It was obvious that there was no hope of escaping until the wolf was temporarily gone. It is best to do this when other greedy wolves are very tired, such as when they suddenly took a break to drink water after running for a long distance, that is, that time just now.

But at this time, the wolf will circle around the box. The most important thing is this wolf. The other greedy wolves are at most the same level as Chen Xuan. They are only stronger in body. If they really fight, Chen Xuan still has a glimmer of life. But the first wolf is different. He has surpassed humans at a glance. In the realm of mortals, Chen Xuan is not a burden to him at all.

Why is this dead wolf following the box so closely? Chen Xuan secretly cursed the wolf.

wait! Waiting for the opportunity, I don't believe that I don't have a chance

After resting for about half an hour, the greedy wolves loaded up the box again. After about an hour, the wolves entered a cave. The box was put down, and there was a burst of noise, but soon everything became quiet.

At first, Chen Xuan thought that these greedy wolves had arrived at their destination, which really worried him for a while. Later, he discovered that no Greedy Wolf came to check the box, and he realized that the wolves had just found a place to hide and rest temporarily. It seems that they will continue to transport spiritual crystals when night falls.

Chen Xuan was in the box and had no idea where he was at this time, and of course he had no idea where the wolves' final destination was.

Still can't find a way out of trouble! Chen Xuan was secretly anxious, but he didn't dare to relax and rest, fearing that some greedy wolf would open the box.

There were only a few greedy wolves making "huffing" sounds in the cave, and the other wolves should be distributed around the periphery of the cave. The high-intensity exercise last night made these low-level greedy wolves almost exhausted, so now more than half of them have fallen asleep.

Chen Xuan turned over in the box. Keeping in the same posture made his feet numb. He thought that he should find a way to restore his physical strength as much as possible. Either rest or practice, these are the two ways for a martial artist to recover his physical strength. Since he is trapped here now, Chen Xuan decided to try both methods.

It was fine when he was practicing, but when he was resting, Chen Xuan could still remain alert at first, but over time, he actually fell asleep.

When he suddenly woke up, he couldn't help but be afraid for a long time. How could I be so careless? If someone had opened the box just now, I would have been doomed long ago. Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

In fact, Chen Xuan also knew that Tanlang would not open the box again on the way. Because he heard that low-level orcs did not need spiritual crystal cultivation. They naturally increase their cultivation mainly through the growth of age. This time may be longer or shorter depending on their respective talents. Once you are gifted, you will reach a cultivation level similar to that of a human cultivator in a very short period of time. At this time, they will become spiritually intelligent, and only at this time will they consciously use spiritual crystals to practice.

And now these greedy wolves participating in the parade are all the lowest level greedy wolves. They only have instinctive animal nature. They don't care about the spiritual crystals they carry.

And that escort is most likely a subordinate of a certain high-level beast clan. Although he already has spiritual intelligence and can rely on spiritual crystals to practice, it is impossible for him to be greedy in front of so many low-level greedy wolves. Read the spiritual crystal. There is generally a relationship of absolute obedience between the superiors and subordinates of the orcs, especially when they are still at a low level. Only when they are fully transformed will they be the same as human monks, but by that time, they have already reached the semi-immortal realm.

After a full rest, night came again, and the wolves began to carry the pack again. For wolves, night is when they feel safest. Chen Xuan couldn't even see what was going on outside at night, so there was no chance of escape, so he simply closed his eyes and waited.

After three days, Chen Xuan almost went crazy. The alpha wolf is really a madman who is devoted to his duties. At night, he usually explores the way ahead. Once it rests, it will circle around the box a few times and then find a suitable position to squat down. In order to carefully observe the situation of the wolves, Chen Xuan has now left gaps on all sides of the box, so he can know the surrounding environment well. But the wolf just didn't leave him any chance.

On the fourth morning, Chen Xuan was ready and decided to run away no matter what. Because if he didn't escape, he would have no choice but to starve to death.

If the alpha wolf doesn't give him a chance, he must escape. In the past few days, he had also thought of a way to escape unless it was a last resort.

Because these greedy wolves are running with heavy loads, they always stop to drink water when they encounter a water source. Those water sources may be just streams, or they may be large rivers. The method Chen Xuan came up with was to break open the box unexpectedly when encountering a big river, and then rush into the river. As long as the alpha wolf intercepts him before he enters the river, his escape plan will be more than half successful. He knew that these greedy wolves couldn't swim. Even if the wolf barely knew the water, he wouldn't be able to exert the strength of a cultivator like he could on land.

