"The fire of death...this"

The two elders Huo Jing and Huo Ming were also extremely surprised. Only Huo Fu gave a slight signal, and the fire cloud immediately evacuated the crowd.

"The situation is under control and everyone is returning to their posts."

Even some elders were evacuated.

"Vice President Lanshan, Master Chen Xuan, would you like to lend me a word..."

Huo Fu said.

Lanshan nodded, and the group of people walked towards the living room.

Huo Liu, who was at the back, was filled with shock when he saw Chen Xuan arriving. When he was at the Alchemist Guild, he wanted to test the power of this new specially hired teacher, but he found that Chen Xuan was almost Unfathomable.

And now, he is directly on the same level as the head of the family and the vice president, which shows how strong Chen Xuan is.

Although Huo Liu is a special teacher, Huo Liu's status is actually limited to that of a teacher, and he has not yet risen to the level of an elder.

He couldn't even join the Elder Hall of the Alchemist Guild.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Chen Xuan's body. If it hadn't been for Chen Xuan before, the four of them would have been swallowed up by the spiritual fire. Thanks to Chen Xuan's intervention, it turned out that the two sides were not on the same level at all. Thinking of it Here, Huo Liu also felt relieved, but his interest in Chen Xuan became even deeper.

"Please take a seat."

In the living room, there are two main seats, and the rest are on both sides. The guests are on the left, and the people of the Huo family are on the right.

Huo Yun stood behind Huo Fu.

The two elders Huo Jing and Huo Ming sat opposite Chen Xuan, while Huo Liu sat at the end.

"Master Chen Xuan, regarding this matter of spiritual fire channeling, I just made a few guesses before. Now that Master Chen Xuan has told me, please give me some advice."

Huo Fu said sincerely.

Chen Xuan also nodded.

The Huo family was relatively polite. After realizing that they were wrong, their attitude also changed a lot. Besides, they couldn't offend all the five major alchemist families in Medicine Master City.

"It's very simple. Your Tongmingxuan Heart Fire is too powerful and has developed spiritual wisdom. Now I want to control your power, rather than becoming a weapon driven by you."

Chen Xuan said slowly, it is a very scary thing for the spiritual fire to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Generally, such spiritual fire is called immortal fire. No matter where it is, it will do everything it can to find the source of power, devour it to maintain its own power, and even gradually strengthen itself.

Even if there is only a trace of fire, it is enough to parasitize everywhere and be reborn constantly.

Such a flame is also a devastating disaster, because they only see power in their eyes.

If left unchecked, even this flame can become a force that can destroy the world.

"Grow spiritual wisdom and immortal fire!?"

Sitting at the end of the table, Huo Liu exclaimed. The two elders didn't say anything after hearing this. After all, Huo Liu is also the future of the Huo family. The latter's talent is enough to lead the Huo family to become the head of the five major families, and all hope for the future is also there. It's all on Huo Liu's body.

In the world of alchemists, this immortal fire has always been just a legend, worshiped as a myth.

But I have only heard of it but never seen it.

Now Chen Xuan's own ancestral spiritual fire will soon turn into the immortal fire that destroys everything. How is this possible?

"How is this possible? The Immortal Fire is just a legend. Even if it gives birth to spiritual wisdom, it will only be a little bit of fire spirit. It will help us improve our strength and be enough to be used by our clan!"

Huo Jing said, as the great elder, he still has a certain say in this flame.

Although the inherited flame is not that powerful, the Fire Spirit's cultivation is not weak, so the insights are quite relevant.

"Who told you that spiritual intelligence has just been born now? When you worship your ancestors every year, it is when he wakes up. Is every swallowing power produced for no reason? This fire spirit has been born for nearly For hundreds of years, it has just been dormant.”

Chen Xuandao, these people are really a bunch of idiots. It is obvious that Tongmingxuan's inner fire is reborn with the help of your Huo family, but you still don't know it yet.


"This...how is this possible!"

Everyone in the Huo family understood what Chen Xuan meant. This shows that the terrifying power of this spiritual fire is shocking and trembling.

If what Chen Xuan said is true, then over the years, the Huo family has been gradually eaten away by the Tongmingxuan heart fire, and now it has exploded, enough to destroy the entire Huo family.

"Your family master and Huo Liu should be able to feel this."

Chen Xuandao, Lanshan next to him also had a shocked look on his face. He had heard of the legend of immortal fire, but this was the first time he saw it. Who knew that the Huo family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, would be in such a crisis.

"Then why don't we feel it?"

Huo Mingdao, who inherited the spiritual fire, has a relatively short temper.

"Your talent is too poor."

Chen Xuan said unceremoniously and choked him back.


"Elder Huoming, please be patient."

