"A ghost beating the wall?" Several people couldn't help but look at each other, and even Chen Xuan was slightly startled.

But no matter which one it is. There is no real danger, it's just that people can't find an exit and wander around, just killing time.

So after hearing what Li Yi said, everyone felt relieved.

but. Although they all breathed a sigh of relief, everyone still did not dare to move forward rashly. They looked at each other, and no one was willing to take the lead. Even if there is nothing to be afraid of when ghosts hit the wall, what if the one in front of you is not? Maybe there is some kind of death trap in it?

There was a stalemate for a moment. Everyone's eyes finally fell on Li Yi. The meaning was obvious. Li Yi had taken the lead all the way before. Now at this critical moment, it was natural that Li Yi should take the lead. Who made him the leader?

However, for some unknown reason, Li Yi had no intention of continuing to take the lead this time. He looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice: "It's just a ghost beating a wall. There's nothing to be afraid of. Let's do this now, everyone in turn. Form a line, Qian Tao, you take the lead, and I hold the line from behind, how about that?"

"This..." Qian Tao hesitated immediately. Of course he had no problem with others not taking the lead, but he was unlucky. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and said: "Brother Li, it's not that I don't want to, but I don't know the way. This I have never been to this place before, and I am not familiar with the route map passed down by your family. Even if you follow the map, you will easily get lost, not to mention that you can’t even see the road clearly in front of you..."

"It's okay. I'll be holding the line from behind and give you directions at any time, so you won't make any mistakes." Li Yi said with determination.

"Then...okay..." At this point, Li Yi couldn't refuse anymore, so he had to bite the bullet and move forward.

Everyone lined up in a line, with Qian Tao as the leader, followed closely by Zhou Long, who was just one step behind Qian Tao, followed closely by Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, and finally Wei Xia, who was responsible for holding down the formation. Li Yi.

Qian Tao was cautious, walking on thin ice with every step he took, for fear of falling into some fatal trap. However, Li Yi behind him would give orders every few steps, and everyone just walked in the mist for a long time, but no one encountered them. to any accidents and dangers.

Chen Xuan turned his head and looked before and after. Although they were only one step away from each other, in the fog, even at such a small distance, the figures had become a little blurred, which showed how outrageous the visibility was.

However, what Lin Yi was more confused about at this moment was Li Yi's deliberate arrangement.

Everyone knows that in this situation, it is most appropriate for him to be the first one, not only because he is most familiar with the route map and is not easily lost, but also because he is a master in the late stage of integration and one of the two most powerful among everyone. .

It is true that a strong person is needed to hold the line at the rear, but in terms of the degree of danger and challenge, it is obviously higher for the person who is first. If there is any danger, he will be able to respond faster.

With Li Yi's shrewdness, it was impossible for him not to understand this kind of thing, but he still had to stay at the back to hold on. Chen Xuan thought about it, and there were only two possibilities.

Either he thought this place was dangerous, so he let Qian Tao and himself go in front, so that they could be used as cannon fodder so that he could escape in time even if something unexpected happened. Or, he had ulterior motives and had other intentions. What the bad intentions are, it is unknown.

The moonlight is hazy, the visibility is only one step away from the heavy fog, and there are also unknown entities looming in the fog that look like will-o'-the-wisps but feel not like will-o'-the-wisps but more like ghosts, forming a very strange and evil picture.

Everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath. Listening to Chu Bubai's command from behind, they lined up and moved forward in the fog one after another.

If you are an ordinary person, you will see ghosts flashing around you from time to time. At this time, you may even have your heart beat out. Fortunately, everyone is a master in the integration stage, and their minds are much tougher than ordinary people. Some nervousness and fear are inevitable, but it will not affect them. action.

In their eyes, even if there are any legendary ghosts, there is nothing to be afraid of. Ghosts are just a form of the soul. No matter how powerful they are, they are far less powerful than cultivators.

