If someone is not strong-willed and accidentally reveals a flaw during the battle, he may be seriously injured on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan had already exchanged thousands of moves with the beggar Liu. Chen Xuan could not help but be secretly frightened. In fact, this kind of battle was not only waiting for others to reveal their flaws, but also a great test for himself. , it would be equally uncomfortable if one accidentally exposed a flaw.

But after having fought thousands of moves, beggar Liu didn't show any flaws. In fact, beggar Liu was even more surprised than Chen Xuan. He had never encountered such a master who could fight with him in thousands of moves without showing any flaws. The most powerful one he encountered was two years ago. That person only fought with him for more than 600 moves before his flaws were revealed, and he was finally subdued instantly. However, Chen Xuan not only showed no flaws, he even caught his mistakes repeatedly and almost pulled him down. This made him even more frightened.

The people watching in the audience were even more confused about the two people. In their eyes, the two people were just walking back and forth close to each other. They couldn't even see clearly the two people blinking.

However, the old guys on the stage were indeed very surprised. They were all old monsters who had lived for hundreds of years, and their eyes were extremely vicious. What surprised them was not that the two of them had already done thousands of moves, but for old monsters like them, It was an ordinary thing that the monster couldn't come over. What surprised them was Chen Xuan's learning ability. When Chen Xuan first started fighting the beggar Liu, it was obvious that his skills were very unfamiliar. At first glance, he didn't know how to fight this way, but after fighting dozens of moves, , Chen Xuan is like a veteran who has been immersed in it for many years.

In fact, Beggar Liu was also surprised. After more than two thousand moves, Beggar Liu finally showed a flaw. Chen Xuan quickly grabbed the flaw, formed a finger with one hand, and pointed at Beggar Liu's chest. He didn't have time to stop, but he suddenly shot at Chen Xuan, pointing his finger at Chen Xuan's chest. However, Chen Xuan's finger was obviously very close to beggar Liu's chest. Chen Xuan thought that he must have hurt beggar Liu first, but But unexpectedly, just when Chen Xuan pointed his finger on beggar Liu's chest, and the force had already been released and could not be withdrawn, beggar Liu's hand, which was still some distance away from Chen Xuan's chest, suddenly popped out. With the long sharp green dagger and the distance of the dagger, beggar Liu Ye successfully defeated Chen Xuan.

Then the two people's bodies suddenly seemed to be electrocuted, and they quickly bounced back. They each took three steps back. Chen Xuan stood there and licked the corners of his mouth with a smile and said, "I was still careless. Thank you for showing mercy!" "

"You're welcome, we haven't decided the winner yet, let's continue!" The beggar Liu said as if he was still unfinished, but the short dagger in his hand did not put away. Instead, it danced like a flower in his hand. Like a blooming lotus. But the strange trajectory of the sword made Chen Xuan frown slightly.

"It turns out to be a dog-cleaving sword technique? Isn't this sword technique lost?" Qiu Wanli, the leader of the Demon Sect, murmured, shaking his head as if he had seen something incredible.

"What? Isn't this a dog-cleaver technique?" After Qiu Wanli finished, Abbot Jueyuan also muttered in surprise. Because the other sect leaders are relatively young or have a relatively short heritage, they are not familiar with this dog-chopping sword technique, but this does not hinder their observation. They also see the extraordinary power of this dog-chopping knife technique. Everyone praised it, and everyone also focused on the short knife in beggar Liu's hand. The knife was crystal clear. Although the blade was not long, it gave people a feeling of abundant spiritual power.

Beggar Liu's knife skills and this dagger seemed to be a perfect match. At this moment, several people in the audience opened their eyes at the same time. They stared at the beggar Liu on the stage, because the movement of beggar Liu on the stage had already made them feel threatened. They had never thought that a mere The twenty-first place on the list could pose a threat to them, but this time they realized that they were wrong. These people were none other than the dozen or so people in the top ten.

"Humph, this son of the secular world really has his life, but in my opinion, he won't be able to hold on for long!" Bai Yiyan was sitting in a corner, and he saw him opening and closing his mouth slightly, then closing his eyes again, It seemed that everything here had nothing to do with him. Although Beggar Liu made him feel a little threatened, he still didn't take Beggar Liu to heart. In his eyes, only the other three on the list could come into his eyes. , but he didn't know that more talents were gradually rising, and his eyes were destined to fall behind.

In another corner, Qiu Rushuang looked at Bai Yiyan's contemptuous gaze, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then murmured, "You are a short-sighted thing. This beggar, Liu, I don't even dare to be sure that I can win or lose with him within a thousand moves." , you are so careless, it seems you should move your position on the list!"