Huo Fu said in a deep voice and glanced at Huo Ming. Huo Ming could only cup his hands and then sat down.

"Then how to deal with this flame spirit?" Lanshan asked.

If the Huo family disappears for a chat, it will be a huge blow to the Alchemist Guild.

So it must be resolved.

But Lanshan, who is familiar with Chen Xuan's temper, also knows that it is not easy for Chen Xuan to take action.

"It's very simple. Completely refine the spiritual fire and use it for your own use. If the person who refines the fire succeeds, his strength will naturally increase greatly. It will benefit future generations. If he fails, then his body will die and his spirit will disappear. It will increase his spiritual wisdom, enough to instantly Destroy your whole family."

Chen Xuandao's expression was calm, as if he was explaining a light-hearted matter, but to everyone in the Huo family, it sounded so heavy. This was the outcome of everything being destroyed if they were not careful.

"My great Huo family has been passed down for hundreds of years, how could I be buried in this spiritual fire today?"

"No wonder the ancestor used to have spiritual fire when he succeeds, and when he fails, he also has spiritual fire!"

Master Huo also sighed, he did not expect that the Huo family would face such a disaster.

"Then let me do it." Huo Fu stood up and said.

"As the head of the Huo family, I naturally have to shoulder this responsibility."

Facing this narrow escape, even if there is even a slight mistake, he will become the eternal sinner of the Huo family. Under this strong pressure, Huo Fu has no choice but to stand up and face his own trial!

This time, you can only win, not lose!

"You can't do it. You are too old. Only one person in the huge Huo family can do it."

Chen Xuan shook his head and directly drove Huo Fu into the ice cellar. Suddenly, Huo Fu and others were shocked.


Chen Xuan was silent, and Lanshan looked at the last person thoughtfully.

Finally a woman with a hot figure stood up.

Huo Liu!

Now the success or failure of the Huo family all falls on Huo Liu.

These three old men were too old to withstand the power of the flames, and only Huo Liu could.

"Master Chen Xuan, please give me a helping hand." Huo Liu gritted his teeth and said respectfully in front of Chen Xuan.

"As long as it can be done, no matter what Huo Liu is asked to do, there will be no complaints!"

"Oh? Are you serious about this?"

Chen Xuan suddenly smiled slightly and looked at you, Huo Fu, and the others. Obviously, only Huo Liu and the others can do this. After all, this is about the life and death of the Huo family.

"Mr. Chen Xuan, what are the chances of refining the fire spirit?" asked the fire master.

"If you refine it yourself, the chance is zero, but if I take action, it's 90%."

Chen Xuan said confidently that the fire spirit has been practicing for hundreds of years. Now it has accumulated energy and can explode at any time. It is waiting for an opportunity to wake up.

If incompetent people like the Huo family want to go, they can only deliver food.

But if you take action yourself, the situation will be different. If a god-level powerhouse in the previous life, a peak figure at the Alchemy Level, can't even deal with a mere fire spirit, then how can he have the dignity to hang out on this continent? Go down.

"Really? If Master Chen Xuan can take action, I, the Huo family, will be extremely grateful. No matter what difficulties Master Chen Xuan encounters, I, the Huo family, will do our best to help!"

Huo Fu stood up and said, ninety percent, ninety percent chance, which is already very high.

"That's not necessary. I heard that the Huo family has a cold grass..."

When Chen Xuan came out with the cold spirit grass, the expressions of everyone in the Huo family changed.

This is almost the inheritance of the Huo family, and it is an eighth-grade elixir!

Every time the elixir increases to a higher level, the price increases exponentially. There is no such thing as an eighth-grade elixir on the market.

Master Huo's complexion changed several colors, but in the end, considering the life and death of the Huo family, although the eighth-grade elixir was precious and was left by the ancestors of the Huo family, it was only a elixir after all. I believe that the ancestor can understand.

"Okay, if Master Chen Xuan can help my Huo family, I will give you the cold spirit grass with both hands!"

Huo Fu made up his mind and said.

The two elders next to him were also gnashing their teeth, but they were helpless. If someone could solve it, they would probably ask for more, and the situation of the fire spirit was indeed imminent.

Huo Liu could clearly feel that the flames in his body were not entirely his own. In most cases, they still belonged to the fire spirit. Especially in the recent period, he felt it more clearly.

"Okay, let's go, start now."

Chen Xuandao.

"Ah, now?"

Huo Liu was obviously frightened by this speed.

I haven't even prepared myself properly yet.

"I entered the ancestral home with you, and I defeated the fire spirit, and you took the opportunity to conquer it."

Chen Xuandao.

"For one second every night, the fire spirit becomes one point stronger. Judging from the current situation, in five days, even I am not 90% sure that I will be able to defeat it."

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