At least he was no weaker than Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan saw this man coming menacingly, he retreated slightly with his left foot, and the spear he was holding upside down was about to move. However, at this moment, the body of the man with the crooked mouth was flying in the air, his expression extremely painful. A harsh and unpleasant sound came from his mouth.

Qiu Rushuang in the distance stretched out his right hand, and his entire right arm was wrapped in black vitality. The black breath was like suction, attracting the person with the crooked mouth. The whole person with the crooked mouth was suspended in the air, and he seemed to be thinking of something to say. , but couldn't make a sound. After a while, Na Rao's body turned into a blood mist and flew towards Qiu Rushuang. Qiu Rushuang's bright red mouth opened slightly, and the blood mist was sucked into his mouth.

"In the future, no one is allowed to do anything without my permission!" After doing all this, Qiu Rushuang licked his lips that were free of any blood stains, as if he was enjoying it, but his voice was surprisingly calm, as if he had done something. A trivial thing in general.

"Yes!" The people behind him didn't seem to care about Waizui's death. They had seen this kind of scene many times. When they followed the young master Qiu Rushuang, they had to be obedient. They would do whatever he told them to do and what he didn't tell them to do. Just don't do anything, otherwise there will only be a dead end. Waizui may feel that he has been with the young master for many years, and he is considered a veteran. At least the young master will not kill him because of such a thing, but now Qiu Rushuang uses it again Actions tell them that no matter who they are, they cannot violate the rules they have set.

"Are you disciples of the Ling Sect?" Qiu Rushuang raised his eyelids and asked as if he was talking to family members.

"Not bad, what do you want?" Chen Xuan clenched the Assassin King Spear in his hand and stared at Qiu Rushuang. He thought, no matter what, he couldn't be captured without mercy. The best result would be for him to sacrifice himself to drag down the person on the other side. Let Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting escape.

Seeing the spear in Chen Xuan's hand trembling slightly, Qiu Rushuang's charming and handsome face trembled slightly, "This is a pretty good gun!"

"Hmph. So what if the four dragons are on the list? If you want to fight, just come over and I will make a profit by killing one of them!" The expression on Chen Xuan's face was gloomy, with a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes from time to time.

"Haha! Don't be nervous! I still respect a senior of your sect, so I won't kill you, but you have to come with me. Let's enter the tomb of Emperor Ling together. The benefits we will get will depend on each of us. It's a chance, I'll make sure you leave safely after this!" Qiu Rushuang has never had so many words with one person before, and this seems to be an exception, not only because these two people killed Waizui, who had been following him for many years, but also talked so much back.

Chen Xuan suddenly shuddered, as if Qiu Rushuang's eyes swept across his body, but when Chen Xuan looked again, Qiu Rushuang's eyes had withdrawn, and he looked as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened.

Chen Xuan was still hesitating. He didn't believe that a demon like Qiu Rushuang could talk smoothly.

"Okay, let's go with you. Why don't you take it if it's good for you? I'd like to thank Mr. Qiu first!" Sun Tingting immediately stood up and said.

"Tingting, you..., how can you believe his words?" Chen Xuan tugged on Sun Tingting's sleeves, with some anxiety in his words, as if he was blaming Chen Xuan for being reckless.

"Xuan, believe me, if we don't agree, we will all die now!" Sun Tingting's voice was not loud, but it reached Qiu Rushuang's ears and Zheng

"This sister is refreshing. She is good. I am not afraid to tell you. I am giving you a chance to choose. If you come with me, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound in Kunwu's secret territory. If you don't come with me, then , of course, kill him on the spot!" Qiu Rushuang's voice was soft, but it seemed to have a demonic and chilly quality to it, making you both enjoy and fear at the same time.

"As for killing one of yours, you can try to see if you have that chance!" Qiu Rushuang stretched out his white and slender, woman-like fingers, pointed at Chen Xuan and said slowly.

Although Chen Xuan has always been rational, as the senior brother of Ling Sect, he can be aloof and suffer all the flattery. Although Chen Xuan doesn't care about this, no one in the sect will speak politely when they meet him. Even the people in the sect will not be polite. Those outer elders are all afraid of Chen Xuan. Who dares to point your finger at his nose and say something like this? How can a hot-blooded man of flesh and blood withstand such a blatant provocation? Besides, there are women here?