Chen Xuan's heart was also full of surprise. This sword technique really frightened him. Although the sword technique was not sharp, it seemed to have a magical power that made his mental power fall into the trajectory of the technique. This made Chen Xuan He was unconscious for a while. If Chen Xuan didn't have the Second Martial Arts Shrine and his spiritual power was extremely strong, there is no telling how long he would have been unconscious, and he might have been killed without even knowing it. Although it was only for a moment, Chen Xuan was already frightened, because in a duel between masters, the outcome and even life and death were often decided in an instant. Chen Xuan came to his senses in an instant, which surprised the beggar Liu Ye, but his men also Without listening, his feet suddenly accelerated, and then the shadow of the sword covered Chen Xuan's whole body.

Chen Xuan didn't dare to make excuses, knowing that he couldn't delay it any longer. Although he had a lot of trump cards, Chen Xuan didn't dare to expose them. Besides, this was a competition in the ring, and Chen Xuan just wanted to compete with the younger generation of masters. Pass the moves and test his own level, especially Chen Xuan wants to fight Qiu Rushuang and the other four dragons on the list, because Chen Xuan feels that his current strength is not inferior to the four guys on the list.

The diffuse sword shadow suddenly stagnated in the air, and then pointed at Chen Xuan in the center. Suddenly, they all rushed towards Chen Xuan. This seemed inevitable to everyone, and they could only rely on their own vitality to forcibly break the diffuse shadow. The shadow of the sword, but looking at the momentum of the sword technique, I am afraid that even if I can block them all, I will be injured a lot. In the eyes of everyone, the two people on the stage were equally matched. If it weren't for this wonderful swordsmanship, they might have ended up in a draw. If two equally matched people receive support during a battle, the situation of the battle will turn around instantly.

"Son, you lost!" One of the people who were around Chen Xuan said. Originally, they thought that Chen Xuan's strength was only at the level of rebirth, so they didn't take Chen Xuan seriously, but now it seems that Chen Xuan Xuan's strength was far beyond their expectations, and the strength he showed on the stage was actually at the first level of Creation Realm. He had hidden his strength just now, which made them even more unhappy, so the man saw Chen Xuan was now at a disadvantage, so he gloated about his misfortune.

Beggar Liu looked at Chen Xuan's facial expression and desperate eyes, with a slight smile on his lips, but he did not relax his vigilance and still attacked Chen Xuan with all his strength.

Just when all the sword shadows fell on Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's body suddenly appeared in front of beggar Liu, pointing his finger at his heart, and did not take action, but looked at beggar Liu Dao with a smile. "You lose!" Then his body suddenly flashed back and reached Chen Xuan's original position.

The vitality in Beggar Liu's body slowly converged, and he looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. He was clearly determined to win just now, and he also saw Chen Xuan's desperate eyes so close. Why did the plot suddenly change, and He had no defense at all. If Chen Xuan didn't hold back, he would be a corpse now, and he wouldn't even know how he died?

"Don't be surprised. Never think that you have succeeded. Even if you have succeeded, it is just a superficial phenomenon, because the next moment your enemy will probably pounce on you again. Do you understand?" Chen Xuan said calmly. He said, Chen Xuan used the Space Law just now. His Space Law has reached the eighth level. It is easy to achieve what he just did. But Chen Xuan could have easily ended the battle. The reason why he had to wait and see. The reason why he raised his strength to the level of Creation Realm to fight him is because Chen Xuan wanted to learn this Zhong fighting style. Now that he has learned it, and beggar Liu has also used his most powerful method, Chen Xuan's face is also considered He has been given enough, so the battle should be over.

"Be willing to be defeated, you could have ended the battle long ago!" Beggar Liu is not a fool. From Chen Xuan's move just now, he can completely see that Chen Xuan's strength is much higher than him. They are not on the same level at all.

"Fighting is a kind of improvement, a kind of learning. I learned something from you, which proves that you are an opponent worthy of respect. This is enough!" Chen Xuandao.

Beggar Liu seemed to be deep in thought and did not continue anything. He just nodded and walked off to the audience. Everyone watching in the audience was stunned, including the top four dragons. They didn't expect that Chen Xuan, who seemed to be in trouble, actually made a beautiful counter-attack. The leaders with vicious eyes on the stage were even more surprised.

"Space laws?" Several people murmured.

Chen Xuan's battle has just come to an end. Chen Xuan has successfully entered the next two rounds, and the next thing is to wait.

"Okay, now it's confirmed that 60 people will enter the second round. Entering the second round means you can already get good rewards, but if you want to continue to move up.

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