"Good! I'm out." Chen Xuan didn't know where he was standing when he heard the excited voice of Master Ma from afar. He opened his eyes wide and found that he was indeed standing at the exit of the illusion array, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Guy, congratulations on passing the entrance test of our sect. You can now choose to join our Shenxin Sect. Our sect recruits very few disciples every year, but all of them are talented. As long as you report your information to the sect, and the sect verifies that it is correct, you can enter our sect." Master Ma proudly introduced to Chen Xuan what to do next.

"I'm sorry, Master Ma, I need to go home and discuss it with my parents." Chen Xuan answered Master Ma, which made Master Ma stunned for a while, but he thought it was normal. After all, Chen Xuan just knew his five elements, and his parents still didn't know the situation! It's right to discuss it under this situation.

But Chen Xuan's situation is too special. Master Ma is very worried that Chen Xuan will never come back, because who knows what Chen Xuan's parents think? If it was a person with average qualifications, Master Ma would certainly believe that person would definitely join their Shenxin Sect, but Chen Xuan's single wood attribute was rare in the history of their sect. If he was let go, he would become a sinner of Shenxin Sect.

Master Ma thought for a while and said to Chen Xuan: "Hey, I'll let Master Du go back with you! If you join our Shenxin Sect, Master Du will be your nominal master, you two should get to know each other first." In Master Ma's opinion, letting Master Du accompany Chen Xuan home can be said to kill two birds with one stone. First, it can let Chen Xuan know who he will meet when he enters the sect as soon as possible, and second, he can push away his own responsibility, because if Master Du goes and lets Chen Xuan go, it will not be his responsibility.

"Tu, go and invite Master Du again." Master Ma turned and said to Tu again.

"Yes, uncle." Tu turned and left.

When Tu found Master Du, he introduced Chen Xuan's basic situation. Master Du's eyes glowed green and he went out with a "whoosh". Patriarch Du himself was a person of the ninth level of wood attribute, which was why he had cultivated to the seventh level of the Creation Realm at the age of 42. He knew deeply that a single attribute was precious, and when he heard that Chen Xuan was actually a single wood attribute, his eyes would of course glow green.

"Junior brother Du, you are finally here, and you are about to have a super-gifted apprentice. But you must accompany him back home to meet his parents and see what kind of parents gave birth to such a proud person." Patriarch Ma said directly when he saw Patriarch Du flying over.

Chen Xuan saw the man flying over, with a well-proportioned and slender body, not very old, but with long hair and beard on his temples, fluttering in the wind, a very immortal look. And this man stared at Chen Xuan eagerly when he came. Although Chen Xuan didn't know much about the Shenxin Sect, he could roughly infer from Patriarch Ma's words that Patriarch Du was probably just a deputy sect leader, and his five elements attribute was mainly wood.

"Well, very good. What's your name?" Patriarch Du asked Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan."

"Oh, the last name is Chen, and it's a single attribute, could it be?" Master Du suddenly stopped asking. He roughly guessed something, but it was hard to guess whether it was right or not. He probably guessed that Chen Xuan was a direct descendant of the Wood Clan, but now the Wood Clan was destroyed, so he had to live outside.

"No wonder." Master Du took it for granted that Chen Xuan was a direct descendant. Although the Wood Clan was destroyed, the deep-rooted influence still existed.

"Let's go, I'll go see your parents too. I also admire people from the Wood Clan." What he said was of course true. For a person with a ninth-level wood attribute, the most regrettable thing in the past was of course that he was not born in the Wood Clan. If he was born in the Wood Clan, he would definitely achieve higher achievements. At least he would have a unique advantage in practicing martial arts.

"The Wood Clan? Actually, I..." Chen Xuan thought he was not a member of the Wood Clan, but it was not right after thinking about it. The Wood Clan should also belong to the Wood Clan! But if he was a member of the Wood Clan, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to convince himself. Never mind, others will naturally know what the situation is in the future.

It has only been a month since Ye Qing brought Zeng Xiner, Chen Xuan and Liu Chun's family to Shiweiba City, but the two families could not just sit back and enjoy the new place, so Ye Qing and Liu Chun rented a store together and jointly ran the business in Muyu Town. After all, these were familiar things.

The storefront is now in the stage of decoration, and both families are busy, but Chen Xuan has nothing to do. The only thing he has to do is to figure out his five elements.

Sun Tingting was busy sweating, after all, women are really destined to be housekeepers. If you can't lift the counter, you can wipe the counter, and if you can't carry the goods, you can take a broom. In short, she has no time to be idle.

Suddenly, Ye Qing felt a strong thought, and he knew that a powerful existence was coming towards him. He suddenly looked up and saw Chen Xuan and the immortal next to him. And the man was looking at him intently.

"Chen Xuan, who is this?" Ye Qing hurriedly went up, secretly on guard in his heart, but with a respectful look on his face.

