Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1451 The catastrophe is about to begin

Then he handed Chen Xuan a ring and said with emotion: "After so many years, I have looked away from the ordinary life. I am tired of living a life of fighting and killing. I just want to live in peace and stability now." I want to live with Mei, have a few children, and enjoy the happiness of love."

Chen Xuan was originally reluctant to get the ring, but after hearing Xu's words, he silently accepted the ring without further ado.

Everyone has the right to choose their own life, Chen Xuan doesn't have much.

But before leaving, he quietly left the ring with Xu, which was filled with high-grade crystal jade. He knew that Xu and Ting would need these in their lives in the future.

But the unexpected gain was that the ring Xu gave him actually contained Emperor Blood Grass, which saved Chen Xuan from the trouble of running to the Abyss of the Undead again.

Now that the purpose of coming out has been accomplished, Chen Xuan stopped lingering and rushed back to Lingzong with all his strength.

After returning to Lingzong, Chen Xuan prepared to start refining medicine after a short period of adjustment.

Since the difficulty of refining the medicine this time was relatively high, even Chen Xuan had to be cautious. The temperature of elixir refining, the amount of medicinal materials, and the order and time of adding medicines must be very precise. The purity of medicinal materials extraction also affects the final medicinal properties.

Even though Chen Xuan had cultivated the mental method of alchemy to an astonishing level, he succeeded in completing this furnace of elixir only after failing once.

Chen Xuan secretly thought it was time to get a good alchemy furnace.

Don't be surprised by the room.

As soon as Chen Xuan entered the door, he saw Mo Jing standing in the courtyard with his hands behind his hands, looking at the sky in the distance.

After hearing the noise, Mo Jing turned around and saw Chen Xuan, smiling and saying: "You're finally here. I didn't expect you to be so busy. It's not easy to see you."

Chen Xuan touched his head in embarrassment: "Sect Master smiled, I didn't do this to thank you for the gift you gave me, I specially made a batch of elixirs for you. I am blind and can't tell what your strength is, so I have to pick out This elixir is brought to you.”

Mo Jing was stunned for a moment before he realized that Chen Xuan was referring to the Qingchen Sect. He couldn't help but laugh, "Uncle, you are really interesting." After taking the elixir, Mo Jing put it into the ring and took Chen Xuan away. Xuan introduces himself into the house.

Chen Xuan sat down and asked doubtfully: "I wonder what the sect master wants to tell me when he calls me here this time?"

A strange light flashed in Mo Jing's eyes, and he asked: "Did you know that our Nanfeng Region was called the Lower Realm in ancient times?"

Chen Xuan said calmly: "I have traveled abroad before, and I have heard about it. I also know that there are ancient sects such as Famen Temple."

Mo Jing said in surprise: "I didn't expect you knew much more than I thought." Then he showed a relieved look, "That's right, after all, uncle, you are a peerless talent."

Chen Xuan said embarrassedly: "How can I be considered a talent?" Mo Jing glanced at Chen Xuan: "Don't hide it, I still can't see you. The law of space must have been understood to the fourth level now. Come on, I remember that when I was your age, I was still struggling on the moral road."

Chen Xuan was very surprised. He didn't know how Mo Jing could see the laws of space that he had understood, but he was relieved. After all, he was the sect master, and it was not surprising that he had some abilities that ordinary people could not predict.

"But you have to be careful when facing people with higher strength in the future. After all, no one knows what kind of trump cards they have for people who can reach this level." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

Mo Jing, however, ignored Chen Xuan's vigilance and secretly told the boy that it was good to have someone on the outside to prevent him from being too arrogant.

Then he asked: "Then do you know why we were called the lower realm in ancient times?"

Chen Xuan was stunned. He had never seriously considered this. He answered honestly: "I really don't know about this. I hope the sect master can give me some answers."

Mo Jing said slowly: "In ancient times, our Nanfeng Territory could only be a barren land. The earth's energy was extremely thin and it was extremely difficult for people to practice. The star world at that time was different. The earth's energy in the star world was much smaller than it is now. I don’t know how many times it is richer, but the result is that children from ordinary families in the star world can naturally break through the True Element Realm and achieve rebirth when they reach adulthood.

Due to the strong earth energy, the understanding of Tao and laws naturally became easier. At that time, the Shenhe realm was definitely not the same as it is now, and there were not many in it for many years. But then something unexpected happened, and the Earthly Energy of the Star Boundary began to flow toward the Nanfeng Territory, and the barrier between the Star Boundary, the Nanfeng Territory, and the Demon Sea began to become fragile.

Today, the barriers between these three realms have become insignificant, and at the same time, some people have begun to discover some unknown realms, such as domains.