The most likely thing is that the wolf will not go into the water to pursue it at all, because it does not know how it suddenly appeared, and it will first be psychologically afraid.

The decision has been made, Chen Xuan just needs to wait for the opportunity. Is the place where we're going to stop this morning a big river? Chen Xuan was looking forward to it, otherwise he would have to wait until night.

Chen Xuan had to be very lucky, as the wolf pack really stopped in front of a big river. In fact, these greedy wolves usually choose big rivers to stop every morning. Because most of them will jump into the river to take a bath at this time. If it was just a stream, more than ten wolves would not be able to have fun at all. As for taking a bath, it was so cold that the greedy wolves just stood in the water to comb their fur.

Chen Xuan was not a landlubber, but he was not good at swimming, and the weather was cold now, which was why he had not chosen to escape by water in the past few days. But isn't he being forced now?

Seeing the wolves jumping into the water one after another, and the head wolf turning to the farthest place from him, Chen Xuan used all his strength to slam the box.

With a "bang", the box cover was knocked out. Despite the pain in his back, Chen Xuan jumped out of the box without hesitation and ran towards the river desperately.

The wolf was frightened at first, staring blankly at a person who suddenly jumped out of the box, and actually took a few steps back for a while. By the time it saw clearly what was going on, Chen Xuan had already run most of the way.

"Ao", the leader wolf went crazy, and at the same time, it should be issuing an order to the wolves playing in the water.

When the wolves in the water heard the roar, they all had expressions of fear, but after hearing the roar of the leader wolf, they all stood up their neck hair and looked angrily at Chen Xuan who was rushing towards them.

It seems that these greedy wolves are well-trained warriors, and their reactions are superb. Chen Xuan did not choose to go into the water away from the wolf pack. If he did, the distance would increase a lot, which would leave enough time for the leader wolf. He aimed at a wolf blocking his way and rushed towards it with all his strength.

The wolf was still in the water, and the speed of movement was greatly affected. Seeing Chen Xuan rushing over, there was a trace of hesitation on his face, and his body tilted slightly to the side.

In this way, a small gap appeared in the wolf pack. Chen Xuan crashed into the river through this gap.

With a "plop", Chen Xuan disappeared in the river, and at this time the wolf had rushed to the riverside. It pounced on it, and it took less than ten steps plus this last pounce. However, due to the slow speed at the start, the pounce did not even touch Chen Xuan's clothes.

"Ah, ah", the head wolf was very angry and ordered the wolves in the water to continue chasing. But the wolves looked at each other. Although they could play in the water by the river, they were still beasts who could not swim. Seeing the rapid flow of the river, they were eager to try, but none of them dared to chase after it.

The head wolf opened its mouth and bit the greedy wolf that had just avoided Chen Xuan, and threw it to the middle of the river. The poor greedy wolf sank to the bottom of the river after struggling in the river for a while, and never emerged again.

Chen Xuan tried his best to hold his breath in the river and flowed with the river. After five or six minutes, he got up to take a breath. The head wolf on the shore soon found him, but the wolf had no way to continue chasing him, and could only watch him dive into the water again.

The wolf pack ran for a long distance with Chen Xuan, but finally gave up the pursuit. They still had a more important task to do, which was to protect the spirit crystal. The leader wolf howled again, and when Chen Xuan floated out of the water again, he could no longer see the wolf pack.

After persisting in the water for a while, Chen Xuan climbed out of the river shivering. Of course, he chose to climb ashore from the opposite river.

Cold, this was Chen Xuan's first feeling. He touched his wet clothes and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. Although he was safe for the time being, the first thing to do was to start a fire as soon as possible, otherwise he would die if he was frozen for a while.

Chen Xuan took out the ring from his underwear pocket and took out a fire starter from inside. This fire starter was prepared by Chen Xuan a few days ago

The most important thing after being able to escape from the water was to start a fire. Chen Xuan had planned it countless times in his mind. As for where the fire starter could be hidden, there was no need to think about it at all. The ring space belonged to another space and would never get water. Chen Xuan threw everything inside, including some of the wood spirit crystals in the box.

Although the ordinary wood spirit crystals in the box were not worth mentioning in Chen Xuan's eyes, he thought that he could not use the top-grade wood spirit crystals to scare people wherever he went, so he grabbed two handfuls of wood spirit crystals when he was preparing to escape. As for the number, it was probably more than a hundred. It was a pity that he did not prepare clothes, which was the most regrettable thing for Chen Xuan. The second was food. Chen Xuan was so hungry that his head was a little dizzy. It seemed that he had to prepare more daily necessities in this space in the future.

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