Although Chen Xuan suspected that Qiu Rushuang might still be paying attention to him, he was not too worried. In that case, everyone would probably think that he was dead. Qiu Rushuang would not be too suspicious, not to mention that Chen Xuan still had With the cover of concealment, he is not afraid of someone who is interested in discovering his whereabouts.

Presumably no one would connect two people with huge differences in strength and completely different appearances, even if three years have passed.

So Chen Xuan didn't make too many disguises, he just changed his appearance slightly and was ready to go.

Just before leaving, Chen Xuan discovered a very embarrassing problem. He was now suffering from it! none! point! arts! After hesitating for a while, Chen Xuan decided to run away. Anyway, he didn't ask for any particularly expensive dishes. He just took it as credit and would pay them back the next time he had the chance.

Just run away, no one will recognize you since you have changed your appearance. So Chen Xuan slipped away quietly when the shop owner wasn't paying attention.

It wasn't until Chen Xuan left for a full hour that the boss noticed that someone had eaten the Overlord meal.

"Wang An, who eats the overlord's meal with a thousand swords, don't let me catch you, or you will make me spit out everything you ate." The shop owner said angrily.

The store owner is also very helpless. After all, he is a soft-spoken person and has no strength. From time to time, some people will bully them, the store owners, who rely on their higher strength. However, such people are in the minority after all, and generally no one would do such a thing that would jeopardize their identity. , the boss cursed and then stopped.

Chen Xuan was indeed very happy to use the God and Demon Feiying Art to rush on the road quickly. In order to avoid trouble, Chen Xuan only flew at low altitude, but it would be more expensive to keep using the God and Demon Feiying Art to rush on the road, so Chen Xuan would fly from time to time. Just stop running any flying shadow art and rest for a while at normal driving speed.

Just like that, in the middle of the night, Chen Xuan came to a town.

Chen Xuan decided to make some repairs here. It was really inconvenient to travel at night. He had been attacked by many wild animals not long after nightfall. Although Chen Xuan was not afraid, he was very annoyed. As a result, the forward speed has been greatly affected. So, it is better to repair it.

"It looks like this town is very prosperous. This time I will inevitably have to be a knight who robs the rich and gives to the poor." Chen Xuan touched his chin and said to himself as he looked at the brightly lit town.

Wherever there are gatherings of human beings, there must be places where filth and evil gather together. This is an eternal truth.

As expected, Chen Xuan only walked around the dark streets of the town a few times before he found a few people hiding in the dark corners at the entrance of the casino who were doing some shady things. With Chen Xuan's current strength, he easily killed them. He knocked them unconscious and took away all the crystal coins on their bodies.

Unexpectedly, these people didn't look like much, but they still had some assets. Chen Xuandian was stingy with the money bag in his hand, so he probably had dozens of mid-grade crystal coins.

Chen Xuan didn't care, so he just stayed at an inn, planning to leave early in the morning so that if anything happened, he wouldn't be able to find his fault. With this in mind, Chen Xuan started practicing in the inn. It was to recover the physical energy consumed in vain, and secondly to familiarize himself with and consolidate his current state. Knowing that there was a war waiting for him, Chen Xuan did not dare to relax at all.

But Chen Xuan hadn't practiced for long before he received a warning from the heart of gods and demons.

Chen Xuan frowned, activated the God and Demon Feiying Jue and rushed out of the room in an instant. Immediately afterwards, the bed where Chen Xuan had just rested was split in half by a sword energy.

Chen Xuanyun arrived at the Martial Arts Shrine and soon discovered the attacker hiding in the dark.

The attacker simply retreated without hitting a single hit. Chen Xuan, of course, used the Shenmo Feiying Jue to follow closely.

However, within two or three breaths, Chen Xuan caught up with him. The masked attacker turned around and struck with another sword energy. Chen Xuan, relying on the body transformed by the heart of gods and demons, stretched out his hand straight towards the sword energy. When he grabbed it, the sword energy was crushed into pieces by Chen Xuan.

The masked man was horrified when he saw this and did not dare to run away anymore. He turned around and raised the sword in his hand to point at Chen Xuan, ready to stand ready.

He really wasn't afraid, he just used some pretty strong moves and subdued the masked man in just a few moves.

He reached out and took off the mask, and it turned out to be a beautiful woman. Chen Xuan looked cold: "Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The woman indeed sneered again and again: "Since I have fallen into the hands of an evil thief like you, you can kill me or chop me into pieces as you please. My aunt is here to greet you!"

Chen Xuan was very puzzled and felt that there might be some misunderstanding, so he explained: "Did you misunderstand something? You and I have never met. Why am I a villain? How did I offend you?"

The woman said disdainfully: "You evil thief, you have the courage to do it but don't have the courage to admit it. You robbed my crystal coins and pretended that nothing happened. It's really shameless. You are still a big man."

