This strange sound made everyone shiver involuntarily and their scalps became numb.

However, this weird sound only lasted for a while, and then there was no more movement.

"It seems that the corpse insect will definitely not be able to escape this sea of ​​fire now, and he will definitely die there." Zhou Long said with lingering fear.

Although he showed great bravery just now, only he knew how scared he was in his heart, but he just didn't show it in front of them.

Seeing that the corpse in front of them gradually became completely silent, several people felt completely relieved.

After a period of silence, Li Yi took the lead and said: "Although it's a little late now, this place is so weird, it would be better for us to get out of here earlier. What do you think?"

Qian Tao nodded with deep understanding and said: "Brother Li, this place doesn't look like a kind place. Spending the night here will give people a creepy feeling. We'd better leave here as soon as possible, and this place Corpse bugs actually appeared, maybe there will be other weird things."

"Yes, Brother Li, let's leave quickly." At this moment, Wei Xia also shook Li Yi's arm and said?

Chen Xuan and others nodded in agreement.

"Well, since everyone thinks it's feasible, let's leave now." Li glanced at everyone and nodded lightly.

Li Yi still took the lead and walked at the front. Wei Xia held Li Yi's arm and followed closely behind Li Yi. She was obviously frightened by the scene just now.

Qian Tao and Zhou Long walked in the middle one after another, Sun Tingting walked in front of Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan walked in the back.

But the strange thing is that there are fewer and fewer scenes like the one just now, but the patches of white bones are becoming more and more numerous.

After everyone had seen the scene just now, these bones didn't look as scary as before.

Among the piles of white bones that appear in patches, a few bones with white light will appear from time to time, making people look at them with suspicion.

Fortunately, after everyone walked for about an hour, the white bones around them gradually became less and less. This made everyone's tense hearts suddenly feel happy. Look at it like this, it won't be long before they can walk out. .

In this way, everyone became more and more excited and finally wanted to leave this weird place.

However, Chen Xuan, who was walking at the end of them, did become a little confused.

Although Li Yi has never been here, and judging from the time, he really should not have the opportunity to come here, but Li Yi is very familiar with the surrounding environment. It is not an exaggeration. Even if there are some in his clan Li Yi was already familiar with the treasure of the past mirror, but he shouldn't be so familiar with it.

You must know that knowing a place from some other ways and becoming familiar with a place from going there are completely opposite.

But the familiarity shown by Li Yi was almost the same as the latter one.

Moreover, even the scene in the mirror in the past is already the scene a hundred years ago. And in this Aowu Forest, even if there are no earth-shaking changes, it is impossible for the scene to be exactly the same as it was a hundred years ago. No matter how much, it will always be the same. There will be some more or less changes.

Along the way, Li Yi rarely looked at the map, and even when he looked at the map, he only glanced at it casually without making a careful comparison. Therefore, Chen Xuan felt that Li Yi was a bit suspicious.

However, Qian Tao and the others didn't seem to notice this at all, and they still followed Li Yi excitedly.

"Brother Li, have you been here before?" Chen Xuan suddenly said calmly.

"Of course..." Li Yizheng was subconsciously preparing to answer, but suddenly his expression froze and he couldn't help but react. Then he gave Chen Xuan a meaningful look and continued: "Of course I have never been here, haven't I been here before? ? The location of the Life Fruit is not that far away from here now. Besides, Brother Chen, you are kidding me too much. If I had been here, it would have been at least a hundred years ago. I would have been here a hundred years ago. How could you have been here if you were not born? Chen Xuan, you really know how to laugh."

Chen Xuan said disapprovingly: "Oh, that's it. Don't blame Brother Li. I just saw that Brother Li was very familiar with the surrounding environment. Besides, we hardly encountered any corpse insects along the way. There is no danger, and there are many cultivators entering the Aowu Forest, but even so, we didn’t meet a single cultivator along the way. This has to be a bit strange. After all, the Aowu Forest only covers an area of ​​100 square kilometers. , but there are tens of thousands of cultivators here, but we haven’t encountered any of them, which makes me think more.”

