The first robber was strong and burly, and his figure was very scary, especially his fierce expression. It was obvious that this person must have experience as a robber. He was silent, as if ready to give you a fatal blow at any time. Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting seemed a little unwilling to be weak in the face of a strong robber who was several times stronger than you.

Suddenly, the strong robber rushed towards Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting. Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting each dispersed from both sides. Since the robbers were a little slow to react, they could not get close to you if they were a little careful. Under their own defense, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting could not play anymore. Since they had to set off to the teleportation array, they did not want to waste time here.


I saw Chen Xuan's Nine Dragon War Spear piercing through the robber's heart. Before the robber died, his eyes were tightly open and he slowly lay down.

The other two robbers were very angry when they saw this. Suddenly, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting felt their scalps go numb and their hair stand on end. It seemed that something bad was going to happen. However, tragedy really happened. A figure as light as a swallow, agile and nimble, floated past their ears like a gust of wind, and flew up from a branch above Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting's heads and hung in the air, holding an iron chain. The goal was very clear, which was to trap Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting. The two of them had an idea and hid on both sides of the robber respectively. This not only distracted his attention, but also allowed them to kill the robbers more quickly.

Swish, swish, swish...

The robber took advantage of Chen Xuan's inattention and used an iron chain to lock his Nine Dragon War Spear, leaving Chen Xuan without a weapon. However, it was impossible to lock a top-level epic weapon with a low-level iron chain. The Nine Dragon War Spear trembled slightly, shattered the iron chain, and returned directly to Chen Xuan's hand. The robber was angry, thinking that the weapon he had finally brushed was destroyed by this. Although there was a ball of anger in his heart, he couldn't burst out. However, the robber took a deep breath, and after his emotions gradually calmed down, he walked towards the third robber, as if he was persuading the robber. The robber nodded while listening, as if he understood something. Chen Xuan said that if he wanted to live, he should leave as soon as possible, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

The robber ignored it and walked into the depths of the forest. The forest was unusually quiet. Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were like spirit beasts, ready to hunt prey at any time.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...

A strange sound came from nowhere, and a wild breath came to her face, as if she had returned to the desolate land. Suddenly, Sun Tingting had an idea and smelled a murderous aura. Because Sun Tingting herself had a murderous aura, she was very sure that it was them. Chen Xuan turned around instantly and found that it was the two robbers who were really chasing him. Swoosh... They hid in the bushes again. Chen Xuan said goodbye and hid out.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting attacked, and the gray track shuttled through the forest, like. Lightning suddenly appeared behind Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, knocking them to the ground. Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were alert, but they didn't know where to start, so they had to be conquered by this amazing speed.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan had an idea and thought of the high agility of his Nine Dragons War Spear. Then he tried to control the Nine Dragons War Spear with his hands to attack the gray shadow robber. Unexpected things happened. The Nine Dragons War Spear shuttled quickly in the air. Finally, the robber was pierced through the heart by the Nine Dragons War Spear and fell to the ground. Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting walked in front of the robber and asked him while he was still breathing. Chen Xuan asked, "Where are your companions?" The robber answered with difficulty, "I killed them." Then he smiled evilly until he died.

At this time, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting didn't care too much. They quickly cleaned up the battlefield and continued to set off for the teleportation array.

At this time, there was a commotion in the breakthrough forest. Suddenly, four or five figures rushed out of the dense forest quickly.

These people came here after hearing the sound. Just now, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting fought with those people. The movement was too loud, which attracted them all. They wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob, and the mantis stalked the cicada, while the oriole was behind.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were shocked when they heard the noise, and stared at the four or five figures with serious faces.

At this time, a middle-aged man in green clothes stood up first and said to Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting: "You two, are you tired? If you know what's good for you, hand over all the treasures on you, and I can consider leaving you with a whole body."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan sneered and said, "What a big tone, it's really stinky."

Sun Tingting on the side also looked at them coldly.

The middle-aged man was still as tough as a cricket when he heard Chen Xuan's words, and he was not angry. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Boy, you really don't know what's good for you. You have to force us to do it."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan just smiled coldly and didn't talk nonsense with him anymore.

Among the people in front of him, only the middle-aged man was a master of the late stage of fusion. The other three were all in the middle stage of fusion. They did not pose any threat to him and Sun Tingting. After fighting continuously, even Chen Xuan was a little tired at this moment.

Sun Tingting was the same!

However, the people in front of him were not friendly. If they retreated at this moment, it would be too late.

Chen Xuan said, "Just use any moves. I want to see how capable you are."

At this time, the middle-aged man was a little angry when he saw Chen Xuan and the other two answering like this. No one had ever looked down on him like this. He only heard him say, "Kill them two, and the things on them will be ours."

The three people heard this and drew their weapons and rushed towards Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting quickly.

"Even if there are many of you, what can you do? Just take one shot from my Nine-Dragon Battle Spear." Chen Xuan just waved the Nine-Dragon Battle Spear, and the three people fell together. Chen Xuan said to the middle-aged man, "Your men will How capable is this?”

This made the middle-aged man even more angry. He thought to himself that he was also a master in the late stage of integration. How could he be insulted by you like this? He took his life. He suddenly rose up in the air and stabbed Chen Xuan with his top weapon. Because Chen Xuan Xuan's physical strength declined very quickly in the previous battle, and he was exhausted now, but he still put on a vigorous state to compete with him. They were also equipped with top-notch equipment. Because Chen Xuan's physical strength was depleted, he still did not give him a hit. The middle-aged man, even so, Chen Xuanren refused to give in, fighting while fighting, with just this little success, what qualifications do he have to become a monk? The middle-aged man replied, if you want to succeed, how can you do it without resorting to some tricks? Chen Xuanyuan said, "Despicable man, Not a good death."