Chen Xuan only felt a little embarrassed on his face. He didn't expect that someone would come to the door after snatching Bie Rao's wallet.

The woman continued: "What I dislike the most is people who do evil things, so I draw my sword to help when there is injustice. But since I fall into the hands of a villain like you, I will kill or behead you as you please."

Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't laugh or cry, so he reluctantly let go of the woman and said, "You can go, I won't pursue this matter."

"What! If you don't hold it accountable, I'll fight you, you evil person!" Then he bared his teeth and claws to pounce on me.

Chen Xuan dodged her attack and said helplessly: "Have you ever seen someone holding a large sum of crystal coins at the entrance of a casino to block someone's mercy? It's a good idea for me to do it. I'm going to do it for you."

The woman was stunned and forcefully explained: "You, you, you, how do you know that's a casino?"

Chen Xuan waved his hands helplessly and said: "You should go back and practice your skills for a few more years before you come out to do chivalry. You see that you are only in the True Yuan realm and you dare to come out to do chivalry. Fortunately, you met me, otherwise you would meet a bad guy. With your appearance, you must have some flaws." Then, he picked up the sword she dropped on the ground and handed it to her, "Take it back quickly, so that your family won't get upset."

But the girl took the sword angrily: "I will definitely become a famous hero, and I will definitely surprise all of you who look down on me!"

Chen Xuan helplessly looked at the girl's retreating back and shouted: "People's hearts are evil, stop being so serious."

The girl did not answer, but murmured in a low voice where Chen Xuan could not see: "I didn't expect this skirt to be very kind, but I don't blame this girl for wrongly blaming you. Who asked you to steal people's things? Take people's things." It’s just not right! Huh!”

If Chen Xuan heard these words, he would probably not know whether to laugh or cry again.

Moreover, after all this trouble, Chen Xuan finally realized that there was nothing left behind in the inn anyway, so Chen Xuan simply identified the direction and continued on his way.

This town is not a town, it has all kinds of entertainment facilities, but the two of them are very fast on their feet. Although they did not catch up for a long time, they left the town, and it was much easier for Chen Xuan to get on the road.

Chen Xuan thought as he rushed to the side of the road, "I don't know which family this girl is from. She sneaked out. Although she is in the True Yuan realm, she is extremely fast. She must have practiced extraordinary martial arts and martial arts. Fortunately, she has The Divine Demon Flying Eagle Art is powerful enough, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to catch up with her.”

Chen Xuan was thinking about this but he heard the sound of fighting in front of him. He wanted to avoid it, but he didn't expect that those people had already seen him.

"Big bad guy, come and help me. They bully the few and I can't beat them." A shout came, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw that it was the girl from last night. This was the one who besieged the girl. But the big man came in separate groups, "Son, if you dare to ruin our good deeds, you may end up taking your life!"

Chen Xuan was very helpless and couldn't leave now even if he wanted to.

These people besieged the girl, but they were only tied with them. How could she be Chen Xuan's opponent? They were just concerned about the presence of the girl and did not dare to kill them. They only wounded people and said: "This I'll let you go this time, so hurry up and get out."

Those big men seemed to want to say some harsh words, but they were stopped by the leader's look. The big man just cupped his hands and clasped his fists, saying: "Thank you for not killing me, I, Zhang, will definitely change my past and be a new person in the future." , I will never do this murderous thing again.”

Before Chen Xuan could say anything, the girl waved her hands and replied: "It's good if I can change my ways. I'll forgive you this time. Let's go quickly."

Several big men quickly left obediently. When they were far away, one of them asked: "Boss, why do we have to lower our posture so low? I think that guy's strength is just this." But the boss slapped the younger brother in the face who asked the question. "You know nothing! Didn't you see that I can't take any of his moves? Grandma, please show me the highlights of your moves from now on. Maybe you won't be so lucky next time."

Several brothers said yes one after another. "Let's go to another place and continue the robbery." The boss gave the order. Just when he felt that he was wise and powerful, another younger brother from behind asked: "Boss, didn't we just start a new life? Then..." The younger brother hadn't finished speaking. The boss slapped me again, "Grandma, you have to do it. If you fart, you have to fart really hard!"

The younger brothers didn't dare to speak, but they all felt that the boss's logic was a bit wrong. As for what was wrong, they didn't know and didn't dare, so they could only follow the boss and change places to continue the robbery.

Putting aside these stupid robbers for now, Chen Xuan really didn't know what to do when faced with this real girl.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, big bad guy. Where are you going? I'm going to become a disciple of Lingzong, learn powerful techniques, and then become a generation of knights. Do you want to come with me? You don't have to worry about me. I'm holding you back. Don't look at me like this. I can run very fast. It's just that I wanted more powerful martial arts so I went to Lingzong to become a disciple. This way I won't be bullied by bad people like just now. "

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