Chen Xuan's face turned red, and his vitality was poured into the spear. The dark red tip of the spear suddenly emitted a burst of light, and violent fluctuations of vitality spread out with Chen Xuan as the center!

Seeing that something was wrong, Sun Tingting quickly hugged Chen Xuan's waist with both hands and said in a hoarse voice, "Xuan, please don't be impulsive!"

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a chill on his forehead. When he raised his eyelids and looked again, there was nothing. He touched his forehead with his hand and found a trace of blood. This black blood was not his own, nor was it his own. It wasn't Qiu Rushuang's, but the blood that had been spilled on the ground by the crooked mouth just now.

"How is it?" Qiu Rushuang's face was like frost that had never melted for thousands of years, but at this moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Chen Xuan was so shocked that he was speechless. The difference in strength was no longer small. If Qiu Rushuang had intended to kill him just now, he would be a cold corpse now!

Sun Tingting felt that Chen Xuan's body was no longer struggling. He slowly released his hands holding Chen Xuan's thick waist. When he raised his head, he saw Chen Xuan's dull eyes and the black and red blood on his head.

Chen Xuan almost didn't hesitate at all. He clasped his fists at Qiu Rushuang and said, "Thank you, Princess Qiu, for showing mercy!"

"There's no need to thank me, you should thank yourself! Okay, I've wasted too much time with you, what do you think? Come in?" After Qiu Rushuang finished, he didn't care about Chen Xuan's emotions and only saw him extending his hand. The pair of pale hands were carving something in the air. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound of "Buzz!", and the whole earth trembled violently. Four huge golden light pillars appeared around them, pointing straight into the sky, although they were very far away. Far away, Chen Xuan could feel the terrifying energy contained in the light pillar.

After the four golden light pillars appeared, they condensed above Chen Xuan and formed a huge golden door. Looking from a distance, the door was completely white, and there was no way to know what danger was hidden inside.

"You guys go in first!" After the giant golden door appeared, Qiu Rushuang collected her energy and pointed at the giant golden door and said to Chen Xuan and the others.

Chen Xuan looked up at the giant door. There was no warning from the heart of gods and demons. There should be no danger. Chen Xuan looked back at Sun Tingting and took Sun Tingting's hand. "I'll go in first!" Just after he finished speaking, With a flick of his body, he disappeared into the golden giant door.

The moment Chen Xuan entered the door, he seemed to feel a blood-connected gaze sweeping over him. The gaze seemed to penetrate his body and point straight into his heart. Chen Xuan only felt that the heart of gods and demons seemed to flicker, as if echoing that Tao gaze. At the last moment, Chen Xuan caught a glimpse of the owner of that gaze from the corner of his eye. This person was none other than Qiu Rushuang.

After everyone went in, only Qiu Rushuang was left outside. He slowly knelt down with his legs and pointed his hands in the air in a weird way. He murmured, "Grandpa, maybe our protection will end in my generation. However, grandson, I may have to go against the teachings of my ancestors. I don’t want to use the evil eye of the god and devil to help others. I want to dig out his god and devil’s heart and use it for me. I am the one who can finally achieve the great truth! The son of choice!”

Outside the giant golden door, only Qiu Rushuang remained. After he finished all this, he looked into the distance and said to himself, "Hmph, after I get the heart of gods and demons, let's see how you can still be as famous as me. What kind of talent is rare in a century? Damn, only I have it." Yes, my dear!" After that, Qiu Rushuang laughed wildly and disappeared in a flash of light from the golden gate.

Shortly after Qiu Rushuang disappeared, three more groups of people came here. They were Kong Ji, Jiang Yihan, and Bai Yiyan.

"Kong Ji, Jiang Yihan, someone has obviously been here, we have to hurry!" Bai Yiyan said.

"It should be Qiu Rushuang. I feel a strong demonic aura here. Apart from him, I can't think of anyone else with such a strong demonic aura!" Jiang Yihan looked around, seeming to be looking for something, but in the end there was nothing. After the result, he said slowly.