Communication among many interfaces began to increase. As the concentration of earth energy in the star realm began to decrease, the overall strength of the star realm also became lower. After many years of evolution, the current situation was formed. "

Chen Xuan was shocked when he heard this, and then asked: "These ancient secrets are indeed amazing, but how does this relate to us now? Even if the world evolves, it will not be able to interfere with us. By then, we may have already My longevity is exhausted, and I don’t know where I’m going to die.”

Mo Jing glanced at Chen Xuan strangely: "Your son is quite open-minded."

"But you don't know. In ancient times, even those who lived in the rebirth realm had longevity of thousands of years. If one has cultivated to the supreme level, it is common to live for tens of thousands of years. It is not like this now. Even if Even those who have cultivated to the Supreme Realm will only live for a thousand years."

Chen Xuan didn't quite understand: "Then according to you, these happened tens of millions of years ago, how did you know about it?" Then he apologized and said: "I didn't question your intention, I just curious."

Mo Jing shook his head and said it was okay: "These things are passed down by our sect. Everyone knows that our sect had a unique talent five hundred years ago, who led our Ling Sect to prosperity, but they don't know that this sect is the one who taught us. The powerful men of the ancient Divine Harmony Realm, these are all passed down by your sect and my sect.”

"You must also know that you have a mission after becoming my uncle. I don't know what the mission is. Although you are still not qualified to know what it is, you are already qualified to know these secrets. , This is also what my master and your senior brother told me to tell you."

Chen Xuan was stunned by this shocking secret. He asked in confusion: "But, what's the use of knowing these things?"

Mo Jing did not answer, but said calmly: "Sooner or later it will be useful, you will understand."

There was silence for a while.

Mo Jing said calmly: "The mainland is about to be in chaos, and a catastrophe is about to come. This war is the beginning of the catastrophe. When you act outside, remember to put your heart first."

Chen Xuan secretly said: "It seems that the domain invasion is already well known to the higher-ups on the mainland, so I have to make preparations in advance."

Mo Jing said: "These are the things I have called you here for. Do you have anything else? If not, you can leave."

Chen Xuangang wanted to leave, but suddenly he remembered that he came here because of the Qingchen Sect, and said with a smile: "Why, I want to drive your uncle away as soon as the matter is over."

Chen Xuan's words suddenly narrowed the distance between him and Mo Jing, making it easier for him to make a request next.

Mo Jing laughed and scolded: "What other evil ideas do you have in mind? I will try my best to satisfy you."

Chen Xuan smiled, not being pretentious at all, and told his plan in all seriousness. Mo Jing touched his chin and considered the feasibility of Chen Xuan's proposal.

After a while, Mo Jing slapped his thigh: "Okay, your plan has a lot of feasibility. I didn't see it. You still have business acumen. However, your plan is only beneficial to Qingchen Sect. Our Ling Sect But you can’t make much money.”

Chen Xuan said with a smile: "So I'm here to find you."

Mo smiled in surprise and said: "You have so many clever ideas, son. Okay, I agree to this."

After settling all the affairs of the Qingchen Sect, Chen Xuan set off for Taiheng Mountain. Before he joined the Ling Sect, he sent Shi Zhenxiang, Li Ke and others to the Tailing Palace. The sect he established with his own hands has since He hasn't been there since he left.

This time he had a great breakthrough in strength, and Chen Xuan felt that it was time to see how Tailing Hall's strength was developing.

When he left, Chen Xuan had a narrow escape. He left when he was in a coma. Later, he was rescued by the people of Lingyan Pavilion and became the guest elder of Lingyan Pavilion. Thinking of these, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh. People.

Fortunately, although Chen Xuan is not considered powerful among the sect forces hidden outside the secular world, among the secular world, his strength is definitely considered top-notch.

On the way to Taiheng Mountain, no one dared to provoke him. He traveled around and enjoyed many scenery that he had never seen before.

However, in this leisurely time, Chen Xuan felt a hint of gloom in his heart. I don’t know what the catastrophe that Master Mo Jing caused that day was, or how he learned about it.

Because he keenly noticed that Mo Jing's expression was not right that day, he did not dare to ask any more questions. Moreover, Chen Xuan knew that even if he asked Mo Jing, he would not tell him. Chen Xuan understood that his current strength was still too weak. It's not strong enough yet, and now he is eager to improve his strength.

However, Chen Xuan also understands that improvement in strength cannot be forced. Now he has reached a bottleneck period of improvement in strength. What he needs now is not quiet meditation and hard work. He needs to travel around the world and increase his understanding of the world. The perception of all things.

Because he has taken a path that is more advanced than anyone at the same time, and he has experienced many epiphanies on the way to improving his strength, so that he who is only in the realm of creation has already understood the law. Although he has now understood the law, it is just a trick. Got it.

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