Chen Xuandao: "Why don't you get out of here and wait to die?" Chen Xuan's momentum at the fourth level of the Creation Realm was fully unleashed, making everyone sweat profusely.

Bayu didn't dare to say anything, so he greeted a group of people and left in despair.

Chen Xuan walked quickly to Han Yu, helped him up, and asked worriedly: "Senior Brother Han, are you okay?" Han Yu waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and said, "Ba Yu still has some discretion in his attack, I just "Slight injuries, nothing serious." He asked with a look of joy: "Chen Xuan, why are you back? That day Elder Ye Qing came back alone, and we didn't believe you were dead. I didn't expect you to be real." You are back alive. It seems that your strength has been greatly improved. Come on, come and tell me, how is your strength now?"

Chen Xuan was not in a hurry, "Let's go back first. I'll help you recover from your injuries, and then I'll tell you more."

Returning to Qingchen Sect, all the disciples were very excited

"Sect Master, you are finally back. At first we all believed that you were a person who could perform miracles, but we didn't believe that you were dead. Now it seems that you are right."

"Yes, yes, sect leader, you don't know, during your absence many people wanted to tear a piece of flesh from Qingchen Sect's body."

"There are some despicable people who not only don't help us, but also bite us in the face. Sect Master, you must not recruit them anymore."

As soon as they returned to Qingchen Sect, these disciples complained one after another.

Chen Xuan said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, now that I, Chen Xuan, have come back, I will definitely repay those who have oppressed us a hundred times. Moreover, please believe that it won't take long before I will lead everyone to recreate the past." brilliant."

Everyone replied in unison: "Sect Master, we believe in you!"

Chen Xuan was very moved: "Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely live up to your expectations! Now, everyone go back and rest. We will get back what belongs to us soon."

Although Chen Xuan was like this, no one went back to rest. They all took care of the affairs of Qingchen Sect spontaneously. Although Qingchen Sect had declined for a long time, the affairs within Qingchen Sect had not fallen into decline. But there were still so many people there as before, but it gave the entire Qingchen Sect a feeling of vitality.

Han Yu said seriously: "These people are all friendly men. They never left us when we were in the most difficult times. We must not treat them badly in the future."

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I understand these things. You should go and recover quickly. Tomorrow, tell me in detail what happened after Ye Qing came back."

The next day, Chen Xuan and Han Yu were talking about the past three years in the Qingchen Sect's meeting hall.

Chen Xuan sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that after three years of separation, Senior Brother Ye Qing would become an elder." However, Chen Xuan was keenly aware that something was wrong. "Where are my eldest brother, second brother, and third brother? Where have they gone? Are they still there?" Where is Sun Tingting? Didn't he come back with Senior Brother Ye Qing? "

Han Yu had a look of guilt on his face, "You blame me for my incompetence in doing things. When the Qingchen Sect was deteriorating, I wanted to go out to find you and return. However, Chu Liufei and the others thought that I was stronger, so they left me to take care of the affairs within the sect. , they went out to look for you. I was not worried about their safety, so I asked the Giant Flame Mangniu to set off with them. As a result, I neglected to practice, my strength did not improve, and I was still bullied. "So far, Han Yu. Just a look of resentment.

As for Tingting, why didn't she come back with Ye Qing? Chen Xuan asked anxiously.

Han Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Don't be impatient, just listen and I will follow you slowly."

Han Yu paused and continued, "We were very anxious when we didn't see Sun Tingting come back, so we went to find Senior Brother Yan. Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Yan told us that Sun Tingting was seriously injured by Qiu Rushuang from the ancient sect when she came back. She was also beaten by Famen Temple. Monk Kongji took it back for healing."

Chen Xuan felt relieved and thought to himself, it would be better to receive the reward and go to Famen Temple with Kong Ji, but he wanted to come to Tingting

Nothing will happen at Famen Temple. It's not too late to finish things here before going to look for her.

At this moment, thinking that the disciples of Qingchen Sect came in to report that Sect Master Mo Jing had come to visit, Chen Xuan hurriedly went out to greet Sect Master Mo.

"Hahahaha, I knew that uncle, you are so blessed that you won't die easily." Mo Jing laughed as soon as they met.

Chen Xuan also responded with a smile: "Thank you, Sect Master Mo, are you worried? Come on, come on, please sit down." Then he invited Mo Jing into the house.

After entering the room and sitting down, Mo Jing had a look of guilt on his face, "I hope you won't blame me, uncle. Although I often warn the people in the sect, they are willing to do it secretly. It's because of my inability to do things that I let you do it." The Qingchen Sect that I founded has fallen into this state, I hope my uncle will forgive me."

Chen Xuan, however, didn't take it seriously. "No, no, Sect Leader Mo, you don't have to blame yourself. It's better this way. It allows me to see some of your ruthless faces clearly."

