If it was really too heavy, this scumbag should be beaten to death.

"Strike ten sticks with the stick, don't break your legs."

"Do you want to hit him yourself?" Ye Qing asked.

"It's not necessary. I don't even want to look at it. These ten blows are equivalent to the punishment for stealing. Apart from the one punch given to me, we can calculate it later."

Ye Qing looked at Chen Xuan and nodded with satisfaction. Although Chen Xuan's punishment to Wang Feifei was obviously too light and could not serve as a deterrent, Chen Xuan did not rely on other people's strength to act like a tiger but he liked him very much.

"I hope you get rid of the habit of stealing." Chen Xuan said to Wang Feifei before leaving. Wang Feifei didn't say anything. In fact, he despised someone in his heart, "If I had a senior brother like your father, I would definitely change."

Wang Feifei's matter was over like this. It was a bit thunderous and rainy for Ye Qing. He spent so much manpower and material resources but only scratched his itch ten times. The guards were all talking about it.

But what happened next made these guards furious. Misfortune often occurred in the backyard of the store, and these misfortunes were often the dirtiest things, such as animal feces, rotting corpses, etc.

The first thing the guards thought of was Wang Feifei's revenge, but there was no evidence to prove it. There were several times when there were guards watching Wang Feifei in the restaurant, but something unexpected happened in the backyard of the restaurant.

This guy has a helper, the guard immediately thought of it. Later, he couldn't bear it anymore and he was arrested and beaten violently, but he still didn't ask whether it was him who did it. In the end, he had to apologize for beating the wrong person.

After several twists and turns, Chen Xuan also realized that the punishment given to Wang Feifei this time might really be too light. If senior brother's decision was followed, Wang Feifei might not dare to look directly at the Mu Clan store in the future. However, Chen Xuan did not regret it. Under the circumstances, the decision he made was based on his own standards for dealing with people. The reason why I changed my mind now is that the standards for dealing with people have changed now. It is impossible for people to know what they will become in the future, so how can the current self blame the past self.

Now we have to find a way to break Wang Feifei's situation and let him get the retribution he deserves. However, due to unexpected events, this game was not broken. This is a story for another day.

After the Wang Feifei incident was dealt with, Chen Xuan had a personal bodyguard. He will follow you wherever you go. Chen Xuan didn't feel annoyed either. Even if you don't have the ability, it would be nice to have someone to protect you. What's more important is that Chen Xuan didn't have such good treatment before, so Chen Xuan enjoyed this new fame for a while.

The reason why Ye Qing sent a bodyguard to Chen Xuan was not only due to the impact of the Wang Feifei incident, but more importantly, he smelled an unusual danger, that is, the danger of the orcs.

When Chen Xuan walked into Gopher City again, he immediately retreated from inside. Gopher City actually stinks, as if you've walked into a garbage dump.

Chen Xuan didn't know what happened, so he asked an old man who had just come out. "Old man, what happened to this Gopher City?"

"Gopher City? The person in charge is missing. It's almost filled with garbage. There used to be an old man who took care of it, but I don't know why the old man hasn't seen his shadow in the past ten years or so."

"This Gopher City is really weird. It has become like this in just a few years. How did the old man maintain it in the past? How did he get out such a deep cave and all the garbage by himself." Another person happened to pass by. Joined the conversation.

"Gopher City is a miracle. Didn't you realize that it is so deep underground? How could light shine in?"

"Isn't that reflected in a mirror?"

"Reflection? It's not that simple. The reflected light will become darker with the number of reflections, but the mirror in Gopher City can reflect all the light into the hole without revealing anything. Some people once suspected that the mirror was a treasure and put the light in it. One piece was stolen, but it turned out that it was an ordinary mirror. The old man didn't find out where the mirror went. He just asked someone to buy a new one on the street and put it up on the spot. In short, it was not the mirror's fault, nor was it in the hole. The problem is the old man’s problem.”

Hearing the old man talking about the old man, Chen Xuan immediately thought of the old man who gave him the book.

"Isn't the old man very ordinary?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Is it ordinary? It is indeed ordinary. There is a kind of ordinaryness that makes people forget their appearance." The old man continued: "Look at the plate at the door. Everyone who enters the cave needs to hand over a low-grade spiritual stone. No one will care if you don't hand it over. You. But you will feel very uncomfortable in this hole, and you will feel like you are suffocating.”

"This old man is really amazing. Has no one thought about such a big industry here?" The other person asked.

"Who dares to make up his mind? Although this old man doesn't ask for help from anyone, there are people who admire him very much. Whenever something happens in this Gopher City, strong men will come to expel the culprits."

"Is he protected by a strong person?" The other person was surprised.

"I don't know. In short, none of the troublemakers will have a good ending. They will always be punished immediately."

