Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 147 Jade Demon Heaven Punishes Fire

"This is... a spell!"

Even if I have never seen it, I have heard of the power of this spell.

Even just now, the powerful Dong Guo Ling cast a spell that made him faster than everyone else. If Chen Xuan hadn't taken action, I'm afraid Dong Guo Ling would have escaped.

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang may not have a clear idea of ​​the preciousness of this talisman, but Huo Liu, an elite member of the Huo family, one of the five major alchemy families, knows it very clearly.

The elixirs of the Yunteng Empire, and the spells of the Ice and Snow Empire.

These are quite famous.

If you want to buy seventh-grade elixirs, find seventh-grade elixirs, or even eighth-grade elixirs, the best place to go is the Yunteng Empire. And if you want to find a powerful spell master and buy powerful spells, Then go to the Ice and Snow Empire.

These two major industries are full of talents, and they are both located in the two countries.

Qifeng Empire came from behind, but after all, its foundation is not deep, and it is also weak in both aspects. For example, the Alchemist Guild, which was finally established now, has developed to some extent, but in terms of spells, it still needs to be imported from the Ice and Snow Empire. , even now, they have not cultivated talents who can stand alone.

Therefore, the price of this charm is very high.

The main reason is that this talisman can save life. Even an ordinary person who knows nothing can kill a king-level powerhouse with a talisman. Who wouldn't want such a treasure? ,

It is also a good thing to buy it and leave it to your descendants who are still weak.

"The price of this first-level spell is at least 50 million gold coins!"

Kaori swallowed.

"If it's a defensive type, the price will be more expensive."

Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang suddenly took a breath of air, this was too scary.

Just such a simple piece of yellow paper can be sold for such a price!

This money is too good to make.

"This is a second-level talisman, a time talisman."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, this is a second-level talisman that he spent a lot of effort to master, so he just happened to try it today.

A second-level spell master is equivalent to an emperor-level powerhouse to a certain extent!

"Master Chen are still a spell master!"

Huo Liu opened his mouth in surprise, this was really incredible. Chen Xuan was not only a powerful alchemist, but he also made sixth-grade elixirs with great ease in the alchemy square. This matter would definitely be spread throughout the Medicine City.

But what the world still doesn’t know is that Chen Xuan is not only a master of alchemy, but also a master of spells!

Second level spell.

If it was refined by Chen Xuan, then Chen Xuan would be a second-level spell master.

Any force, even a huge super family, will rush to invite him, and he can go anywhere. Even the royal family of the Qifeng Empire will definitely support and protect Chen Xuan without any reservation.

This is definitely a national treasure!

"Let's try this first. If it works, you don't need three months at all."

There was a hint of excitement in Chen Xuan's eyes.

This talisman was also my first contact with it.

After seeing the mysterious power in this spell, Chen Xuan also let go of his pride in being a god-level powerhouse before. After all, there are still many capable people here.

If you want to reach the top, I'm afraid there is still some way to go.

Compared with the territory of Fengyun Continent, Xuan Continent seems to be a bit small, so it was like a novice village before, but now it is truly stepping into this cruel continent.

But you have to be humble. How can Chen Xuan be humble? If you want to bully Chen Xuan, even if you have the ability, you will be beaten down by Chen Xuan.

If you don't like it, I'll slap you in the face anyway.

Several people gathered around in excitement, obviously very interested in the talisman in Chen Xuan's hand. Chen Xuan did not disappoint them. He lit a stick of incense outside the door and then tore open the talisman.


Suddenly a ray of light enveloped the four of them.

Under this light, nothing seems to have changed, but I always feel that some strange phenomena are occurring.

For example, the fallen leaves outside the window seem to fall very slowly.

Yaozong Mansion, dungeon.

Everything was done in accordance with the procedures. Without breaking the law, the Medicine Sect Mansion still acted under the trend of the Alchemist Guild.

Cooperate with each other.

The dungeon holds some prisoners who threaten the alchemists, and some alchemists who have done wrong things.

Often being locked up here, there is basically no chance to get out.

Suddenly woke up from a dream.

Mr. Nalu immediately covered his head and felt a burst of pain quickly hit the top of his head.


"my head!"

"my face!"

