Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1406 A strong man who is close to becoming a god in half a step

However, Chen Xuan did not dare to take it lightly. There were already so many people coming, and he did not know how many more people were coming behind. He could not help but look serious.

If there were people with strong strength and ulterior motives among the visitors, it would be a bit troublesome.

"I don't know who that woman is. Facing a master who is close to the half-step transformation realm, she was not at a disadvantage. She is really amazing?" At this time, a person outside the venue said with some surprise.

One person shook his head and said, "I have never seen these people before, but I think they are not from our Baiyue Empire. Look at that person, why does he feel like he is from the Xinsa Empire."

"Oh? Xinsa Empire? Hasn't it fallen into the vassal state of our Baiyue Empire? How dare they send Ran to the Aowu Forest?" The person said with some curiosity.

"Could it be... he is a spy sent by the Xinsa Empire? It shouldn't be. A spy still has time to come to the Aowu Forest to find materials and treasures? And he blatantly fights with others?" Another person said.

Someone suddenly said in surprise: "Look, those people lying on the ground are all wearing the same clothes. It seems that they all come from the same place."

Everyone looked over and was surprised. One person murmured: "Blond hair, blue eyes, and a burly figure. Only people from the Xinsa Empire meet this feature."

But everyone shook their heads randomly. The man said again: "It seems that the monks of the Xinsa Empire are still not good enough. All the people who died here are from the Xinsa Empire. I don't know where they got the courage to appear in the territory of the Baiyue Empire."

At this moment, after launching that attack, Sun Tingting showed some powerlessness. At this time, even the speed that Sun Tingting was proud of slowed down a little, and at the same time, she kept panting.

Chen Xuan looked at Sun Tingting in surprise. Judging from her performance, the attack he launched just now did not seem as easy as it looked on the surface.

Chen Xuan guessed that the attack just now should have been Sun Tingting's most powerful and the fastest attack that consumed spiritual energy.

Even Chen Xuan couldn't help but be a little moved at this time. Because from the powerful force emitted by Sun Tingting's attack, even he, Chen Xuan, didn't dare to take her move, and he didn't dare to be sure that he could withstand that attack and still be like the person from the Xinsa Empire, except for the pain, he was still unscathed.

The strong man in the half-step transformation realm was still alive and well after enduring such a powerful attack from Sun Tingting. Except for the pain, it seemed that nothing happened. At this moment, he was still chasing Sun Tingting and attacking from time to time.

No matter what, Sun Tingting's attack, even a half-step transformation realm master should not be able to withstand it so easily, not to mention that the man was only close to the half-step transformation realm.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt that the man in front of him was a little scary.

"Immune to attack?" At this moment, Sun Tingting's expression was also full of incredible expression, and she looked at the man a little strangely.

"What's so strange about him?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but ask Sun Tingting in surprise after hearing what Sun Tingting said.

Sun Tingting didn't respond, but a moment later, he suddenly appeared beside Chen Xuan and said, "This person has a magic weapon that can be immune to most of my attacks. You can be careful."

Then, Sun Tingting suddenly flashed again and disappeared here in an instant.

"Oh my god, your ability to escape is really a good skill, and then you sold me out like this? It's really a tit for tat." Chen Xuan suddenly smiled bitterly, looking at the direction where Sun Tingting disappeared, seeing that she had disappeared, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the master of the Xinsa Empire with a serious expression.

At this moment, the master of the Xinsa Empire has come to Chen Xuan's side.

He stared at Chen Xuan with a bad look, sneered and said: "Boy, it seems that you have been sold by him, but you still can't escape death. Since he ran away, I will find him later. I will kill you first." "If you want to fight, then fight. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Chen Xuan said impatiently. The man's expression suddenly became angry. He didn't say anything at that time, and launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan. "Woo..." The man from the Xinsa Empire showed his powerful strength at this moment. Facing Chen Xuan, he did not take it lightly. Although Chen Xuan only showed the cultivation of the middle stage of the fusion, from their brief teaching just now, he felt that Chen Xuan was definitely not as simple as he seemed. And a hidden master. At this moment, the man suddenly soared into the air, bringing a gust of wind, and then pounced on Chen Xuan. In contrast, Chen Xuan just smiled faintly and said, "You really underestimated me. This little attack still can't hurt me."

The Nine Dragon War Spear in Chen Xuan's hand appeared out of thin air and was tightly held in his hand.

The tip of the Nine Dragon War Spear suddenly burst out with a brilliant golden light. At this moment, Chen Xuan's body suddenly showed an extremely sharp murderous aura. At the same time, his hands wielded the Nine Dragon War Spear flexibly, lightly and naturally.

He also jumped up at the same time, waving the Nine Dragon War Spear in his hand towards the man in the air, and killed him swiftly.


At this moment, the Nine Dragons War Spear suddenly made a roaring sound, and a golden dragon energy rushed towards the man.

When the man saw this, his expression froze, and he suddenly changed his offensive in mid-air, but still rushed towards Chen Xuan.


There was a loud bang, and the man's body suddenly collided with the golden dragon energy.

However, in just a blink of an eye, the air disappeared without a trace, but the man still looked unscathed.