"Where is the old man now? It's so smelly here that it will probably drive everyone away."

"Someone has decided to join forces to clean the house. Someone will do it in the next two days."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he could only turn around and walk back. Come back in two days, the smell is too scary now. However, he always thought in his heart that the old man was definitely a powerful man. But why did he leave here again? What's wrong with him? There must have been some accident.

After walking around the street, Chen Xuan didn't see anything interesting, so he could only go back gloomily.

Sun Tingting's water-based skills were still missing in February, which made her anxious. The girl had a frown on her face, completely losing her original calm demeanor. News came from Mu Chenglong that because the Mu clan leader had recently arrived at the headquarters and had something to do, he was unable to discuss it with the clan leader. However, he would handle the matter immediately when the clan leader comes back. He asked Liu Chun and Sun Tingting not to rush.

In the middle of the year, the large-scale auction in Muyu Town also started, and Sun Tingting placed her hope on it again. Ye Qing and Liu Chun discussed it and decided that if there was a good water-based skill, it would be jointly purchased by the Mu Clan and Liu Chun at a ratio of eight to two. Liu Chun left a copy for Sun Tingting to practice, and it was originally sent to the Mu Clan. . Of course, this ratio fully takes into account Liu Chun's affordability.

"Chen Xuan, will there be any good water-based skills at your upcoming auction?" Sun Tingting asked Chen Xuan.

"Call me brother, maybe you will show up tomorrow." Chen Xuan knew that once the conversation started, it would be impossible for Sun Tingting to change her name, even though she had already confirmed that Chen Xuan was fourteen years old.

Sun Tingting fell silent, and Chen Xuan was helpless. Who allowed him to grow up? He doesn’t look like a brother at all!

"Okay, I'm kidding. You can call me whatever you want! Just don't ignore me in a few years." Chen Xuan calculated that in a few years, Sun Tingting should look like a big girl. Well, I might still be just a brat.

"Haha, by then I will call you Brother instead of Brother Monster." Sun Tingting joked.

"No! Let's call him Chen Xuan!"

"Oh, it's so annoying. Why is that Gopher City different from before? The garbage inside has been cleaned up, but the smell is still there! It seems that such a good place is going to be abandoned." Sun Tingting.

"Do you remember the old man who gave me the book? He may be the owner of Gopher City."

"That angry old man. It's a pity that that place belongs to him. That place is noisy now, isn't he dead?" Sun Tingting had a lot of objections to the old man.

"You can't be such an old man. He must have temporarily left Muyu Town for something, and he must be a peerless master."

"By the way, can't those two books be shown to others?" Sun Tingting asked again.

"Of course not. If you promise not to be spared, you must keep it. And now even if I want to show it to you, there is nothing I can do because I lost those two books." Chen Xuan said, half truthfully and half falsely. Those two books were indeed disappearing chats, and Chen Xuan did not deliberately deceive Sun Tingting. It was impossible for him to share the secret with Sun Tingting that the contents of the book were already imprinted in his mind.

"Just throw it away. I think it's just a junk book. There's nothing to be sorry for."

Second, the large-scale auction in Muyu Town opened grandly, co-sponsored by the Association of Cultivators and Merchants Association. Auctions and regular stores are different from transactions in Gopher City. The items traded in ordinary stores are daily necessities and commonly used items. The purpose of transactions in Gopher City is to exchange what is needed, while the goods traded in auctions are generally high-value and rare items.

Merchants generally do not specifically sell such products, but it does not rule out that they may obtain these products in daily transactions. So as I slowly accumulated it, it became necessary to hold an auction.

Of course, the Mu Clan store is a member of the Merchant Owners Association, so it also organized a large number of special products for auction. But these have nothing to do with Chen Xuan. What he is a little concerned about is whether Sun Tingting can obtain the water system skills. The result was not unsatisfactory. Liu Chun used 15,000 spirit crystals to capture a Grade C mid-level water-based skill called "Spring Water Jue".

Compared with Liu Chun's four D-level skills, Sun Tingting's ability to obtain C-level skills is already a pretty good outcome.

Ever since Sun Tingting obtained the technique, Chen Xuan has lost a partner. And Sun Tingting is really a cultivator. Now she only practices cultivation besides eating. Chen Xuan went to look for her a few times before giving up and looking for her again.

Time has come to May in a blink of an eye. The store was bustling with people. Chen Xuan was about to go out to see what was going on when he met Ye Qing at the door. Ye Qing looked very nervous and anxious. Seeing Chen Xuan, he pulled him to his side with one hand and said: "Chen Xuan, something big has happened. The headquarters of the Wood Clan has been destroyed by the Beast Clan. It will soon affect our Wood Clan. You have to be prepared. Maybe we will move out immediately." Here. Have you seen your mother? I'll tell her about it too."

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