The middle-aged man said, "I'll let you die in peace. In fact, when you first started fighting against the giant bear, I had been paying attention to you two and found that your strength was indeed superior to mine. I had to do this." was denied, so I have been following you from that moment on. To tell you the truth, after you killed the giant bear, I heard that you two were going to the teleportation array, so I deliberately bewitched the three robbers. Where are you? There are materials and treasures, so let them consume your physical strength again. After you kill those three people, I know that my chance has come. Even if you have top-level equipment, so what, please hand over the treasures and leave your corpses intact. ”

Chen Xuan replied unyieldingly, "If you want the treasure, kill me."

Middle-aged man: "I overestimated my capabilities and took the attack, and a fierce battle ensued."

At this time, Sun Tingting witnessed everything but didn't know where to start. Even if she started, she couldn't deal with the middle-aged man. Suddenly, Sun Tingting had an idea. Yes, I can pass my spiritual power to Chen Xuan. Oh, why didn't I think of it.

But how can we stop the middle-aged man first?

Regardless, I only heard Sun Tingting shouting "Hey" loudly to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man came back to his senses, "Why do you want to die before him? I will help you later."

Sun Tingting said to the middle-aged man, is this all he has? Bullying a person who has exhausted his spiritual energy is really powerful. If you have the ability, let the two of us do it together.


A burst of laughter came, it turns out that you two want to die together, it will satisfy you.

Sun Tingting walked up to Chen Xuan, helped him up, and meditated on the ground. Sun Tingting ran behind him and passed all her remaining spiritual energy to Chen Xuan. The middle-aged man realized something was wrong and hurriedly stopped it, but it was too late. Sun Tingting collapsed to the ground, but Chen Xuan was full of energy, holding the Kowloon war gun tightly with both hands. The middle-aged man noticed something was wrong, as if a murderous aura was gradually approaching him.

Yes, that murderous aura was exactly the murderous aura that Chen Xuan had discovered in Sun Tingting before. Chen Xuan looked at Sun Tingting who fell to the ground, looked at the middle-aged man angrily, gradually approached the middle-aged man, and suddenly rose into the air like a meteorite After landing, I saw the middle-aged man being scratched by the light and finally collapsed to the ground.

Finally, Chen Xuan took Sun Tingting's body and continued to walk towards the teleportation array.

A few days later, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting came here and couldn't help but look shocked. The scene here was too abnormal. There were big ginseng trees all around, and there were a lot of treasures growing around them. They were all spirits raised by the earth. medicine.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting picked dozens of herbs here that they thought were useful, then collected them and placed them in the space ring.

Fortunately, after walking for such a long time, they seemed to have finally walked out of the strange forest. The cries of insects and birds around them could no longer be heard, and the number of ferocious birds and beasts gradually became less and less.

Not long ago, a flaming bird flew through the air, its body glowing with flames and glowing red, which shocked their expressions. At the same time, there was a lion king covered in scales, leaping more than 100 meters high from the mountain peak, which shocked them even more.

Previously, the flame bird and the male lion suddenly appeared not far away in front of them, which really frightened the two of them.

In the past two days, before Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting arrived here, they heard harsh bird calls and shocking lion roars coming from the forest in front.

It was only now that things slowly calmed down.

It sounded like something was going on between the Flame Bird and the Lion King. Why do these two giant beasts really fight? The two of them felt that it was unusual. There must be some reason.

At this time, the depths of the forest had slowly calmed down, and they felt that if they could enter the forest, they might gain something unexpected.

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were both very decisive in doing things. After they made their decision, they immediately set off and sneaked into the forest.

As soon as they approached the forest, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were startled. Hundreds of huge poisonous dragons were spitting out messages. The poisonous mist filled the air and almost rotted the forest. At this time, a burst of sound came from the depths of the forest. With the roar of the formation, there are thousands of beasts wandering in the forest.

I don't know why, but they didn't attack each other. They kept gathering in this forest, more and more, and most of the beasts didn't know their names.

And many strange beasts appeared in the sky, hovering in the sky about a hundred meters high, pitch black, blocking out the sun.

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting were both shocked. What they saw with their own eyes was truly astonishing. A large number of ferocious beasts and ferocious birds gathered in this forest. They were all restless, like huge waves rolling.

Chen Xuan observed for a while and said: "These ferocious birds and beasts should all have exited from this forest."

Sun Tingting said with some surprise: "Is it because the fight between the Flame Bird and the Lion King disturbed all the other beasts?"

Chen Xuan shook his head and said: "This is not necessarily true. Even if the beast king is fighting, it is impossible to disturb so many beasts."

Sun Tingting said with a serious expression: "Then how should we get past this? There are so many ferocious beasts, densely packed everywhere, completely blocking our way. This is the only way to the teleportation array."

After Chen Xuan pondered for a while, he said: "It seems that we have to find a place to walk around. I think this must be an opportunity. Something must have appeared deep in the forest, and it is of high value. There may be something inside." There is a super beast king fighting, maybe something happened and the other beasts were driven out. "

Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting walked for a long time in this forest, and finally came to a cliff. Then they slowly climbed up along the top of the mountain, climbing over several larger cliffs in succession. Mountain, and finally finally reached the depths of this forest, avoiding those thousands of beasts.

When they arrived here, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting couldn't help but frowned. Chen Xuan suddenly said seriously: "Why is it so quiet in here?"

This forest is lush with ancient trees, ginseng, and flowers, but it is a bit eerily quiet. All the ferocious birds and beasts in the past, for some reason, finally retreated here, making this place feel very peaceful. There was no sound.

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