At this moment, the man looked at Chen Xuan with a somewhat horrified expression, and said in disbelief: "Son, I didn't expect that I would look at you. You are only at the middle stage of integration, but your strength has reached nearly half the level of god transformation. Realm, I have to, you are really a genius, but even so, it is useless, you can't beat me. "

At this moment, Chen Xuan was also a little shocked. Although his powerful blow was not delivered with all his strength, his opponent was still unscathed at this moment, which was a bit scary. However, he still said with disdain on his face: "Really? I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you."

Hearing this, the man just snorted coldly. He didn't say anything more, but continued to attack Chen Xuan quickly.

Chen Xuan already had some thoughts in his mind at this moment. It seemed that the person in front of him did have some defensive magic weapon. Chen Xuan estimated that that magic weapon could at least withstand the blow of a half-step master in the realm of gods.

But even so, Chen Xuan still showed no fear, just a little shocked.

Chen Xuan raised his Nine-Dragon Battle Spear and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Nine Dragons Battle Technique!"

Suddenly, streams of unparalleled terrifying power erupted from the Nine Dragons War Spear. Suddenly, inexplicable strong winds rose all around, making people unable to open their eyes.

The Gangfeng quickly spread to the surroundings with Chen Xuan as the center. Some trees that were not very strong were broken directly by the strong wind.

This made the monks who were watching from the side feel frightened. At the same time, they quickly backed away. It was fun to watch others fight, but they had to have the life to go to the academy.

"Ah, this young man's power is too powerful. It's unheard of. Even the masters in the late stage of integration don't have such terrifying power. Could it be that he is the legendary master of the half-step god realm?" A person was a little horrified. road.

"It's impossible. Even after the Aowu Forest is opened, there is a one-month safety period, but masters who are half-step into the divine realm cannot come in. This is a dead case. There were masters who were half-step into the divine realm and did not believe in evil. , came here, and immediately turned into ashes, and was removed from the world," one person explained.

"Didn't you just hear about the master from the Xinsa Empire? That young man is only at the middle stage of integration, but he can exert a strength that is close to the half-step god realm. The bet is extremely terrifying." Another person said .

"Hiss, come to think of it, this young man is really powerful and terrifying. I'm afraid only the old monster's close disciples can be as powerful as him." Youqun took a breath of air.

"When did such a terrifying young man come to the Moon Worshiping Empire? Judging from his appearance, I have never seen him before." Someone said in surprise.

"It seems that this young man also came from another empire to hunt for treasures and gain experience. I wonder which empire he is a prodigy from?" A person said with some confusion.

"I don't know. This kind of person is invincible. He is already comparable to those heroes in history when they were young. His future achievements are limitless. It is only a matter of time before he becomes a hero. Maybe he will be one step closer in the future and become a hero. The top master on the mainland, a great monk in the Mahayana stage," someone commented.

At this moment, the man looked at Chen Xuan in front of him with some horror. He couldn't even believe that this young man only had the strength of the middle stage of integration. The terrifying aura he exuded could not even reach the level of half-step god transformation. Even the masters can't compete with it, the difference is a bit big.

At this time, Chen Xuan had completely concentrated his attack, but it only took him a little time.

A moment later, Chen Xuan shouted loudly, and the Nine Dragons War Spear in his hand suddenly pointed at the man.



The Nine Dragons War Spear suddenly erupted into the sound of nine dragon roars, and nine golden dragon auras suddenly appeared on the Nine Dragons War Spear, and then attacked the man at the same time.

The man couldn't help but look horrified, and hurriedly waved his hands to resist. A green light suddenly appeared on his hands. It looked terrifying.

At this time, nine golden dragon auras rushed towards the man quickly.


How could the attack that the man had hastily resisted be Chen Xuan's opponent? It was just a blink of an eye. The nine dragon energy quickly broke through his green attack and hit the man directly.


The man suddenly spurted out a stream of blood from his mouth, and flew backwards. After breaking three giant trees with a diameter of two to three feet, he fell softly on the forest.

At the same time, all his clothes were torn, revealing a dark treasured armor underneath.

At this moment, the precious armor on his body was cracked inch by inch. The man struggled to move, and the precious armor fell off his body piece by piece.

The man looked at Chen Xuan with a somewhat horrified expression. His precious armor was broken by that young man like this? This made him a little incredible.

At this time, Chen Xuan landed on Lin, and at the same time, he was panting heavily. At this moment, Zijin had almost used up most of the spiritual energy in his body, and there was not much spiritual energy left in his body.

"How about it?"

Chen Xuan looked at the man with some pride and said.

Seeing Chen Xuan's state at this time, the middle-aged man suddenly smiled knowingly and said: "It's not very good. It seems that you don't have much spiritual energy left? After being impressed by such a big move, I think you have no more spiritual energy at this moment." It’s my turn now.”

At this moment, the middle-aged man actually got up from where he was. The precious armor on his body fell off his body piece by piece and piled up on the floor, but he didn't care. At this moment, Chen Xuan was staring coldly in front of him and said with a sneer: "Unexpected, right? You just broke the treasure armor on my body, but I have to, your strength is indeed strong, at least among people of your level, I have never seen a young man as powerful as you. However, it is a pity that your move just now exceeded the limit of what you can bear, right? What else can you use to counter me?"

As he looked, the middle-aged man sneered, and at the same time, a green light appeared on his hands, and he slowly walked towards Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan saw this, his expression froze. Although he knew that he was wearing a magic weapon that could be immune to attacks, he did not believe that there was a magic weapon that was completely immune to other people's attacks, so he took the risk and launched the Nine Dragons The battle tactics are so big

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