Everyone just cheered themselves up secretly, and after walking for a whole time without any accidents, they couldn't help but feel more at ease, and their steps were no longer as timid as they were at the beginning.

However, after a while, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that something was wrong. The jade pendant began to give a faint warning, and his heart suddenly became excited. There was something wrong!

"Sun Tingting!" Lin Yi subconsciously held Sun Tingting's hand, and at the same time turned his head to look forward and back, only to find that except for Sun Tingting whom he was holding, no one else had even disappeared.

No matter how thick the fog was before, because they were only one or two steps away from each other, they could still see a vague shadow. But now there is no shadow at all. Qian Tao and Zhou Long are walking in front, and Li Yi is walking behind. and Wei Xia suddenly disappeared.

Sure enough there is a problem! Lin Yi was shocked, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel lucky that he had been holding Sun Tingting along, otherwise Sun Tingting might have disappeared with him.

"What... what's going on... why are the others missing..." Sun Tingting finally realized something was wrong, and her voice couldn't help but tremble. After all, she was a girl, and she was still very nervous in such a strange environment.

"Don't act rashly first, let's check the situation!" Chen Xuan lowered his voice, and at the same time turned his head to look in front and back, trying to release his spiritual consciousness, but it was still the same as before, the spiritual consciousness that had been tried and tested outside came to this place, and it turned out to be... Lost in despair, no reaction at all

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded not far behind, it was Li Yi who had disappeared.

"This is a fantasy formation! We can't stay here for a long time. Everyone, hurry up and rush forward. As long as you keep rushing forward, you can get through it!" After the voice fell, several brushing sounds were heard, and it was clear that someone rushed forward quickly.

When Sun Tingting heard this, she subconsciously wanted to rush forward, but before she could take a step forward, she was pulled back by Chen Xuan.

"Sun Tingting, calm down!" Chen Xuan shouted.

Although this sound is not loud, it is like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning. Directly hitting Sun Tingting's heart, her body suddenly shook, and then she suddenly woke up with a look of astonishment on her face.

"I...what happened to me just now?" Sun Tingting couldn't help but be afraid for a while. Li Yi's voice just now seemed to have some kind of bewitching magic power, which made her lose her mind. Then she subconsciously obeyed the other party's order. If Chen Xuan hadn't put her in time, Pulling back, I didn’t even know where I had rushed at this time.

"You must have been confused just now. This guy Li Yi is really weird!" Chen Xuan paid attention to everything around him and said on guard.

Until this moment, he finally understood Li Yi's intentions. Everyone had followed him all the way down, thus establishing enough trust and subconsciously relaxing their guard. He began to follow his orders blindly.

Especially during the journey just after entering the fog, almost every step was taken according to Li Yi's instructions, which further strengthened this subconscious habit. In addition, the man's voice just now was made by some unknown means, and it was obviously capable of confusing people's minds. Only then could everyone subconsciously follow his instructions.

This was a trap set from the beginning. From the moment they agreed to join the gang, everyone had actually fallen into Li Yi's hypnotic rhythm. Li Yi was so scheming!

Fortunately, Chen Xuan was suspicious of him from the beginning to the end, and was always paying attention to all kinds of strange things, so he did not fall for the bait as easily as others. Moreover, he was so determined, how could ordinary people be able to seduce him?

It's just that although Chen Xuan heard something was wrong, he couldn't see the situation clearly at this place and didn't dare to act rashly. At this moment, he couldn't care about other people and could only care about Sun Tingting beside him.

"Confused? No wonder she seemed to be involuntarily just now, and her body was a little bit out of control..." After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Sun Tingting was immediately startled. At the same time, she was secretly glad that Lin Yi was by her side, and then she couldn't help but said nervously: " What should we do now?”

"We can't see the situation clearly, so we can only stay put for the time being. Let's stay here for a while." Chen Xuan said, while pricking up his ears and trying to listen to everything around him.

