After Chen Xuan confirmed that everything was correct, he put away all the things, and then called two soldiers guarding the city to carry the young master out.

"Your young master is here, I'll give it back to you. You can get him out as you like." Chen Xuan said to the servant indifferently.

The servant nodded respectfully, responded twice, and then carried the young master on his back and walked out of the city gate.

Kang Ming also breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear. He finally rescued his only son. Although Kang Ming secretly hated him for not being competitive, he was his son after all, so he couldn't watch him die anyway.

Seeing the servant carrying his son out, at this moment, he was already thinking about how to deal with Chen Xuan next.

Before, he just made a weak gesture to Chen Xuan, everything was just false. After all, the fate of his son was all controlled by Chen Xuan in the book. If he accidentally angered him, his son might have been separated from him by now.

So Kang Ming's attitude towards Chen Xuan before was just pretending.

But there is one fact that Kang Ming is indeed not Chen Xuan's opponent.

Kang Ming grabbed his son's hand and felt his pulse. He felt that his breath was disordered, his spiritual energy was running wildly, and his internal organs and flesh were seriously injured. It must be a miracle that he was still alive at this moment.

Kang Ming hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, then poured out a pill and gave it to him directly.

"I hope he can survive this period of time." Kang Ming sighed, his expression was solemn, he frowned, looked at Chen Xuan meaningfully, then turned around and broke through the air.

The rest of the people also followed Kang Ming closely and went far away.

"Lord, you are really amazing. The lord of Zixia City has always acted lawlessly. I didn't expect that he would be frustrated by you today." A soldier praised Chen Xuan with a respectful look.

"Yes, but, Lord, you should be more careful. Kang Ming has always been vindictive. This time you offended him, I am afraid he will find ways to retaliate against you in the future. Although Kang Ming is not your opponent on the surface, but in secret, no one knows what means he will use. Lord, you should be more careful." Another soldier said.

Chen Xuan nodded and said, "It's okay, he is just a clown. It's no big deal. If he makes me angry, I will just kill him."

"Kang Ming alone does not pose any threat to you, Lord, but you have to resist the people behind him. The old city lord of Dixu City is unfathomable. It is said that he is a master in the middle of the transformation realm. Moreover, the old city lord has many masters under him. Any servant who comes out at random is a cultivator in the fusion stage." Another soldier saw that Chen Xuan didn't care, and couldn't help but say to him solemnly.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan just smiled faintly and said, "The old city lord is indeed very powerful, but he has no reason to attack me. After all, it is the territory of the Yaochi Empire. He just has some jurisdiction. If he is caught by outsiders, his position as city lord will be difficult to sit on."

Several soldiers looked at each other, and seeing Chen Xuan's confident look, they didn't say anything after all.

"By the way, withdraw the city defense formation. There are not many resources in the wasteland city. We can't waste them like this. Save them for the future when the enemy invades."

The soldiers nodded. They would obey Chen Xuan's orders unconditionally.

After that, Chen Xuan left here and returned to his lord's mansion.

Night came quickly. Chen Xuan practiced his own skills and rested on the side.

In the past few days, the continuous battles have made him feel a little tired. This is not the kind of physical fatigue, but the long-term tense state of mind. The kind of fatigue is like water at night, and there seems to be silence between the earth. Chen Xuan took a chair, went to the yard, and then lay quietly on the chair.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and soon after, he suddenly said lightly: "Since you are here, there is no need to hide!"

"Haha, you have a sense of perception. But it is so sensitive that you can easily sense that I am here."

At this time, a figure appeared in the yard out of thin air, and the figure sat down on a stone bench next to Chen Xuan.

This person is the old man under the Crown Prince, named Zhao.

"Since the senior is here, it means that the Crown Prince has agreed to my conditions?" Chen Xuan was not surprised, and he still sat there calmly.

"Yes, you are a smart man. Since you are so straightforward, I can't hide it anymore." Zhao looked at Chen Xuan with some appreciation and said with a smile.

Zhao took out a bottle from his arms, gently placed it on the stone table in front of him, and then said with a smile: "This is the Shenhua Pill we promised to give you. You can check whether it is real or not."

