Chen Xuan tried his best to feel the energy, but because he could never calm down completely, most of the night passed, and he still didn't notice even a little bit of spiritual energy in the ground. On the contrary, he always looked forward to the life at the God's Heart Gate. It wasn't until late in the night that Chen Xuan fell asleep and fell asleep without realizing it.

That night, he had many dreams, including having fun with Chen Zhuang, being at a loss in a strange environment, and seeing colorful pictures made of various gases on the ground. When he woke up the next time, his head hurt a little. However, when he tried to recall the dream he had had, he suddenly became suspicious. Is the colorful picture a spiritual energy? Have you experienced spiritual energy in your dream?

He began to meditate, relaxed his mind, closed his eyes, and thought about the colorful pictures he had seen in his dream. Ten minutes later, the color picture finally appeared in Chen Xuan's mind again, but the color picture was unpredictable and the colors were colorful but messy. This is both similar and different from the aura described in "Ku Chen Jue". They are similar in that they are all linear and illusory. The difference is that what Chen Xuan feels is colorful, but what is described in the book seems to have no color; what Chen Xuan feels is a silk thread picture, but what is described in the book is a silk thread. .

This made Chen Xuan very hesitant and annoyed. Could it be that he had made a mistake. In desperation, Chen Xuan had to stop meditating. He stood up and walked out of the bedroom. He wanted to find his father immediately and ask himself if his current perception was wrong.

When I found Chen Chengfeng in the front hall, Chen Chengfeng had already started his work today. When hearing Chen Xuan's description, Chen Chengfeng was shocked, "You can feel the thread pattern, and it's also colorful? Are you lying to me?"

Chen Xuan pouted, looking aggrieved. Chen Chengfeng continued: "Chen Xuan, do you know? I can only feel a dozen spiritual energy at the same time now, and that spiritual energy is only green, and I can't feel other colors. If you can do that as soon as you get started, I'm afraid He is truly a talented person.”

"Really?" Chen Xuan was very happy. It turned out that his feeling was not wrong, it was just a bit shocking. I am already a monster, so I should be more shocking! Chen Xuan to himself.

"But there is also a problem. If you can feel so much spiritual energy at the same time, then the subsequent concentration of energy will be different from others. It will be very difficult. You have to be prepared." Chen Chengfeng poured another scoop on Chen Xuan cold water.

Those auras are floating around, and it takes a lot of effort to fix even one of them. To fix them all, it will definitely take even more energy. And if Chen Xuan only fixes one part and lets the others move freely, it seems that this cannot be the Dingqi state in the complete sense, because the definition of the Dingqi state is to fixate all the auras he perceives.

Being able to focus on only one level can only be called a half-step Qi-fixing state, and it is not known whether he can advance to the second level of Qi-moving state. And no one is willing to give up so much spiritual energy that he has perceived and only master a part of it. Obviously, being able to control so much spiritual energy at the same time would definitely speed up cultivation.

While Chen Xuan was worrying here, in a place not too far away, there was a group of ten-year-old children who were collectively comprehending spiritual energy. Standing next to them was a tall and mighty man. The man looked at the group of children in front of him and sighed slightly in his heart: "It's been two weeks, and most of the children still haven't been able to perceive the spiritual energy, and none of the children who have already experienced the spiritual energy have even experienced two spiritual energy." Chen Clan, is there really no hope?”

He looked at the "Five Color Pictures" in his hand again. "It has been thousands of years, is there really anyone in the world who can sense the colorful spiritual energy?"

This man is none other than Chen Yu, the leader of the Chen clan. He is now a strong man in the third level of infant stage in the semi-immortal realm. But compared to the Fire-Eyed Scorpion, he was no match for Fifty Moves. He could only abandon the Chen clan and lead the remaining soldiers to flee far away, otherwise he would only be making sacrifices in vain.

He is also a cultivator of a single Chen attribute. Unfortunately, he could only comprehend a few auras back then, and the color was only green. Therefore, he did not have the opportunity to practice the Grade A advanced skill "Five Colors Diagram". This was of course his regret. . According to historical records, there was someone who could practice "Five Colorful Pictures" thousands of years ago. That person's name was Chen Sen, and he also had a single Chen attribute. This has also led to the formation of a tradition among the Chen clan. The conditions for being able to practice the "Five Colors Diagram" are those who have a single Chen attribute and can perceive the five-color aura.

But now that the Chen clan is in danger, Chen Yu has relaxed the conditions again. As long as Chen clan disciples who can sense the colorful spiritual energy can practice the "Colorful Picture". Even so, it is the same as when the conditions were not relaxed, because there is no existence that can perceive the colorful spiritual energy.

