As the closed stone door slowly opened, Liu Maosheng and others standing there couldn't help but become nervous.

An old man wearing linen clothes walked out of the cave. It seemed that he hadn't breathed fresh air for a long time. He couldn't help but stretch, and the bones in his body were crackling.

"Oh, this is the real day we meet again."

The old man sighed, and at this time, the Tantric elders around him stood up one after another, came to the old man, and knelt down respectfully to the latter.

"I'll wait to meet the master!"

"Haha, come on, everyone, I've worked hard for you all these years."

The old man smiled.

Liu Maosheng and others quickly stepped forward and came to the old man, seemingly too excited to speak.

"The thirty-sixth generation head of the Liu family, pays homage to our ancestors!"

With that, Liu Maosheng and others knelt down directly.

"Greetings to our ancestors!"

The old man in sackcloth had a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, our Liu family is indeed prosperous. Everyone, please get up."

The old man in Mai said, the latter's seniority is quite terrifying, yes, he is Liu Maosheng's grandfather! But when the old man became the pillar of the Liu family, Liu Maosheng was still just a young boy.

So Liu Maosheng had to call him ancestor.

The family disciples behind him are even less needed.

"Ancestor, I have brought trouble to the family, and I have no face to face my ancestor! Please give me death!"

Liu Maosheng said in pain, as if he wished he could die in front of this ancestor so that he could apologize. However, after hearing this, the old man in linen clothes darkened his eyes.

"Oh? What trouble? Did Medicine Master City die?"

The old man in sackcloth said.

When the Medicine Master City was planned, this old man in sackcloth could be the founder of the Medicine Master City. He was a figure at least two hundred years ago. He was the president of the first generation Medicine Master Guild, and he was still called Big Brother.

If Medicine Master City offends someone who should not be discussed, then the empire should also come forward. What kind of enemy is it that makes the Liu family so embarrassed?

"No, it's the Alchemist Guild..." Liu Maosheng said.

"Alchemist Guild!?" The old man in sackcloth suddenly became frightened and angry.

When several masters jointly founded the Alchemist Guild and maintained it with great effort, the Liu family must have contributed a lot. Is it possible that the current Alchemist Guild wants to make things worse?

"You get up first, take your time, I want to see if I, Liu Yongquan, am here, who else dares to harm the Liu family!"

A powerful aura was immediately released.

As if he were a high-altitude emperor, the radiance on his body covered the sun.

There was even a faint hint of royal energy in Bian.

Emperor level powerhouse!

Liu Maosheng's eyes were filled with shock and surprise.

It turns out that the ancestor has broken through to the imperial realm. If this happens, wouldn't it mean that Zongheng has fallen into disgrace?

In the entire Medicine Master City, emperor-level experts are simply rare. Even within the imperial royal family, emperor-level experts will be treated as guests. Sometimes, in order to win over emperor-level experts, the imperial family will even confer titles on them. A king with a different surname, and the title of Duke given to him.

An emperor-level powerhouse is something that the empire is afraid of.

If it invests in hostile power and the empire next to it, it will cause huge losses. ,

However, when this emperor-level expert is also a powerful alchemist, his worth will increase hundreds or thousands of times.

Inside the Dangerous Grand Canyon.

At this moment, Chen Xuan didn't know that in the current Medicine Master City, an emperor-level powerhouse was waiting for his return. Even if Chen Xuan knew about it, nothing would happen. So what if the emperor-level powerhouse offended him? , then there will only be the end of being destroyed physically and mentally.

Don't take it seriously unless you are a god-level expert.

In his previous life, Chen Xuan was a god-level powerhouse, so he knew how terrifying a god-level powerhouse was. So now, if a god-level powerhouse wanted to deal with him, Chen Xuan really had no good way to come up with it. , can only hide.

But the emperor level? hehe.

When Chen Xuan arrived at the standard dangerous place on the map, Chen Xuan also smelled a dangerous smell in the air.

It seems that there is a fatal danger waiting for him in front.

A large area of ​​coniferous forest appeared in front of him, as if time and space were intertwined. The sharp thorns on those trees were quite eye-catching. They could pierce through the flesh with just a touch. How could it not be terrifying?

"It's a little weird."

Chen Xuan's mental power was constantly sweeping back and forth in the coniferous forest in front, but there was no feedback at all. It seemed that there was no life in it, but Chen Xuan's mental power could feel that in the coniferous forest, Deep down, there was a treasure waiting for him.

"Have a look."

Since there is no danger in sight, there is no danger.