Chen Xuan opened his eyes at this time, looked at the porcelain bottle on the table, then looked at Zhao, and suddenly laughed, saying: "Since the prince is willing to cooperate, he will not fool me with a fake Shenhua Pill. No need to check, I believe you."

After that, Chen Xuan thought about it and put away the bottle on the table.

Zhao looked at Chen Xuan with some admiration, and the smile on his face became stronger. He took out a book with some yellowing pages from his arms, and gently placed it on the stone table, and said at the same time: "This is a Xuan-level skill. Friends can use it to practice. If you feel it is not suitable, you can contact me at any time and I will exchange it for you. This skill book contains some secret skills, although it is not a very powerful one. It’s a secret skill, but it’s not an ordinary street guy, it can be considered an above-average level.”

Chen Xuan nodded and took the book over. Although the book looked a bit old and seemed to be damaged at any time, Chen Xuan knew as soon as he touched it that the paper in this book had been specially treated. Strictly speaking, it could be called It is immortal for thousands of years, but looking at this book, it seems that thousands of years have passed.

"Why didn't you just copy it on a new paper and bring it over? This book looks like I'm going to be lazy at any time." Chen Xuan said to Zhao jokingly.

Zhao Wenyan couldn't help but look stagnant, and then said to Chen Xuan with some embarrassment: "This is to prove our sincerity, and I will bring you the original copy of this book directly to avoid any misunderstanding."

Chen Xuan nodded, but didn't say anything more. Chen Xuan flipped through the book in his hand casually. He actually didn't care about the Xuan-level skills. The skills he practiced were no worse than the Xuan-level skills, but he was somewhat interested in the secret techniques in the book.

He just flipped through it casually and put it away.

"What do you think, friend? Are you satisfied?" Zhao looked at Chen Xuandao with a smile.

Chen Xuan nodded and said, "There's nothing wrong with the technique. Thank you very much."

"As long as you think it's appropriate." At this point, Zhao suddenly changed the topic and said solemnly. "In addition, the Aowu Forest will be opened recently. His Royal Highness hopes that you can go there in person."

"Aowu Forest?" Chen Xuan's expression froze when he heard this. Where is that place?

"You don't know?" This time it was Zhao's turn to look stunned. It was really strange that there were still people who didn't know about Aowu Forest.

Chen Xuan shook his head, and then asked: "Where is that place?"

"Aowu Forest is a forbidden area in the eastern part of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom. It is only opened once every hundred years, so the opportunity cannot be missed. I don't know how many people will enter there this time. The competition is extremely fierce." Zhao said solemnly.

"In that case, why didn't the prince find some experts to go over? Instead, he let me go over?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"You don't know something. In the Aowu Forest, only monks below the realm of transformation into gods can enter. The prince has thought about it and found that you are the most suitable candidate." Zhao said.

"Restricting access to masters above the realm of transformation into gods?" Chen Xuan was a little surprised. "Is there such a place?"

Zhao nodded and said: "That's true. If a monk from the Transformation Realm breaks in rashly, he will be destroyed physically and mentally in an instant! There is no need for the above masters. Rumor has it that there are monks suspected of being in the Mahayana Realm. But it’s no different from the monks in the Transformation Realm. In the blink of an eye, they turned into ashes and disappeared from the world.”

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression froze. How could he be so evil? At the same time, Chen Xuan took a breath of cold air and said with some disbelief: "Mahayana realm? It's unexpected that such a legendary master can do this after entering. This Aowu Forest is really terrifying and evil!"

"Otherwise, how could it become a forbidden area?" Zhao said disapprovingly.

"If that's the case, then why can monks below the divine transformation stage easily get in?" Chen Xuan asked.

Zhao shook his head and said: "No one knows the key to this. We only know that every hundred years, the Aowu Forest will be opened without exception. At other times, even a mortal with no cultivation will rashly enter. He will also die instantly. No one knows what force is driving this strange situation in the Aowu Forest. However, judging from past signs, the Aowu Forest seems to have a formation. Which formation is the entire Aowu Forest within? However, every hundred years, the formation will stop functioning for a period of time, which lasts for about a month. This is the most reliable method at present, but there is only one doubt. "

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