At this point, the middle-aged man suddenly felt sad.

Hearing what he said, Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully, then sighed and said comfortingly: "Now that things have happened, don't be too sad and blame yourself. Now you will have to take revenge." , He alone will not be your opponent."

The middle-aged man said sadly: "Thank you both for your help."

"No more gossip, this person is the strongest among them and looks a bit tricky." Wang Qiang waved his hand and quickly rushed towards the last person of the Xinsa Empire.

At this time, that person was fighting with Sun Tingting inextricably, which made Chen Xuan look solemn. He was very clear about Sun Tingting's strength. Masters in the late integration stage could compete with masters in the half-step god realm, but That person from the Xinsa Empire actually tied with him, which was a bit scary.

This shows that the strength of that person in the Xinsa Empire is definitely not lower than that of Sun Tingting now. A conservative estimate is that the strength of that person is definitely comparable to the strength of the average half-step god realm master.

Chen Xuan just thought about it briefly and felt that this person was a bit scary.

Although they had easily killed the other few people before, it was under the circumstances of a sneak attack, so they only took some advantage.

Even Sun Tingting, who is in the late stage of integration, already feels a little strenuous at this moment.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan subconsciously looked at the people on the other side. Although these people also relied on sneak attacks to win, they were not killed by the people from the Xinsa Empire. This shows that their strength , at least I don’t want to go up or down.

Wang Qiang watched Sun Tingting and the person from the Xinsa Empire fighting fiercely. Sun Tingting's strength was a bit higher than when she competed with him in Dixu City. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel about Sun Tingting's strength. Even more overestimated.

Sun Tingting is definitely not as simple as she seems.

When Sun Tingting and the person from the Xinsa Empire were fighting inextricably, the person from the Xinsa Empire suddenly let out a low roar and rushed towards Sun Tingting quickly.

At this time, Sun Tingting's figure had just stopped. He did not expect that this person from the Xinsa Empire could react so quickly. Just when his attack paused, the person actually took the initiative to attack him.

Although Sun Tingting saw it, the speed of that person was too fast. Sun Tingting's body was caught off guard and was quickly attacked by that person.


The man slammed his body into Sun Tingting's body.


Sun Tingting screamed in pain, and then her body flew backwards.


The man at the end also wailed in pain, and his burly body fell heavily on Lin.

Although this person's body is many times stronger than Sun Tingting's, Sun Tingting is practicing body speed after all. Although he has not shown his strength now, he is still very fast.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Tingting quickly performed it. Although she was still hit by the man, it was not a serious problem.

In terms of movement speed, no one present, including Chen Xuan, was as fast as Sun Tingting.

At this moment, Sun Tingting quickly got up from the ground, and Na Kazuto also reacted quickly. After getting up from the ground, he quickly retreated towards the back.

"It depends on you. I didn't expect your reaction to be quite fast." The man said in surprise.

"Humph, it's just a barbaric attack method." Sun Tingting snorted coldly.

After a pause, the man suddenly raised his head and roared into the air.

At the same time, a voice roared in the distance.

Chen Xuan's face suddenly changed. He suddenly understood. Chen Xuan could understand the meaning of the person in front of him. This was calling other friends, and he succeeded.

This person has already made Sun Tingting feel a little overwhelmed. If there are a few more people or a group of people, although there are many of them now, they will eventually suffer.

At this moment, the other people also reacted. At this time, their faces became extremely miserable.

"Kill them quickly and leave this place quickly." Chen Xuan suddenly shouted and said to Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting nodded and said, "That's exactly what I meant."

Then, Sun Tingting's body suddenly emitted bursts of green light.


The man suddenly roared, and a dazzling light burst out from his hand. At the same time, the light quickly rushed towards Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting's expression froze and she couldn't help but stop her movements. She knew that with her own strength, she couldn't defeat that man. She suddenly saw him kicking on the spot and dodging quickly to her side.

At the same time, the man quickly rushed towards Sun Tingting's right side, let out a shocking roar, launched a series of fierce attacks, and attacked Sun Tingting's body again.

Seeing this, Sun Tingting just glanced at him disdainfully. Although his defense ability was weak, it did not mean that his body would be attacked by that person one after another, especially when he was on guard.

However, Sun Tingting still swayed her body, quickly jumped into the air, and escaped.

Although that person could not cause any substantial harm to him, if he was attacked by him, he would still be injured.

At the same time, a short sword suddenly appeared above Sun Tingting's head, emitting green light, and launched four or five attacks on that person in succession.

At this moment, that person did not dodge, but saw him slam his legs and rush towards Sun Tingting in the half-dragon.

At the same time, a fierce light suddenly burst out from the hands of that person, and he quickly slapped Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting's expression stagnated, and she did not expect that this person would be so fierce when fighting for his life.

Sun Tingting had to dodge again.

At the same time, Chen Xuan moved, and a fiery red light emanated from his hands. At the same time, a flame suddenly spurted out from between his palms and fingers, and sprayed towards the person.