What's more, even if there is danger, Chen Xuan will not necessarily retreat. He burrowed into the coniferous forest. The surrounding light seemed to dim. The further he walked inside, the more ominous he felt. blessing

On the ground, the thick roots of some trees are intertwined and floating on the ground.

It looked shocking.

Chen Xuan stepped on it and felt a strange feeling, as if the tree was alive.

"Wait, I know what the problem is."

A ray of light suddenly bloomed in Chen Xuan's eyes. However, it was too late at this time. The thick tree roots entrenched on the ground seemed to have life. They kept shaking and quickly rolled towards Chen Xuan. come over.

"not good!"

Chen Xuan's figure suddenly intertwined among the trees and vines.

Whoosh whoosh————

Countless vines passed by him, and some directly touched his body, but they were forcibly broken by Chen Xuan.


But when Chen Xuan shattered the vine roots, countless more vine roots would rush over from that distance.

It seems to be alive.


One of Chen Xuan's feet was trapped.

Suddenly, the whole person was pulled down by a huge force.


Chen Xuan hit the ground heavily. At this time, Chen Xuan finally understood why there was no vitality on the ground, because all life was dragged down to the ground by the branches.

Slowly became the nourishment for these man-eating tree demons.

"I didn't expect it to be a tree demon that became a spirit through cultivation!"

Chen Xuan secretly thought in his heart and sneered at the same time. This tree demon must have been quite unlucky to meet him in such a situation, so he couldn't blame himself.

There were tree roots and vines everywhere. Chen Xuan seemed to be trapped, and he couldn't move his body. Even breathing became extremely difficult. The tree roots were still shrinking, seeming to strangle Chen Xuan's body. Generally broken.

If ordinary people fall into such an environment, they will only end up dead.

However, Chen Xuan would not just surrender.

There was a fiery red stone in his hand.

"Flint Killing Stone!"

The Fire Killing Stone, which evolved from the second-level gemstone volcanic stone, burst out its own power for the first time at this time.


It was as if a ray of light burst out from beneath the deep darkness, and the Firestone in his hand was like a burning sun.

The entire underground world suddenly burned crazily.

When those tree roots and vines came into contact with the flames, they all fled crazily.

The entire coniferous forest seemed to be boiling, and at the same time, a sharp and incomparable shout came from the forest, gradually becoming more and more loud, as if the sound was like scratching on the glass with nails, and the sound was astonishing. people! ,

Tree demon.

It is a special kind of mysterious beast. Because the mysterious beast itself is an animal, it is called a mysterious beast. When the tree knows how to cultivate, the species formed is called a demon.

When this tree becomes refined through cultivation, it is called a tree demon!

Chen Xuan didn't know how long the tree demon in front of him had been practicing, but if he wanted to refine himself just now, he had to be prepared to be refined by himself.


A pillar of fire suddenly bloomed on the ground, spreading extremely quickly towards the surroundings.


The trees began to be burned continuously, but these trees were unable to move and could only keep shaking their branches. Although they could not speak, they could feel the latter's painful emotions.

Chen Xuan's figure walked out of the flames and looked up at those who kept using vine branches to extinguish the flames. However, once they were contaminated, there were more and more flames.

The flames spread everywhere.

In an instant, a terrifying sea of ​​fire formed.

Chen Xuan stood on the spot, a ray of light burst out from his eyes, and he kept scanning around with his mental energy. Finally, he found a place where energy gathered, and walked directly towards the thickest tree trunk in the forest. .


As if feeling Chen Xuan's approach, there seemed to be a tree hole on the tree trunk that was constantly shrinking, erupting with a strong suction force, trying to absorb Chen Xuan inside, but Chen Xuan smiled coldly.

"Death is imminent, and you are still seeking death!"

A trace of flame suddenly jumped out of Chen Xuan's hand.

The power of the Firestone poured into the trunk of the tree as the arm crazily flowed into it.

boom! !

The whole tree was burning like crazy, and the leaves were falling off constantly.

What trees fear most is, of course, fire.

The third-level fire-killing stone is enough to kill any emperor-level expert, so what if this tree demon is equivalent to an emperor-level expert. Now that Chen Xuan is targeting him, there is only one way to die.

The flame burned for half an hour. When the last ray of flame fell, Chen Xuan saw a green crystal as big as a baby's fist, falling on Lin and dispersing the surrounding ashes. The green crystal was picked up.

Looking at it carefully, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The essence of ten thousand years of life, I really have to thank you."

Chen Xuan's eyes shone with light, the essence of ten thousand years of life, and the energy contained in it was equivalent to the profound power of a mysterious practitioner who had cultivated it for ten thousand years.

And this essence will also give you a characteristic, which is regeneration!

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