In this current situation, neither the eyes nor the consciousness are useful. Only the ears are slightly better. If there is any movement around, at least you can still hear some sounds.

"Yes." Sun Tingting nodded with lingering fear, holding Chen Xuan's hand tightly with one hand. At the same time, like Chen Xuan, she was wary of anyone around her.

The two of them waited quietly for a while, but there was no movement around them. When Chen Xuan thought about it, no matter what tricks Li Yi played, Qian Tao and Zhou Long were still genuine mid-term masters of fusion. Even if they were caught in some conspiracy, There is always a little room for struggle, so it won't just be killed so quietly, right?

Of course, if you think about it to the extreme, Li Yi tried so hard to bring everyone here. With his city, he should not leave any room for everyone to stand up. Even if Qian Tao and others just disappeared quietly like this , it is not impossible.

But the question is, why did Li Yi spend so much effort to bring unrelated people like himself to this place and then kill them?

Chen Xuan couldn't figure this out for a while, but he could vaguely feel that it should be related to the life fruit. After all, the medicinal fragrance of the life fruit couldn't be faked, but if there was any specific connection, then it wouldn't be possible. alright.

"Have they gone far? Or..." Sun Tingting held Chen Xuan's hand tightly and did not dare to continue in the middle of her words, because until now, she could still see ghosts flickering around her from the corner of her eyes from time to time.

If nothing happened to Qian Tao and others, and Li Yi found out that the two of them had not followed, there would definitely be countermeasures. Even if he didn't come back to look for him personally, he would still find ways to send a signal or something. But right now, there is no movement at all in front of him. No cherry blossoms

If Chen Xuan's prediction was correct and Li Yizhen had ulterior motives, Qian Tao and the others would most likely be in danger. Thinking of this, Sun Tingting couldn't help but feel her hair stand on end. If Chen Xuan hadn't held her back just now, she would have definitely joined them. Got it!

"I don't know. For the current plan, we can only take one step at a time." Chen Xuan said seriously. He also had no idea, so he could only wait and see what happens.

Everything around him is unknown and may be fatal dangers. The only thing that makes Chen Xuan feel at ease right now is that the jade pendant no longer warns at this moment. Li Yi aside, at least one thing is certain. Still safe.

But being safe for a moment does not mean that it will always be safe in the future. On the one hand, Chen Xuan didn't want to stay where he was for too long. On the other hand, he also wanted to know what kind of tricks Li Yi was up to, so he held Sun Tingting tightly with one hand and moved forward with his heart.

However, after taking only a few steps, he felt a sense of danger in his heart. The further he walked, the stronger the feeling became. Chen Xuan was finally sure that the cluster was definitely not ordinary, and there was 100% problem ahead!

After understanding this, Chen Xuan stopped moving forward and took Sun Tingting directly to stop again.

"Aren't we leaving?" Sun Tingting turned to look at Chen Xuan and asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm not leaving." Chen Xuan nodded. He was not a fool. He knew that there was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den ahead of him, but he took Sun Tingting to go there. That doesn't mean he is highly skilled and powerful, but he has a brain.

"Then let's..." Sun Tingting looked at the foggy surroundings and the ghost figures flashing from time to time, and couldn't help but shrink her neck.

"It's okay, let's just stay here. There's no danger." Chen Xuan smiled comfortingly. He could stay as vigilant as possible by staying where he was. Even if he encounters any danger, he can detect it as soon as possible. There is nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay." Sun Tingting nodded seriously. Although she was still nervous, she would do whatever Chen Xuan wanted.

Time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, the colors began to get brighter. A whole night had passed, but the fog had not dissipated. Compared with the night, the visibility was slightly better, but it was very limited.

What surprised Chen Xuan. He and Sun Tingting stayed here and waited for a whole night, but did not encounter any situation or danger, but there was no news about the previous people. Li Yi and Qian Tao seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

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