The flame sprayed on that person without exception, instantly burning all the hair on his body, and at the same time, his body was also burned.

"Ah..." The man howled in pain, but still did not give up the idea of ​​attacking. At this moment, the man endured the severe pain of burning all over his body, and turned to face Chen Xuan. A pair of tough and powerful palms quickly slapped Chen Xuan's body. At this moment, Chen Xuan's expression was full of incredible looks. He did not expect that this person had such terrible endurance. Facing his attack, he actually endured the pain all over his body and attacked him regardless of everything. This made Chen Xuan doubt whether this person was not afraid of pain? "Bang..." The man's palm directly hit Chen Xuan's body, but his tough and powerful palm power did not leave any scars on Chen Xuan's body, which made the man's eyes full of incredible looks. "Hmph..." At this time, Chen Xuan groaned in pain, and was hit hard by this sudden heavy blow, making a loud bang. The man's power was too strong. At this moment, the man had been seriously injured. After hitting Chen Xuan, his body seemed to have lost strength and fell softly on the ground.

At this time, Sun Tingting also arrived. At the same time, he moved behind the man at lightning speed. At the same time, he put away the short sword in his hand, and then imitated Chen Xuan, and shot a blazing flame from his palm and fingers at the man who had already fallen to the ground.

"Chi", "Chi"...

The flame cut through the air, roaring and whistling.


The man lay on the ground, wailing motionlessly, and his body could also make weak movements, but it had no effect on Sun Tingting's attack.

Suddenly, the man's whole body was burning, and soon, bursts of meat fragrance came out, which made people laugh.

Then, the master of the Xinsa Empire was burned to death by Sun Tingting.

Throughout the whole process, the battle between that person and Sun Tingting and Chen Xuan was extremely fast. The other people had no chance to intervene and could only watch quietly.

Although Sun Tingting suffered some losses at the beginning, he was a master in the late stage of fusion after all. Although that person was very strong, his fighting skills and instincts were much weaker than those of Sun Tingting and Chen Xuan.

If it weren't for this brave Rao, Chen Xuan would not have been able to hit Chen Xuan.

In addition, Sun Tingting's body was extremely fast, and Sun Tingting also took advantage of this, so it seemed that she killed that person easily.

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air came, and a more powerful breath came in an instant, which made everyone's expression move.

This person came here in just a blink of an eye. After killing the person from the New Sa Empire, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting also sensed the powerful breath, and at the same time, they couldn't help but shudder. It seems that the companion he called has come now, and his strength is terrible. The two of them also quickly retreated.


An extremely swift attack broke through the air and swept towards Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting who were retreating.

In a hurry, Chen Xuan did not turn his head back, a golden light appeared on his hand, and he quickly hit back with one palm.

At the same time, Sun Tingting also shouted and slapped her back fiercely.


The three forces collided quickly, making a loud bang, and the huge power suddenly spread out, blowing a gust of wind.

"Ah... Who killed my eldest brother?"

The man saw the man lying on the ground, who had been burned to a human form, and roared.

At this time, Chen Xuan also stopped and looked back at the man. He saw that he was the same as the people from the Xinsa Empire before, with green eyes and wearing the same clothes. There was no doubt that this person was the companions of the Xinsa Empire just now, but for some reason, they were divided into two groups.

However, the strength of this person in front of him cannot be underestimated. He has reached the late stage of fusion and has already stepped half a foot into the realm of half-step transformation. He is a terrifying strong man.

"Brother, you haven't completed your mission yet, how can you die like this? Brother..."

As soon as that person came to the group, he kept wailing and wailing. It seemed that he didn't care about the existence of Chen Xuan and the others.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. This person came here and recognized his eldest brother without even identifying him. It was really weird.

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air came again, and there was a rustling sound of vegetation in the forest. After a while, two people quickly emerged from the forest.

Those two people were undoubtedly from the Xinsa Empire. They were wearing the same blue clothes and their eyes were glowing green.

As soon as these two people appeared, they immediately saw the man kneeling there, wailing constantly, their expressions were full of shock.

When Chen Xuan saw two more people coming, he couldn't help but frowned slightly. Although the auras emanating from the latter two people were not as powerful as the one just now, they were still not to be underestimated. Both of them were in the late stages of fusion. master.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting cannot handle the three late-stage combined masters if they attack together.

"Did you kill my eldest brother?"

Suddenly, the man turned his head, his eyes were a little red, and there were bursts of green light. He stared coldly at Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, and at the same time glanced at the people on the other side.

"So what?" Chen Xuan looked at him coldly and unceremoniously, and said without fear.

"Hmph, son, if you kill my eldest brother, you can wash your neck and die. I want you to pay for your life with your life." The man said with a bad look.

"Haha, if you want my life, just come and get it. I'm afraid you don't have the ability." Chen Xuan sneered.

However, although Chen Xuan acted tough on the surface, he was a little wary in his heart. A strong man who goes crazy and desperately approaches the half-step god realm must be terrifyingly powerful.

Chen Xuan had already felt the dangerous aura from his body.

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