking Pill are very serious, ranging from serious injuries to loss of life. I can't help but be curious and a little surprised that the young master would not hesitate to pay such a price in order to defeat himself.

Originally, there shouldn't be any intersection between the two of them, but now it seems like a fight to the death.

I don't know if there was someone behind the young master who was instigating him, making him have to fight so hard.

But all the conditions passed, and in the end Chen Xuan just didn't bother to think about it.

No matter who is attacking him behind his back, Chen Xuan is confident and not afraid?

At this time, the young master's realm was still rising rapidly!

Late stage of spiritual silence!

After a while, the young master's aura doubled! The surging power shot out quickly in the void.

At this moment, the young master showed a look of pain. However, he was not satisfied. Although his current state was already very powerful, facing Chen Xuan, a monk in the integration stage, he knew that with his current state, Come on, there is almost no chance of winning!

After entering the integration stage, the strength is different from before. Even the strength in the early stage of integration can easily crush the strength in the later stage of Lingji.

The young master glanced at Chen Xuan coldly, and then his heart suddenly shuddered. He took out a porcelain bottle from his arms again and poured out a yellow pill.

Then, the young master took the pill in one gulp again.


Suddenly, strong winds rose around the young master's body, blowing his clothes.


The young master finally couldn't bear the powerful force at this moment, and suddenly screamed heartbreakingly.

At the same time, the young master's aura suddenly surged again!

Early stage of integration!

The young master has successfully entered the early stage of integration.

At this time, the young master's face was full of pain, his face was distorted, and he was bearing the power that did not belong to him.

At this moment, he felt that his body was full of explosive power, and that power could explode in his body at any time!

"Huangji Pill! It turns out to be the legendary Huangji Pill!"

"No wonder the young master is so confident that he actually has this legendary elixir. It seems that it has not appeared for many years, and now the young master actually uses it."

"Hey, it's a pity. Although that young master is not as good as that lord, he is also formidable and powerful. However, because of a temporary dispute of will, that young master may have already plunged himself into a point of no return!"


"Although Huangji Pill can improve a monk's realm, it is not his own cultivation level after all. From now on, even if the young master can survive this battle, I am afraid he will never be able to reach the realm of the integration stage at most. "

"So that's it. The effect of the Huangji Pill is indeed as domineering as the legend says. At the same time, its sequelae are also extremely overbearing! If it weren't for the moment of life and death, who would be willing to take this Huangji Pill to forcibly take it? Improve your own strength to a greater level!”

Everyone watching the battle looked at the young master and talked about it. Some were sighing, some were secretly happy, and expressed different emotions about the young master's behavior at the moment.

At this time, the young master unreservedly released his combined strength to the surroundings.

This made everyone watching the battle feel frightened and stepped back unconsciously.

The strength in the combined stage was different. They were afraid that when the two of them were fighting inseparably, they would accidentally hit them here.

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