As if surrounded by countless pain, Lu Mensheng also screamed in fright and anger. However, when Lu Mensheng moved his hands and feet, he heard a series of tinkling sounds.


"This is a cold iron chain! Who is so bold! How dare you use a cold iron chain on this master!"

The cold iron chain is specially made to deal with some powerful mysterious masters and alchemists who master powerful flames. This cold iron chain has a steady stream of cold energy pouring into the body, which can make you suffer from the ice. .

Lu Mensheng roared angrily, but no one paid attention to the latter.

For the sake of safety, disciple Nalu was directly imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison!

Above, there are endless stone walls on both sides. It is like a dry well, and Lu Mensheng is locked here.

"Let me go quickly, otherwise I, Mr. Lu, will definitely destroy your Alchemist Guild!"

"Damn it! Who is it!"

"Who harmed me!"

"Lanshan, and that bastard, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Lu Mensheng was filled with anger, but the only thing that echoed in this dark environment was his own voice, and nothing else. After a while, Lu Mensheng became tired.

Finally, I knew that I was trapped here and there was no way out.

"No, I absolutely cannot give up and let you get away with it."

Lu Mensheng gathered his energy, and then a ray of fire jumped out of his chest, as if he was psychic.

"Fire, Fire, go find your master quickly and tell him that I'm trapped here now. Hurry, it's up to you!"

When he saw this spark of fire appear, a fierce light flashed in Lu Mensheng's eyes.

"Lanshan, wait, this bastard dares to catch me and keep me here. I will definitely kill you! Cut you into pieces!"

The fire seemed to understand Lu Mensheng's words, nodded, and disappeared into the darkness with a whoosh. The surrounding environment made the fire very uncomfortable, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

In an instant, he had left, and Mr. Lu had learned his lesson well. He was just sitting on the ground meditating, waiting for his senior brother to come to rescue him. With the speed of the fire, he could return to his senior brother's home in just a few hours. around.

Chen Xuan's family.

After the talisman released its effect, there were no strange changes in the surroundings, but Chen Xuan lit a stick of incense, and the four of them watched helplessly as the incense in their hands burned down.

Then I looked at the incense at the door and found that it was only half burned!

What does this mean?

Obviously within the scope of this spell, the flow rate of time is half that of the outside world!

This is equivalent to twice the time!

This effect can be directly called reverse. Although it is only a second-level spell, the effect of this spell is equivalent to adding an extra period of time to your life for no reason.


Absolutely reverse!

Huo Liu took a breath of air. Such a spell effect only appeared in ancient times in the records. There is no such spell now. How could there be such a reverse spell.

Most of today's spells are attack, protection, and auxiliary.

Such as increasing speed, increasing strength, such spells.

How come there are spells like modifying time and extending time?

It's really scary to think about it.

It's so scary.

When the effect of the spell disappeared, the three people were as shocked as if they had eaten a whale.

"It can only last for an hour. It's so short. No wonder it's a second-level spell."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't expect that this second-level talisman really had no moisture at all.

This hour is also an hour in the outside world. Within the spell, it is equivalent to having two hours of time.

After expending so much effort, it only added an hour, which was a bit of a disadvantage.

But looking at the three people opposite, why were they so surprised?

"Surprisingly... my goodness, this talisman is worth at least 200 million gold coins!"

Huo Liu exclaimed.

For some real masters, money is not a problem, but in this spell, the flow of time can be extended. So, if you are in danger, you can hide temporarily and use this spell to heal your injuries, or temporarily refine some thing.

If this thing is used in key points, it will have reverse functions.

However, many people still can't afford it. After all, the extra hour may not necessarily earn back the 200 million gold coins.

"Wait for me to improve it, but let's make do with it for now. I'll refine some later, and you guys can work together and practice well. As for the method of practice... wait a moment!"

Just when Chen Xuan was about to instruct the three people on how to practice, a figure suddenly appeared within the scope of his spiritual thoughts.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and he disappeared without saying a word.

"What a speed."

Huo Liu was a little stronger and could barely see Chen Xuan's movements clearly, but still couldn't capture them.

"Good guy, it turns out it carries fire. Why do I feel weird?"

Chen Xuan's figure quickly caught up with a flame as big as a thumb. He stretched out his hand and caught the flame in his hand. Zheng

"The Jade Demon Kills the Fire!"

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