"Donor Jiang, there's no need to look for it, let's open it ourselves!" Kong Ji said with his hands clasped together.

"Well, I just want to save some trouble, but it seems that Qiu Rushuang is really cautious and won't leave any clues for us!" Jiang Yihan held his hands together, but had no intention of taking action.

"Jiang Yihan, why haven't you made a move yet? Don't you want to go in?" Bai Yiyan saw that Jiang Yihan had been reluctant to take action even though he had always intended to do so.

"Hmph! It's a joke, don't you know how much energy it takes to open this formation door? Do you want me to do it alone? What a joke!" Jiang Yihan responded with a smile.

"You..." Bai Yiyan also knew that he was ignored, so even though his aura was fierce, he had nothing to say!

"Two, two, according to the monk, we don't have to fight. Each of the three of us is responsible for one side. For the remaining side, each party will send a good person to let the three of them jointly boycott one side. In this case, there will be no It's a loss of fairness and a loss of trouble. I wonder what the two of you will do!" Kong Ji came out to mediate again.

"I have no objection!" Jiang Yihan had known that Kong Ji would come out to adjust, so he agreed as soon as Kong Ji finished speaking.

"Well, this is a good opinion. Kong Ji is still full of ideas, so why are you hesitating? Let's get started!" Bai Yiyan said. The second skirt is not procrastinating, after all, the pressure on each side is the same, and the pressure on this side is really nothing to the two of them.

The next moment, splendid vitality of different colors shot out in the four directions of the southeast, northwest, and looked very spectacular in the distance. Not long after this state lasted, there was a loud sound in the air, and the golden giant... The door appeared in the air again. It was empty. Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan each looked at each other. Neither of them let the other go. They turned into three streams of light and disappeared into the golden giant door.

Chen Xuan kept walking with Qiu Rushuang and his group. In this space, everything was normal, just like the outside world. Blue, green water, green grass, everything seemed so harmonious. Chen Xuan could even feel that there was life sometimes. The aura appeared. Although these beasts were not monsters, even this surprised Chen Xuan.

Qiu Rushuang has been observing Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan's facial expressions cannot escape his vicious eyes.

"Don't be surprised. This is a normal world, but it's just a different plane from ours, so everything here is the same as the world we live in!" Qiu Rushuang's eyes were dull, but he couldn't hide the feeling in his heart. A bit of fanaticism.

"Oh? Isn't this in the Kunwu Secret Realm? How can it be the same as the real world we live in?" Chen Xuan asked.

Qiu Rushuang paused after listening, and then smiled and said, "Do you know where this Kunwu Secret Realm is, how it came from, and why it is called Kunwu Secret Realm?" Qiu Rushuang's series of questions stopped Chen Xuan. That is to say, I recently heard about the Kunwu Secret Realm of the Sect Leader and realized that there is such a secret realm in the world, but I have never learned about the Kunwu Secret Realm in detail. Although Chen Xuan was prepared before coming, he also paid attention to some powerful disciples of ancient sects. The books in the Ling Sect do not have comprehensive records of Kunwu Secret Realm, and they do not even have some descriptions of Kunwu Secret Realm. This may be because people who came to Kunwu Secret Realm before have not been exposed to the core things at all.

"We people in the secular world are indeed very talented and have little knowledge. We hope that Young Master Qiu will not hesitate to teach us!" Chen Xuan said politely.

"I can't talk about teaching you, because this is not a secret in the ancient sect. At the beginning of the establishment of the world we live in, due to the violent turbulence of the earth, many spaces in the world were separated, forming many worlds. , also called the realm of mystery. At first, no one occupied these realms of mystery. Later, as some people in the world began to practice, after reaching a certain realm, they gradually discovered these divided worlds, so they put these The world was transformed and eventually became a place where people could live, so they brought their tribesmen to live in these worlds. However, some special worlds are worlds within worlds. This kind of world is called Kunwu Secret Realm, which is , what we were in just now was just an ordinary mysterious realm, or world, and what we are in now is the Kunwu Secret Realm!" When Qiu Rushuang said this, the subordinates behind him looked at each other in surprise, the young master had never seen this before. I have never spoken so much!

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