This "Colorful Picture" is also very strange. Ordinary people cannot practice it at all, because its first level of Qi concentration requires several strands of spiritual energy to be concentrated at the same time. The subsequent use of the colorful spiritual energy can only be used by those who are aware of the colorful spiritual energy. And over the past thousands of years, although there have been many people in the direct line of the Chen clan with very high talents, there have still been zero people suitable for cultivation.

"You all go back to your own residences. If anyone can sense the colorful spiritual energy in the future, you can report it. The Chen clan's skills are all in the hands of the third elder. You can go to him to choose!" Chen Yu said sadly. .

So all the new talents of the Chen clan left.

As for Chen Xuan, although he was warned that his future cultivation might be troublesome, he didn't have much to worry about before he tried it, so he still started a new life with high ambitions.

Today's task is to accompany Sun Tingting to the Shenxin Sect to take the entry test. If Sun Tingting can pass the test, he should prepare to enter the Shenxin Sect and officially become a member of the Shenxin Sect. But if there is an accident in Sun Tingting's test, there will be another game. But in the end, he will still join this sect, because this is the only way for him to practice his own skills and join the sect. Other sects will most likely not allow him to practice non-sect skills privately. of. Especially when you first get started, most of them are exercises provided by the practicing sect. Only in this way can the purity of the sect be guaranteed.

Sun Tingting was wearing a brand new floral cloth coat now, with a blushing face full of expectant smiles. She and Chen Xuan arrived at the test site very early, but the queue at this time was already long. Chen Xuan had to stand in the distance and wait, but Sun Tingting started queuing up.

Not long after, Du Zisong's figure appeared at the door of the test. He came out to observe whether Chen Xuan had arrived. He looked across the queue and finally spotted Chen Xuan's figure in the far corner. He smiled and walked over calmly.

"Where is your good friend?" Du Zisong asked with a smile.

"There." Chen Xuan pointed to the location of Sun Tingting. Du Zisong glanced over and saw Sun Tingting, nodding calmly.

"Are you waiting here? Or go in?" Du Zisong asked.

Chen Xuan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's better to wait here! Everyone knows that there is no need to do it."

"Then I'll go." Du Zisong drifted away again. He probably went to inform Master Ma.

After a long time, Chen Xuan watched Sun Tingting enter the testing field.

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan finally saw Sun Tingting coming out of the testing ground. He knew that Sun Tingting had already participated in the test of the magic array. But why was Sun Tingting's test time so short? Was it really just a formality?

Seeing Sun Tingting's happy look, Chen Xuan had no words and just looked at Sun Tingting with high heart.

"Don't you have anything to ask?" Sun Tingting pursed her lips and looked at Chen Xuan. She was angry that Chen Xuan didn't ask her if she passed.

"Oh, why did you come out so quickly?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile.

"Hmph! Why don't you ask others if they have passed?"

"But will you be so happy?" Chen Xuan asked.

At this time, Du Zisong came over, took out two tokens, handed one to each of Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, and said: "Very good, I thought I was going to show favoritism, but unexpectedly, the girl is also a wizard. If you hadn't been With a single attribute, she might be more suitable for our God’s Heart Sect than you are?”

"Really? Sun Tingting, are you good at the state of mind test?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Haha, do you know how long it took this girl to pass the phantom formation you passed yesterday?"

"Half an hour is indeed very short." Chen Xuan replied.

"Half an hour, haha, is that what you think? I want to tell you that it only took her five minutes, and in the remaining twenty minutes she passed the low-level illusion array test in the mortal realm. Originally, I was I just wanted her to do the simplest test like you, but she came out of the magic circle in just five minutes, so we have to do it according to the standards."

"Really? Even the low-level mortal realm test only took more than twenty minutes, which is amazing. It seems that I have made great contributions to the sect this time before I even joined the sect." Chen Xuan joked. .

"I don't see that you are so proud of yourself." Du Zisong said with a smile. "You guys go back and prepare. Report to the sect within five days. If the time is exceeded, the Shenxin Sect will go to Boss Chen to arrest people. Haha!" Du Zisong laughed heartily. This is indeed an unexpected surprise. Originally, Chen Xuan was already a huge surprise, and now there is Sun Tingting, who has a strong mental state. This is rare in the history of the Shenxin Sect, or simply does not exist.

The five-year preparation deadline made Chen Chengfeng and Liu Chun even more busy, but no matter how important the business was, it was not as important as their children. They still found time to spend time with their children. After all, after these five days, they would have much less time to see their children. No, we won’t be able to see each other for a whole year.

The mothers of Zeng Xin'er and Sun Tingting were in tears, as if their daughters were getting married.

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