"I am Du Zisong, the deputy leader of Shenxin Sect." This leader introduced himself before Chen Xuan.

Ye Qing was shocked. The deputy leader of Shenxin Sect came in person. What's the matter? He came with Chen Xuan, so it must be related to Chen Xuan. Thinking of this, Ye Qing quickly clasped his hands and said respectfully: "The arrival of leader Du in person makes my humble home shine. Please come to the inner hall. Xin'er, go and make some tea."

So as soon as it was warm, we entered the inner hall, where the guests and hosts sat down, and tea was served. Du Zisong said straight to the point: "Boss Mu must be very surprised as to why I'm here, so I'll just tell you the truth. First of all, congratulations to Boss Mu for giving birth to a peerless child. You may not know it yet, but this child actually has a single five-element attribute of wood. This But it’s something that’s rare among hundreds of millions of people.”

When Ye Qing heard this, his face showed excitement. Really? Chen Xuan turned out to be a single wood attribute, which made him very happy. You know, even in the entire Wood Clan, it is rare to find a talent with a single wood attribute for hundreds of years, and as long as it is a single wood attribute, it will definitely be cultivated with the most emphasis in the Wood Clan.

But then Ye Qing showed a depressed look again, because he suddenly remembered that the Mu clan had been destroyed, and Chen Xuankong had such a good talent but had nothing to do with the Mu clan.

"So, our sect attaches great importance to this child's future. We know that you must have a relationship with the Mu clan. In the past, our sect would not have dared to covet the ownership of this child." Du Zisong paused, and then said: " As for now, the situation of the Mu clan is unknown. If this child can join our sect, we will definitely devote all our resources to his training.”

Ye Qing had vaguely known Du Zisong's origin before. After hearing what he just said, he naturally understood why Du Zisong came. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Shenxin Sect is the most famous sect in the local area. Quanzi went to Shenxin Sect for an entry test. Although the main purpose is to know his own Five Elements attributes, he cannot help but intend to join your sect. It’s from the sect. However, Quanzi’s current five-element attribute is a single wood attribute, so I don’t know what level of skills your sect will let him practice.”

Ye Qing's problem is of course the most practical one. If the Shenxin Sect only has the most rubbish wood-attribute skills for Chen Xuan to practice, it is indeed not as good as Ye Qing teaching Chen Xuan himself, because the wood-attribute skills that Ye Qing practices are wood. The clan's top "Deadwood Jue".

"Haha, is this a problem? Of course, the wood-attribute skills of our sect and the Wood Clan are not the same. But our sect has one advantage, that is, the focus of our sect's training is not the five-element skills, but the mind skills. ”

"Heart Technique, what does this mean? Master Du is the Divine Heart Sect and doesn't practice the Five Elements Kung Fu?" Ye Qing asked in surprise.

"Of course not. Our sect also practices the Five Elements Kung Fu, but it does not focus on it. Our main focus is on spiritual power. Therefore, we will not interfere with the disciple's practice of his own Five Elements Kung Fu at all, but The improvement of the disciple's spiritual power is used to measure the merits. Of course, it has been proven that those who are quick at practicing the Five Elements Skills will also be good at practicing the Mental Skills. The two seem to promote each other."

In fact, the word "seemingly" can basically be removed from Du Zisong's words. Mental power and Five Elements Kung Fu naturally promote each other. The higher the level of cultivation, the more obvious this promotion will be.

"Oh, that's it. That means that if Chen Xuan enters the Divine Heart Sect, he can still major in the exercises I gave him."

"Yes. This sect only assesses the level of his spiritual power. For example, if my spiritual power reaches the eighth level, I can become the deputy sect leader of the Shenxin Sect. And if I can reach the ninth level, I can become the sect leader. . Reaching the tenth level is a supreme elder.”

"Is Yazhong the deputy sect leader? How many deputy sect leaders are there in the Shenxin Sect?" Ye Qing asked. The Tingshen Heart Sect is very powerful. If the eighth level of spiritual power is the deputy sect master, then there should be many deputy sect masters.

"Wrong." Du Zisong stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This sect will always only retain five deputy sect leaders. These five are the disciples of each of the five elements who have recently reached the eighth level of spiritual power. Their duty is to replace the sect leader. Recruiting disciples and managing things within the sect, while the former deputy sect leader will automatically become an elder and focus on attacking the ninth level of spiritual power, so the deputy sect leader is just a duty."

"This system is good. No wonder your sect has become the most famous sect in the local area." Ye Qing praised.

"Haha, our sect emphasizes that the master should be the teacher, and it has indeed inspired the underachieving disciples very well." Du Zisong said proudly.

"I wonder which attribute of the martial art Master Du is majoring in?" Ye Qing asked. He wanted to know if Chen Xuan entered the Shenxin Sect, who would be his master?

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