Chen Xuan paused and continued: "But no matter what, the probability of this situation happening is really low. Tens of thousands of cultivators are in a forest of only one hundred square kilometers, but they can't even meet one person. Yes, this seems like an incredible thing to me, but to you, Brother Li, it is like a common occurrence, very common, so I can’t help but think, I thought that Brother Li, you had been here before, otherwise If so, no matter what danger we encounter, even if it is not life-threatening, it should not be so easy. "

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled lightly, and said: "So, it's normal for Chen Xuan to have this concern, but it's not that we haven't met other cultivators, but when we are about to meet them, , I just took you to avoid the past quickly. As for why I am familiar with this place, it is because my grandfather showed me the past mirror ever since, so I am very familiar with every plant and tree in the Aowu Forest, and so are you. You know that you can only enter the Aowu Forest once every one hundred years, so even if the scenery inside has changed a little, the changes are not very big, so you can feel like you know the Aowu Forest like the back of your hand. "

Hearing what Li Yi said, Chen Xuan smiled lightly in relief and said: "So that's it, but I was worrying too much."

However, although Chen Xuan is like this on the surface, he still maintains a non-committal attitude in his heart as before. No matter how fully prepared Li Yi is, how to understand the Owu Forest, what he shows now is definitely not that simple. .

It is one thing to be well prepared, but it is another thing when it comes to actual action, but it will definitely not be what Li Yi is showing now.

Although Li Yi's explanation is very pertinent, and it sounds true at first glance, as long as you think about it carefully, you can understand the flaws in Li Yi's words.

However, Chen Xuan has never had anything to do with this. Since Li Yi is unwilling, it means that he is deliberately hiding it from everyone. Therefore, no matter how much you ask, you can't find out why he came.

Although Qian Tao and others seemed to believe Li Yisuo's words at the moment, Chen Xuan was not tempted by his words and kept a very calm mind.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but look a little surprised, because no matter where Li Yi came from, although Dou behaved very suspiciously, he could easily survive Qian Tao and the others. No matter what, it showed Li Yi's good attitude.

Therefore, Chen Xuan was not sure for a moment whether Li Yi's words had been thought of long ago or were just improvised. However, no matter which category Li Yi belonged to, he understood that Li Yi was He is not to be underestimated, the city is extremely deep, he is not an ordinary person.

At this time, Li Yi spoke again: "Don't worry about these dead objects. They are just bones if they don't fight. They are nothing serious and not aggressive."

At this point, Li Yi suddenly paused, and then continued: "As soon as we walked out of here, we were closer to the life fruit. And it's so late now, so we'd better get out of here early and repair it. Let’s set out tomorrow. If I’m not wrong, I should be able to find the place where the life fruit is.”

"Okay, Brother Li is right." As soon as they heard the words "Li Dao Ming Guo", Qian Tao and others' eyes suddenly lit up. For a moment, they put down all the worries in their hearts, as if the previous things had not happened. Happens the same.

At the moment, they were a little energetic, quickened their pace, and followed Li Yi closely.

After walking for about an hour again, Chen Xuan and the others found that the bones around them were almost gone. They had obviously walked out of that strange place.

However, the surrounding environment was still as gloomy as before, but in their eyes, it seemed like a normal, even beautiful place. Compared with the pieces of white bones before, and the strange body Compared with the zombies that appeared inexplicably, the current environment couldn't be better no matter what.

At this moment, everyone's nerves were relaxed.

Then, under the leadership of Li Yi, several people continued to walk forward, while looking around for a cave where they could live.

About an hour later, Li Yi and the others found a cave, where they settled down and began to adjust their bodies. After the shock before, they couldn't help but feel a little tired?

After a silent night, everyone got up early in the morning and headed towards their destination again.

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