Han Ya's body suddenly stiffened.

Because the sharp blade on the neck told Han Ya that these people were real killers, and the iron-blooded aura was not deliberately disguised, but honed.

If there is any slight movement, the body and head will definitely be in different places.

"Who are you?" Han Ya didn't remember that she had offended such a force and wanted to kill her?

In this wilderness, even if they are killed, grandpa and dad may not be able to find them, and he is already dead at that time, so what is the use of killing all these people?

Thinking of this, Han Ya couldn't help but become afraid, and blamed Chen Xuan even more. If she hadn't informed this guy, how could she have fallen into the hands of these people.

No one answered Han Ya, but a woman led people out.

There was a very eye-catching red sword in her hand. Although Han Ya could not recognize what kind of sword it was, she also knew that this sword was a real killing weapon and had killed more than a thousand people.

And this woman seems to be the real leader.

"Are you from Medicine City?"

The red skull said calmly, but the momentum was unquestionable and did not even allow any deception. Han Ya nodded subconsciously.

Even in the end, Han Ya didn't know why she nodded so quickly.

The Red Skull is a powerful general in the army, and he also has unique methods in extracting confessions, so when this momentum was released slightly, Han Ya revealed everything.

"Then you have met this person."

The red skull took out a portrait in his hand, and it was Chen Xuan who was painted on it.

When she saw the portrait, Han Ya knew something was wrong. These fierce people were all coming for Chen Xuan, and her poor acting skills seemed to have no effect at all in front of these people.

"where is he."

Red Skull has determined that Han Ya knows Chen Xuan. Regardless of whether the relationship is close or not, as long as he has certain clues, he can easily find Chen Xuan.

"I...I don't know..."

Han Ya was a little panicked and seemed to be extremely scared.

"You guys, you can't kill me. I am a disciple of the Han family in Medicine City, and my grandfather is Han Jiuzhou!"

Han Ya shouted and wanted to shout loudly, but the next moment her mouth was covered by an iron hand.

"Are you looking for death?"

A cold murderous intent flashed in the red skull's eyes.

On the battlefield, human life is the most insignificant thing. It can only be harvested constantly. Even if it is possible, the red skull has killed more people than you know.

It is quite difficult to condense this fierce and bloody aura, not to mention that Han Ya is just a young girl who has no experience in the world, if she can withstand such a strong aura.

In an instant, his face began to turn pale and he felt quite uncomfortable.

"Have you ever asked me if you touch my students?"

A voice sounded, and the well-trained man in black immediately protected the red skull in the middle. He looked around vigilantly, and finally found a figure slowly appearing in the fog ahead.

"Chen Xuan!"

Han Ya shouted in surprise. She originally planned to save Chen Xuan, but she didn't expect that it was Chen Xuan's turn to save her now.

"Hey, it's you. Sorry, I got the wrong person."

Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave, but Han Ya suddenly had black streaks all over her head and wanted to be evil. This Chen Xuan was the real originator of evil.

However, Chen Xuan wanted to leave, but Red Skull and others did not want to simply let Chen Xuan leave.

"catch him!"

"Give the signal!"

Suddenly, with a roar, a rocket shot up into the sky. It could be heard clearly even within a ten-mile radius. Soon, countless figures in the jungle were moving quickly, chasing after the red skull crazily. .

Chen Xuan was surrounded by a group of people, and the ice blade in his hand was emitting a cold light.

"Haha, do you really want to fight me?"

Although Chen Xuan didn't know who the person in front of him was, he had too many enemies, and he had no interest in knowing what force they belonged to.

"I happened to have acquired a new pet, why don't you let him play with you?"

Just when those men in black robes were not paying attention, Chen Xuan reached out and made a move, and suddenly a red black tiger tore through the space.

Once this mysterious beast of the divine beast level recognizes its owner, it can open up a pet space. In this pet space, the mysterious beast can practice inside and receive more powerful spiritual energy to infuse itself.

"Antarctic True Flame Tiger!"

Han Ya took a breath of air. This red mysterious tiger was none other than the Beast King who rushed to the front and led hundreds of beasts on a crusade. A mysterious beast that had been extinct for more than 500 years. The breed, and judging from the size, it can't be another one, it's definitely the same one.

In just a short time, Chen Xuan had already recovered the Antarctic True Flame Tiger.

Or maybe this was Chen Xuan's pet?

If this is the case, then Chen Xuan is too terrible.

Compared to Han Ya's doubts and questions, those men in black robes suffered. The moment the Antarctic True Flame Tiger appeared, they were completely frightened.

Although they are the only ones in the army who can travel thousands of miles a day to carry out rapid pursuit and killing missions, their enemies are always humans. Slightly weaker mysterious beasts can also organize strong and effective counterattacks, but in front of them When facing this powerful beast king level mysterious beast, he is truly helpless.

The Antarctic True Flame Tiger did not give these people a chance to be too surprised. He directly slapped the tiger's claws and tore apart the people in front.

Prick, prick, prick————

Blood flowed from the internal organs, and even some people were not completely dead after being split in half, but were still struggling in pain. Such a visually shocking scene immediately made Han Ya feel sick to her stomach.

Upon seeing this, the red skull immediately realized how difficult Chen Xuan was. He pulled out the sword in his hand and was about to take Han Ya hostage personally, but found that Chen Xuan had already come to his side.

"You are really brave."

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, his tone was quite cold.

Why do these people like to cause trouble? If you want to cause trouble, just ask me. If you have to rely on your strength to take hostages everywhere, Chen Xuan will not let such a thing happen.


The red skull knew that he couldn't hide, so he had to fight head-on. If he could win, there might be a glimmer of hope.

At that moment, the long sword that killed countless people was stabbing Chen Xuan. Although it was just a simple sword, it contained considerable lethality. It went straight, and the blood evil energy on the sword also had a violent impact. .

But let’s talk about killing people.

The person who killed was Chen Xuanduo.

What a joke.

Will you kill someone in front of a violent god of death?

It's even more ridiculous than using a machete in front of Guan Gong.


Chen Xuan didn't even take action. He just swept his mental power and turned it into a sharp arrow. The red skull seemed to be slightly sensitive and immediately retreated. The sword in his hand was thrown out, but Chen Xuan's mental power was even stronger. Quickly, it hit the red skull in an instant.


A ray of light burst out from the latter's body, blocking Chen Xuan's invisible attack.


A yellow talisman floats in the air, but the light has completely dimmed, and it will automatically dissipate without even needing to take action again.

"So strong!"

The red skull secretly thought in his heart, that was the amulet he had worked so hard to obtain. It would only be triggered when he faced a life-or-death blow. If it weren't for the effect of this spell, he would have been a corpse. .

"Then I want to see how many spells you have left!"

Chen Xuan sneered, and the next moment, wind and sand were everywhere!

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