Chen Xuan's words were sincere. In this way, those who stayed must be sincere people. The current situation can be said to be more beneficial than harmful to the future development of Qingchen Sect.

"But, Sect Master Mo, why did you call me uncle?" Chen Xuan asked this question after seeing Mo Jing come in and call him uncle.

"Uncle, you don't know something. The master you worshiped on Duanhun Peak is my master, and the person on Duanhun Peak is my master. You and my master are each other's masters." Brother, then you are my uncle."

After a pause, Mo Jing continued, "I didn't tell you the truth before because I was afraid that someone would hear it and it would be detrimental to you. Now it seems that you are strong enough to protect yourself, so I told you these things."

Chen Xuan felt a little strange after hearing this. He was not a top expert now, but he had achieved some achievements in his cultivation. Now he could only protect himself. This was a bit of a disgrace to himself.

Seemingly seeing Chen Xuan's doubts, Mo Jing shook his head and said: "Now that you are strong enough, it's time to let you know something. Come to my room to find me when you are free. Go there." I’ll talk to you in detail later.”

After that, Mo Jing took his leave.

Chen Xuan had to suppress the doubts in his heart first and start sorting out the major affairs within the Qingchen Sect.

He first refined a batch of elixirs, mainly to improve his strength and warm his meridians. Then he refined a batch of fine throat medicines and distributed them to the disciples who were still in the Qingchen Sect.

Three days have passed since these things were completed, and the news of Chen Xuan's return has already spread throughout Lingzong.

So there were often disciples who wanted to join the Qingchen Sect, some who had quit before, and some who had never joined at all. Chen Xuan decided to accept them all.

He has his own reasons for doing this. Firstly, it can enhance the reputation of Qingchen Sect. Secondly, it can quickly gather popularity and gain a good reputation. He is not afraid that those young men will betray Qingchen Sect again.

Because if these people want to join the Qingchen Sect again, they not only have to pay a certain number of crystal stones, but the benefits after joining are also less than those of ordinary disciples. More importantly, they can never be promoted to the management level of the Qingchen Sect. This way it's foolproof.

Then Chen Xuan promoted all the people who stayed in Qingchen Sect to accompany Qingchen Sect in times of trouble to the management level and gave them better benefits. After explaining some precautions, he did not delegate any power to ask for mercy. Give it to them, these people are worthy of trust!

But he himself plunged into refining the medicine. He decided to leave for Famen Temple soon. He didn't know how long this departure would take, so it would be better to leave some more medicine for the sect.

Chen Xuan's level of alchemy refining is now at the top of the Nanfeng Territory, and what's even more impressive is his output of elixirs. Ordinary alchemists can brag even if they have a success rate of seven levels, but Chen Xuan has 100%. The success rate of one hundred and two is thanks to his second martial arts palace, which not only improves the success rate of refining medicine, but also increases the output of refining medicine.

So in just one week, Chen Xuan had already mastered enough elixirs for the Qingchen Sect to last a year. This was based on the Qingchen Sect's fifteen hundred people, but Chen Xuan did not intend to recruit anyone. There are too many people. Firstly, it is inconvenient to manage. If someone does something inappropriate, it will affect the image of Qingchen Sect. Secondly, people are more valuable than more. If everyone is strong, Strong, even if the population is small, it will not be bullied by others.

Chen Xuan is not afraid that no one will want to join the Qingchen Sect, because the Qingchen Sect has an advantage over other gangs, and that is elixirs. The supply of elixirs from the Qingchen Sect can be greater than the supply of elixirs from the Lingzong Sect. More, after all, the Ling Sect is responsible for the supply of elixirs to the entire sect, while the Qingchen Sect only needs to manage its own three-thirds of an acre. Therefore, relatively speaking, although the amount of elixirs of the Qingchen Sect is not enough, every day What an individual can get is much more than what can be received in a sect.

As he practiced, Chen Xuan began to feel that something was wrong. He slapped his head and realized that he was stupid. No matter how hard he tried, he could not let Qingchen Sect have its own production source. But think about it, training an alchemist was not the best. It was an easy thing, so he decided to discuss it with Mo Jing before leaving to see if he could share the pills in the sect with the Qingchen Sect. After all, as the three major sects in the Nanfeng Region, How could he not have his own source of elixirs? As his nephew, Mo Jing should not reject him.

For a Ling Sect, the amount of elixirs required by a Qingchen Sect is really insignificant, but Chen Xuan cannot ask the sect to provide him with elixirs for free. He can let the Qingchen Sect use the resources in exchange for the elixirs. By exchanging elixirs from Mo Jing, a good business chain was formed. Such a thing that could gain profits could also be done by the elders in the sect.

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